Shopping Day.

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It was a peaceful morning in the city, the birds were chiming loudly, causing Susan to open wide the windows of her apartment and then sat back on the bed where she spent already two hours, just scrolling down Twitter's feed while Jessica was cleaning up the kitchen.

Susan looked out of the window for a moment, admiring how beautiful it was this time of the year, the streets were jammed and although she hated the sound of people fighting or the sounds of horns she kept the windows open. Still, these sounds were better than hearing Jessica cursing every time she couldn't find something she needed.

"Fuck!" Jessica shouted from the distance, making Susan to glance up from her phone and stare at the closed door for a couple of seconds thinking if it was a good idea to talk or not until she heard her lover approaching the bedroom while mumbling.

"Susan!" Jessica shouted before entering the room, finding the older woman looking at her, "What are you doing?" she asked and stopped.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Susan asked and closed her phone, removing her glasses she added, "What are YOU doing?"

"What time do you have to be at the theater?"

"At six, why?" Susan asked confused

"Good... Get up, we're going shopping"

"What? But we don't need anything"

"Susan, you've got ten plates and not even one good set of dinnerware!"

"That's because I don't need it..."

"Jesus, what if you have guests here? Where are they're gonna eat? Upon their napkins?"

"My only guests are our kids for God's sake! I didn't know I had to take out the china for a slice of pizza!"

"I'm not talking about the kids, did you see how Holland's home was? Look at this..." Jessica said and pointed at the plastic cup on the nightstand, "You're drinking coffee in a plastic cup for God's sake!"

"Could you leave my cups and my kitchen in general alone? What's the matter with you?"

"Come on..." Jessica said and went to the closet, taking out Susan's clothes and throwing them on the bed, "Get ready... we're gonna go out, maybe grab something to eat and then you'll go to work"

"But I don't want to do that" Susan wined

"You've got to stop living like a hippy! Get ready, I'll be outside"

"Ugh..." she groaned and fell on the bed.


"How about these?" Susan asked with an enthusiastic look on her face, but all she got back from her lover was giving her a look, "What?!" Susan shouted

"Let me get this straight, you're gonna invite people over at your house and you're gonna take out this?" Jessica said and took hold of the glass with a smiling cat drew on it.

"First of all who said I'm gonna invite someone over? And secondary, if you don't like my taste why did you want me to come? As it turns out you're the one deciding!"

"That's true and I say no to this..." Jessica replied and continued walking, she stopped and picked the wine glasses she liked, placing them into their cart. With that, Susan took a Mickey Mouse mug and put it inside, making her lover take it out and place it back on the shelf.

"I saw that!" Susan shouted and stopped her lover as she was moving.

"I didn't hide it"

Second Book: Sarange Rising.Where stories live. Discover now