The Party.

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Susan woke up the next morning, wrapped around with Tom's white bedsheets, the first thing she saw was her young boyfriend standing next to the window looking at her.

"Good morning" she whispered and smiled.

"I made coffee, you want me to bring you?" he asked and walked closer to her, leaning down he gave her a peck on her lips.

"No, thanks, I should probably head back home," she said, with a smile tattooed on her face.

"No, spend the day with me" he suggested and jumped on the bed, next to her, snuggling her tight. Susan chuckled, "I would love to"


"But I hate leaving the dogs alone for so long"

"You said Clayton is with them, right?"

"Right but still, he's not me" she replied. Trying to keep some distance, she moved a little further something that caught Tom's attention.

"No one is like you..." he said and smiled. Taking things slow was what he wanted to but since last night his feelings about her only got stronger. He leaned closer and kissed her, making her chuckle, "I should really get going" she said once she broke the kiss.

"Am I gonna see you today?"

"You can come over to my place" she suggested and stood up, holding the bedsheets to cover her naked body she started picking up her clothes from the floor.

"I've been meaning to ask you... what happened inside the bathroom the other day?" he asked and made himself more comfortable on the bed, resting his head on the wall behind him, he continued staring at his lover.

"When?" Susan asked without looking at him, pretending she couldn't remember

"Last night, you took your phone and walked inside. I heard you screaming"

"Oh, that was... nothing" she replied and wore her underwear back, letting the bedsheets back on the bed.

"You know, you can talk to me"

"Yeah, I know that but really it was nothing. Nothing you should worry about..."

"What about you? Is it something you should worry about?"

"Not anymore" she finally replied and wore her dress, she went in front of the mirror and started fixing her hair.

"Look, stop me if I'm wrong but we're trying to build something new here and I think that it's not gonna work if we're not honest with each other. If something's making you worried then I'm worried too cause I wanna help you"

"Alright..." she sighed and walked closer, she sat on the bed's edge and started stroking his lap, "Remember when I told you that I was in a long relationship that ended not so good?"

"I do..."

"Well, that person texted me last night. We ended up fighting again. I know I should've told you everything but the whole thing is too complicated. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize to me... I just want to know if you're with me as a reaction"

"What? No, of course not! I would never do that"

"The truth is I don't know what happened, and maybe it's better if you just forget it but I wanna help you, I don't know how but I do."

Susan looked at him and smiled, "I know, thank you..."

Tom reached for Susan's hands and held her, he brought them in front of his mouth and kissed them, "You're so beautiful..."


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