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"I can't fucking believe you!" Jessica yelled, banging the door behind when both women entered Susan's apartment.

"Good, because I can't fucking believe you either!"

"What the hell is wrong with you?! For Fuck's sake!"

"What is wrong with me?! Seriously?!"

"Ugh! I hate you so much when you're acting like that, I swear to God I wanna punch you!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I hurt you?"

"God, damn you, Susan, you don't know me at all!"

"Of course I don't! That's the point!"

"Jesus!" Jessica howled and reached for her bag, taking out her cigarettes, "I was such a fool to think that it was a good idea!" she said while lighting up her cigarette

"Oh, no... You wanna know who's the real fool in here, is me! I'm a fool for thinking that I could ever trust you when obviously I can't!"

"Trust is something that is lacking in this relationship, Susan!"

"Hey! You wanna say something, just say it!"

"How do you think I feel when you're going out with that guy Jesse?!"

"Jesus! Just because we went out a couple of times doesn't mean we're fucking!"

"I don't know that! and point is that you never talk to me about what you two are doing when you're out!"

"DON'T turn this on me!"

"What? Am I wrong?!" Jessica stopped for a moment and then: "You made a scene in front of Sarah and then you fucking left, leaving me behind?! You think that's right?! You think I deserve something like that"

"Well, what about me, Jess?! Do I deserve to be treated like that?! Why don't you just say it?!"

"Say what, Susan, what do you want me to say?!"

"That you still have feelings for her, that you can't stand the fact that she's with someone else!"

"You're such an asshole!"

"Believe me I can be the asshole, you know, I could easily just find some 20-year-old kid to fuck!"

"Then why don't you Susan, why don't you!"

"I will! Cause we are over"

Jessica took a minute just staring at her lover, bitting her bottom lip, she shook her head and, "Good... We are done"

"You are now free to run after her I don't give a damn"

"You fucking bitch!"

"Fuck you!" Susan replied and walked into her bedroom, banging loudly the door, Jessica sighed, she looked at the closed door when all of a sudden she took from the table in front of her Susan's glass, gathering all the strength needed she threw it with force on the closed door, causing the glass to shatter into million pieces while she let out a loud scream.


Susan was reading her script while walking up and down on Jessica's apartment, she stopped in front of Jessica's bedroom. The door was half closed but yet she could see her lover sitting in front of the large mirror, getting ready. Susan smiled and slowly took off her glasses.

"Honey, would you come here for a sec?" Jessica said, knowing very well that Susan was standing outside her door and with that Susan stepped inside, leaving the script on the bed, she approached her lover.

Second Book: Sarange Rising.Where stories live. Discover now