Jessica's Birthday.

871 21 14

"Now where the hell have you been?"

"Jesus, you scared the shit out of me!" Susan shouted while entering her apartment.

"I told you I wasn't gonna stay long and you promised we'll meet an hour ago"

"Shit..." Susan sighed, lowering her head, "Is it nine?"

"Half past nine actually, Jesus..." Jessica replied and took a drag from her cigarette, blowing the smoke to the side she stared at her lover who was now resting on the wall across her.

"Fuck, I'm sorry, baby..."

Jessica chuckled while shaking her head, silence filled the house for several minutes until the younger woman broke it, "Look at us... we turned into a married couple all of a sudden..." she lifted her finger pointing at Susan, "You're working, bringing food into this house while I am..." she chuckled, "Raising our kids..." she finally added and pointed at the dogs.

Susan laughed, she let her bags fall on the ground and while approaching her lover she talked, "Is that so mommy?" Susan asked and bend down, she gave Jessica a peck on her lips, "That's because you make a hell of a wife"

"Seriously now, where were you? I thought you said you had rehearsals till seven"

"I did, we were done till seven" Susan replied as she took a seat next to Jessica, stroking her thigh

"And what the hell happened? You forgot your way back?"

"I made a stop, alright?"


"I'm not gonna tell you..."

"Are you cheating on me?" Jessica laughed

"You caught me" Susan replied laughing as well

"Hmm? Who is it?"

"It's this guy I met in the theater, he's like the director's assistant or something like that"

"And how old is he?"

"I'd say 30?"

"You're asking me?"

"No, he's 30 for sure... but you know... we didn't have much time to talk, we've been doing other things instead"

"Okay, you're freaking me out now, tell me you're joking" Jessica whispered and stared at her lover hanging from her lips

"Look, I've wanted to talk to you in a long time" Susan suddenly got serious, trying to mess Jessica up a little, "But you know... I never got the chance to... So..." she stopped and looked at the younger woman who's smile disappear, trying to process what she was hearing. Susan stopped and laughed, "Jesus, you don't know me at all?!"

"You bitch!" Jessica shouted and hit her shoulder. Eventually, Susan pulled her into a kiss, feeling her tongue with hers until she broke it and laughed, "But I did make a stop... Look what I bought" Susan said and raised her fingers, showing off her rings

"So you were supposed to meet me an hour ago but instead you stopped to buy fucking rings?" Jessica chuckled, looking right into Susan's eyes

"Come on... look at my fingers"

"I don't wanna look your fingers"

With that, Susan leaned closer to her lover and started placing kisses along Jessica's jawline, "You don't wanna look at my fingers?" she smirked, her hand was now traveling on her body, landing above her center

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