Chapter 2

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I woke up to Skye neighing.

"What is it?" I asked, yawning.

"Neigh, Neigh NEigh, NEIGH!" she whinnied.

"What? Do you want more food?" I grabbed the marshmallow puffs. She wouldn't eat them. She kept pointing with her muzzle towards the entrance to our den. She stomped her hoof.

"You want to go outside?" I asked puzzled. "Ok then."

I got out of bed and put my bag on.

"Mom?" I called.

"Yes?" I heard her mumble from her room.

"I'm going outside with Skye."

"Ok honey."

I put Skye in my bag for it was a little chilly outside. When we got out there, she leaped out of my bag and flew away.
"Skye, no!" I yelled.

But I realized that she was trying to get me to follow her.

"Wait up!" I called sprinting.

She led me into the forest. She came to an abrupt stop. She put her hoof on my snout and whispered "shhh...." I nodded. That's when I heard voices. I pulled out something from my pocket.

"You're not going anywhere." I recognized this to be RockFur.

He was probably picking on a young Wolf Dragon. But then I heard;

"Stop this! This is against the rules!" Quinn! He was in trouble.

"You didn't win you know! That was unfair! You told her to fake it out!" Rockfur growled.

"What are you talking about?" Quinn whimpered.

"Ugh. Nevermind, Nova should have never won okay. I jinxed myself. I know you wrecked it."

"What? I didn't do anything!" Quinn protested.

RockFur was jinxed to be strong? No wonder he looked furious. I nodded Skye a thank you as she entered my bag once more. I crept up behind Rockfur.

"So what will Alpha say about this?" I asked.

RockFur turned around surprised. "I uhh.." he stuttered.

"I have this all on recording." I said. And literally I did. With my secret rock I enchanted a year ago.

"You were eavesdropping?" He snarled.

"No, I was taking a walk." I said.

"Alpha will be mad at Quinn for this." RockFur growled.

"No he won't, Mist is Cunning's daughter. Mist probably told him." I pointed out. "As for him enchanting me to be strong, that didn't happen. The Boldstone is enchanted to repel jinxes on ceremony days. Unless you used Dark magic?" I said.

He cursed under his breath and shot a spell at Quinn and I. I braced myself for impact but, it never came. When I opened my eyes, there was a blue forcefield around us.

"The earrings!" Quinn and I both exclaimed.

"You little...." RockFur looked around as if someone would help him.

"No one else is out here." I said snorting.

"I'll show my father, he will get you!" He yelled, than ran out of the forest

"We should show Cunning this." I said, pointing at the stone with the recording on it. "But in the meantime, you should go to the healer's den." I said, eyeing his bruises.Suddenly, there was a snap in the bushes behind us.

"You go to the healer. I'll check this out." I whispered.

As I crept silently over to the clearing where the noise came from, I was pushed over by someone. I could tell they were trying to protect themself.

"Okay okay, let me up." I said. But the trespasser ran away. I got to them first. I pulled of the coak surrounding them. It was a wolf, no... yes a wolf. Oh I know! She was a Maned wolf. If you don't know what that is, they look almost like a cross between a hyena and a fox. Beautiful they are. She was a reddish orange with black from her feet to the beginning of her thighs. Black thick fur at the top of her neck. Black muzzle and white tail tip. Something was weird about her though. Suddenly it struck me. Her wings. They weren't Dragon ones. They where exactly like Skye's wings! A rich white colour and were shaped like bird wings.

"Who are you?" I asked. She seemed about the same age as me.

She hesitated, as if unsure to trust me. "I- I'm Red." she said.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Nova. Now, you probably get this alot but, what are you? Like I know you're a maned wolf but like...." I asked.

"I am a SwiftWing. And no, I actually don't get it alot because, This is the first time i've left my pack." She said, standing up.

Geez. Maned wolves sure are tall. Well, she is shorter than me but, her legs are long compared to her body.

"Why did you leave?" I asked carefully.

She paused. "I've come to get help." It was my turn to pause. "I can't stay with my pack. It's too dangerous. We need help. We aren't strong enough." She looked down to the dirt.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"How do I know I can trust you?"

" I have a mini pegasus?" I said, not knowing what else to say. I hit myself.

Her eyes instantly change from grave to begging. "Can I see? Please!"

I picked Skye up and put her in Red's paws. She pet her for a solid five minutes.

I cleared my throat.

"Oh sorry. She's just so cute!" Red exclaimed.

"So will you let me help you?" I asked.

"I don't know what my mom would say." She whispered.

"But wouldn't she be glad you found someone to help?"

"Yes but.... I have to stay away from strangers." She confessed.

"I'm basically the same age as you!"

She eyed me. "How old are you?"

"Two years old."

There was a pause. "I'm 1 and 10 months." she said quietly.

"That's ok." I assured her.

"Really? Because i'm the youngest pup in our pack!" she said doubtfully.

"There were no pups born this spring?" I asked, surprised.

"That's part of the problem." she said mournfully.

"Tell me what the problem is." I said gently. "That's the only way you'll ever get help."

She took a deep breath, looked into my eyes and said;

"We are all in danger. The Dragons are declaring war."

Dawn of the Wolf Dragons: Book one; A Dark Beginning (unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now