Chapter 19

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We woke hazily and barely said a word. The events of last night had drained our enthusiasm right out of us. We were now overcome with intense concern, fear and determination. We were to meet up to discuss the distribution of the posters and so Lumist and I could have a one on one Spell lesson. Today he would be teaching me battle moves and element spells. I was rather excited for this lesson. It's a common stereotype that Dragons can just 'Breathe Fire' Which- They can, but It takes a lot of practice and it is impossible until a certain age. Wolf Dragons can too. But it comes earlier for us because of the way wolves age. But it still is more difficult for us. I hope today I can learn to do it. I requires special tubes in your throat and our body needs to send certain nutrients to that spot. But if you are Dragon, you can- maybe!  

I padded down to the spell room to meet Lumist. It was early and the others left to go eat. "Hello!" I said.

"I appreciate your enthusiasm. The others are not really excited." He said.

"i'm just very excited for this lesson" I admitted.

"I'm glad to hear it. Well then, I suppose we should get started. I am going to be focusing on the elements of; Fire, Water -you've already learned some wind but we'll work on that too. And we will try some dark magic such as;  Shadow and Aether." He said.

"Dark Magic?!" I exclaimed. "isn't that bad!" 

He nodded. "But You can handle it and- It's good to use the Dragons own weapon against them."

"What's Aether?" I asked.

"The Aether, also known as Ether or Void, Is the material occupying the space in the universe. " 

I frowned. How was I supposed to do something like that?

He must have noticed my concern. "Don't worry. We will start simple. Fire. You are able to breath it, so it should be easy enough." He lifted a paw. Flames sprang up from it and danced along with the torchlight.

I raised my eyebrows, impressed. It looked so easy! I Opened my mouth and went; "Garahfhhhgh"

He laughed. "That's not really how it works. In your throat, Imagine the fire sweeping out."

I did as told. Nothing happened. But then I had an idea. I transformed into Dragon form and tried again. Sparks came out as I coughed. aha! I tried once more. Now, a flame came out and caught fire to the piece of paper on the ground. Lumist sprang up and swiped his tail. water appeared out of nowhere and put the fire out.

"Well done" He said. "I think you understand fire now. Water, is just as easy. Feel the moisture in the air. Then, push it together."

I Closed my eyes. Then I pounced and swept my tail. Of course, nothing happened.

"Try in wolf form." Lumist said.

I obeyed and tried again. I thought I felt some mist, but I wasn't sure. Suddenly a fire leaped out of the ground. Lumist fell into it and yelped. I flicked my tail as hard as I could. Water surged down towards the fire and ended it. 

Lumist got up. "Tricked ya."

I stood with my mouth open. 

"That was just an illusion. I made the fire seem like it was there."

I still stood dumbfounded.

"Good. Now, I want to go through this quickly because as you know, you are leaving soon so, let's move on. Wind. Create a gust of wind and blow this bookshelf over."

"What?" I said.

"I can put it back up. I just need to know that you are capable of it."

I pushed a gust of wind at the bookshelf. It was not strong enough to do it.

"Well, I guess you are incapable." Lumist muttered.

I shook with frustration. I would show him! I pushed my paws towards the ground.The bookshelf lifted of the ground and blew backwards as far as it could, smashing into the next bookshelf and then into the wall.

Lumist twirled a claw and everything went back to normal. "Ok. We will do teleportation before Dark Magic because, if anything gets bad in here, I want you to teleport away."

I nodded.

"I will push you through some scenarios that I want you to follow." He instructed. "Oh no!Your friend are In that fire! Help them!" 

I turned. Quinn, Red, Cymry, Kiko, Skye , Saber and Simba were stuck in a fire and flames leaped all around them. Red fell and I could no longer see her. Then I heard crying. Kiko!

"Teleport and save them!" Lumist said." There is a gap in the middle of the flames! go!"

I spun and went dizzy. I was inside the fire. I was close to touching the flames. Quinn and Skye were the only ones left. I grabbed them and teleported away.  I realized they hadn't come with me! I turned and- The fire scene faltered for a second then, disappeared.

I turned in horror. "I completely forgot that was fake!" 

"I made the simulation really real and appealing." Lumist said. 

Suddenly, A great big dragon appeared behind the bookshelf. 

"Teleport to safety!" Lumist yowled.

I teleported into the buffet room and began to run. But I forgot again that it wasn't real and slapped my paw on my face. My friends looked at me in surprise. 

"how'd you get here?" Quinn asked, mouth full of meat.

I felt my face get hot. "Sorry! gotta go!" There was another fizz of spinnyness and I was back in the room.

"you did it" Lumist exclaimed. "I wondered if you'd come back on foot, or in the air!"

I gasped. "I did  do it!" I spun and fizz , I was on top of the bookshelf. I roared with laughter. I could do it!

"Don't get too over excited!" Lumist called out.

I nodded sheepishly and leaped down.

"Want to try some shadow magic now?" He asked. "Good. So, shadow is very dark. Now, do you know of any dark curses?" 

"drandum surfulis darko" I said out loud. Dark shadow mass sweeped the room, knocking lumist off his feet. My earrings wiggled and sent a beam of light away. The shadow was overcome by light and It dissipated. "What! I cried. I didn't mean to do that! Honest!" I cried.

He nodded and got back up slowly. "I could see that. Where'd you learn that?"

"The bully at our village tried that at us. The earrings protected me that time as well. Also I said that spell underwater on the way here and the earrings reacted and showed us the way."

He nodded. "But The spell would have had to have worked in order for the earrings to go off."

"It does?" I asked.

He nodded.   "That was good though. doing without thought. Just don't let it control you. If you can try some other spells, that would be great. We will do the void tonight instead.

We worked for two more hours, on several shadow spells. but I still couldn't shake off the fact that all of the shadow and Dark magic spells just came to me.

Dawn of the Wolf Dragons: Book one; A Dark Beginning (unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now