Chapter 18

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"What prophecy?" I asked uneasily.

"Go get your friends now!" He exclaimed and raced over and grabbed a book.

I stood frozen in place. I don't understand, what prophecy?  

But Lumist blew me out of the cave before I could object. I flew down the tunnels and found my friends sitting where they were before. "Lumist needs you, all of you!" I said, gasping for breath.

"Why-" Red started, but I cut her off.

"Some prophecy. I don't know. Come on!" I ushered them down the passage.

We entered the cave with a sense of confusion. It was so absolutely sudden that, I can't think of what he's up to. 

"Here... yes- no " he muttered.

Red frowned and I shrugged. 

"AHA!" He cried and then began to recite:

"The Dragons are coming to fight. 
They will kill all the wolves in sight.

The Wolves mean no harm,  
They aren't even armed.
But it's the dragons who made the bite.

May five heros of strength and right,
Come together to end the fight.

When The Dragons prevail,
Everyone left will be of scale.
Unless they come to fail.

So unleash your fangs, claws and light,
At the time of the blood moonlight.
Where the heroes will come that night,
And bring end to the goring fight."

We all stood dumbfounded, mouths hanging open.

"Are you serious?" Saber said. But she too, looked as awestruck as us.

"your mother, Nova, Made this!" Lumist exclaimed. "She met me once when I was visiting the village of LunaStar. I became fond of her and taught her some tricks. She was young though. Then, She moved away with your father and I never saw her, really. That's when she told me about you. But When she was young, she would sing songs. It was only moons later when I realised what she was singing about. When I asked her what it was, She told me that she just had it in her dream or something!"

"My mother made that up!?" I exclaimed.

"I think, that the prophecy speaks of you. Nova, Quinn Red Cymry and- Kiko!" He said.

"But what about us!" Simba exclaimed.

"No, It makes sense." Saber said. Skye whinnied in agreement. "They all met before we came along. It was purely destiny. Besides, they are all around the same age."

"Wow, mom. I didn't know you would ever believe a thing in a book." Cymry snorted.

"So You don't believe it?" She retorted.

"No I just-" She stopped.

I laughed. But then I remembered what we were talking about. 

"We should try and decode the prophecy." Quinn suggested.

"What was it again?" I asked.

Lumist handed me the book and I read it. "I think we know what the first stanza means." I said. "The dragons are going to kill off all the wolves so that there are no more wolf dragons being created. I also think they will kill the wolf dragons."

"The second part probably means that the wolves were just innocently following their hearts but then, now the Dragons have made a big deal and the the "bite" Would mean declaring war and sending patrols and whatever." Quinn pointed out.

"That makes me realise, the dragons haven't sended soldiers or their army yet. I think they are preparing or- looking for Kiko." I said.

"I'm so special!" Kiko sang, dancing around the room. She had no idea really what the whole situation was about. But for someone as young as her, I wouldn't tell her.

""May five heroes of strength and right come together to end the fight," means you." Lumist put in.

"The fourth part means that only dragons will be left." Red added. "-Unless they fail."

"But what about the "Blood Moonlight."" Cymry said. "I have no idea what that could mean."

We murmured an agreement.

"NEIGH!" Skye whinnied excitedly. She pointed to the prophecy, grabbed paper and a quill, and pretended to write stuff down, and then pinned it up on the wall.

"You want us to put it up on the wall?" Red asked quizzically.

She shook her head and repeated the process until there were sheets in different locations.

"Oh I get it!" Quinn exclaimed. "You want us to write the prophecy and put it everywhere for people to see? So then when the Blood Moonlight comes,-

-Everyone can be there to help!" Quinn and I cried.

Skye neighed with delight.

"So then, that's a deal?" I asked everyone. There was a nod of approval. "Well then, I suppose we should get to work."

We spent the next hour writing the prophecy down on paper. By the end of the day, We had made 1000 copies. We each did one hundred and eleven (Except Lumist, he did one hundred and twelve.) We decided to stop there because our claws and talons were aching. Lumist had done his quickly with a spell but It would take awhile to learn it so I didn't bother asking him.

"I am done." Quinn said, placing the dot on his last sheet. "I will go into an eternal sleep now , please.

"Oh Quinn!" I giggled. "I think I'll join you!" 

We went into the room to go to bed. But Quinn didn't seem right. "What's up?" I asked.

"Do you ever think of what our life at home was like? Ever dream of going back as if this never happened?"

"Yes" I answered, and I sat down beside him. 

"I miss joking around about jobs and the market and, Art." He said, ears drooping down.

"I miss those things too." I replied. "But we are still here, friends."

"But now things have to be serious! We are part of this- Prophecy! We are what the whole population of wolves are depending on!" He cried. "What do our parents think! They must be worried or think we are dead!"

"Quinn, not everything has to be serious.", I said, holding his paws, "We can joke around if we want to. Our Mothers would be proud. I think they know  we are ok!" I said.

"But what about School, what about the village, what about everything! It's all about to be destroyed!"

"I know." I said pressing my muzzle to his fur. "But we can build it back up again. But they can't destroy us. they may knock us down but we will always, always, get back up."

"I hope so." Quinn whispered.

And we fell asleep like that, tails twined, claws together.

Dawn of the Wolf Dragons: Book one; A Dark Beginning (unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now