Chapter 17

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I stared in disbelief. "You mean I figured these out randomly, without the guidance of the old people?"

He nodded. "I don't understand either. there's no way they could have just popped into your head!"

"But i've always had them there." I said.

He shook his head. "More the reason to train you. We'll begin, shall we? We will start simple, ok?" The wise old fox got to his feet and gingerly picked up a quill that was lying on his desk. "Now, I want you to make this float. The floatation jinx." He told me, placing it in front of me. "The magic words are Surge sursus"

"But what shall I do? I can't just say the words and have the feather magically float!" I protested.

He winked. "You do what you must."

I looked at him a second longer then focused my attention to the quill. "Surge sursus" I said. The Quill didn't move an inch. "SURGE SURSUS!" I yelled. It flicked a millimeter. "Come on!" I moaned.

"Less complaining, more enchanting!" He snapped.

I looked at the feather. It was that of a vulture. It reminded me of Red's feathers, smooth and long. That's it! I focused and imagined the feather as one of Red's wings. I whispered the jinx. The feather rose, slowly at first and then achieved a quicker speed. Then I said, "Prohibere!" Immediately it fell delicately to the ground.

"How did you know that word?!" Lumist asked. 

I frowned, then shrugged. "I just felt the urge to... to say it." I paused. "It was like I knew it meant stop."

Lumist nodded but still looked perturbed. But he told me to carry on with the lesson.

By the end of the lesson, I could lift many objects that were much heavier than a feather (including Lumist), and I could blow lighter objects away.
 I padded along the tunnel to go meet my friends for breakfast. Saber was scoffing down a goat faster than you could say "Slow Down!". Cymry was eating some sort of gazelle while Quinn and Red were sharing a deer's leg. Seeing them side by side hurt me. But if that's what they want then they can have it. I sat down in a vacant corner and chewed on a bone. I wasn't really hungry. 

Kiko came over. "you Have to try this thing!" She cried, holding out a pineapple.

I reluctantly took it and gulped a bite down. Surprisingly, it was very good. I had never tried it before. I ate the whole thing quickly. I spied Quinn padding over to me. I flinched. I knew what he was going to say.

"Where were you?"

Knew it. I decided to tell him the truth. "Lumist was giving me lessons on magic."

"Cool!" He exclaimed, not looking hurt at all. "Did he teach you to teleport?"

I shook my head. "Not yet. Another lesson he will show me."

"Can you show me what you can do?" He asked.

I shrugged and grabbed the bone I had been chewing on. I muttered the words and watched it fly to the ceiling, and fall again when I commanded it to stop. I blew the remains of meat away into a pile in the corner of the cavern with the other spell I had learned. 

Quinn eyed me with envy. "that's so cool. I wish I could do that."

"I even lifted Lumist up!" I told him.

He started laughing. "Now, I'd like to see that!"

Red and Cymry raced over. "Wow! How'd you do that?"

I explained quickly the morning's events. "I am very excited to see what I can learn next!" 

"Will you teach me the spell to make things float?" Quinn asked tentatively. "I'm not very good on my own at spells - at least, the two I know."

I nodded and gave him the instructions. He tried but nothing happened. We tried for about ten minutes until he could lift a small pebble and control it by his will. I was watched by everyone except Lumist, who hung back probably not wanting to embarass me. I felt very big during this moment. But Lumist called me over, wanting to teach me another spell.

Once again I found myself in the small study cave. "What do you want to show me?" 

"Invisibility. That's how I hid from you when you entered."

My mouth hung open. "how's that even possible?" I asked.

"It's simple, really" He answered. He dove and then, was gone. "Slinking into the shadows, becoming part of the world around you." He said from behind me. "these all will help you turn "Invisible" or, translucent"

I nodded and gulped.

"This spell is so utterly based on concentration that, it doesn't need magic words." He said.

"Revelio..." I muttered. I think that means reveal. I don't know. "Revelio!" I said loudly, pushing my claws outwards. A beam of light filled the room and  bounced back of the shape of Lumist. When the light cleared, he was standing there. 

He gasped. "How did you know-" He stopped. "Of course.- Bravo!"

I smiled. I did something that I will benefit from to stop the war! "Wow!" I paused. "wait. Why did you want to teach me this now?"

"Because I have talked to the others. They agree it would be best to leave next week."

Next week? "But.... How will you teach me everything by then?" I exclaimed.

He just smiled. "I suppose we should begin this spell now then." 

I nodded and copied his movements. Dive then... Urgh! not this time. Dive and- Wow! "I can't see myself!" I cried in delight. But then, I reappeared. 

"Concentration is the key!" He chanted from the ceiling. 

"Hey!" I said. How did he get up there?

I tried again and this time, I was successful. I sent revelio  at the ceiling and He reappeared. Then, I Made his float across the room into the hallway. I reappeared and laughed with delight.

"Amazing! You need to move up to the next level!" 

"Thanks!" I said.

"Who were your parents?" He asked. "Your technique may come from one of them."

"StarGiver and BlackTail" I answered. 

"StarGiver!" He exclaimed. "She was a very good spellmaster. She could do many things. I met her once. She is a nurse, correct." 

I nodded. 

"I remember she was going to have a child. You, of course. She told me that.... She told me..."

There was a pause. Then, He exclaimed, "The PROPHECY!"

Dawn of the Wolf Dragons: Book one; A Dark Beginning (unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now