Chapter 25

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I spun around in horror. 

The Dragon King stood before me. 

"What are you doing here?" He growled.

"I was staying with the maned wolves." I stuttered.

"how'd you get here?" He roared.

"Satin doesn't feed us. She expects us to starve. They never have food. Except for Satin." If the he really made an alliance with them,he needs to think they aren't doing well so that we can escape.

But he will kill me.

Why would a pup matter to him? He will kill me so I don't spread lies.

I have to warn my friends.

But instead he raced down to the side of the mountain where there was a great big boulder. He moved it effortlessly. I crouched down into invisibility.

He looked my way. When he saw I wasn't present, he dove into the tunnel and slammed the boulder back again. I ran over and pushed at the boulder. I decided to teleport inside. 

But that was another very bad mistake.

I popped into thin air and, the room was filled with lava.


I franticly flapped my wings but I couldn't get a hold of the air. I fell into the lava. And felt no pain. Because, it's too hot right? I closed my eyes. And waited.

And waited.

Then, I stumbled into a great big blue haven of coolness contrasting the lava.

Am I dead yet?


I opened my eyes. I was in water.

I glanced behind me. the lava was held up by magic. I guess when you enter it, you fall out into the water. I guess it was built for the Dragon king.

But how did I survive?

But now was not the time to be pondering about it.

I spied the king just about thirty metres ahead. He thundered down a passage about twenty feet wide. His wings still touched the walls. I got up and raced after him, careful not to step on any unexpected twigs or rubble that could make a sound. The King turned a corner. I hesitantly peered around it. There were three tunnels. Which one shall I take? I had no idea which one to choose. They each looked identical.

What If I go plain- old fashioned? I thought.

I stuffed my nose into the dirt. I sniffed a deep breath.


My nose got clogged with dirt. I tried again. I pressed the tip of my snout into the ground.

A scent! I followed the trail, sniffer dog style. I turned a bend leading into a cavern illuminated with torchlight. The King stood, nose to nose with Satin. I couldn't tell for sure, but I think that the king was dead- angry with the alpha. I strained my ear to listen.

"Now, where are they?" the king asked.

"Right this way," Satin replied nodding behind her.    

I crept up, invisible. My head started spinning. Turning invisible this time had taken so much energy out of me. But I couldn't turn back now. I was so close to the answers I have been waiting for. Hopefully, I can learn who Vauxcrix was. (or is?) 

Satin led him over to a small tunnel. 

"I'm not sure if you'll be able to fit through here.." She said carefully.

"Obviously." He grunted. "Bring them out here."

Satin nodded and crawled into the tunnel. I didn't dare follow her. I could get trapped with her. She was in there for a moment, and I heard some strange sounds that sounded very... um- torturing.

She appeared again carrying a baby... (WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?) 

I nearly screamed in horror. It was a creature that bore the resemblance of a crow, Dragon, horse and maned wolf. It didn't look right. It's eyes were green and glowing. It had long wings that had no feathers in the middle. It had a mane and a super long tail with a very small flame on top.  It's face was narrow and looked almost like a Dragon's skull. It had large, sharp talons and Horns that looked like pure bone. Then, Satin brought out five more. They all looked very similar. But some had glowing red eyes that really freaked me out. I wondered what could have created these. And then again.... Wasn't something familiar about them? Oh my. The patches of fur that looked like a maned wolf was an exact replica of Satin's fur! Were these... Satin's PUPS?

I was so shocked I could hardly breathe. I felt the blood rush to my head. Not Now! I prayed silently. I needed to see more. But at the same time, I needed desperately to get out of there.

If I faint, I will die. I repeated this over and over in my head.

And I wished that my friends were here. At least Quinn. I'm alone in the dark now. 

But this made me think..... Who's The Father?

Dawn of the Wolf Dragons: Book one; A Dark Beginning (unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now