Chapter 6

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I screamed. So did Red and Quinn. We rushed over to the cave. I looked at the corpse. It was.... a rabbit.... What the heck!  I was so scared for nothing. We all sighed in relief.

"Did Kiko catch that?" I wondered aloud.

Skye greeted us happily, giving us a cheerful neigh.

"Good work" I grinned, patting her head.

"Hello!" Kiko smiled.

"Whoa!" Red exclaimed. she had grown at least a foot in the past three days. "if you keep growing at this rate, in a month you'll be bigger than all of us put together."

We laughed and settled in to brainstorm our next plan. It was quiet out and a soft breeze traveled along the mountain.

"I think, we should rest here tonight and tomorrow afternoon take action." I said.

"What action?" Quinn asked. "I am good staying here!"

Red Rolled her eyes.

"Oh ya." Quinn said. "I think I may have a theory."

"Go for it." Red said.

"So Kiko hatched from a dragons egg. We found her in the forest. The King of the Dragons is looking for an egg." He started. I knew what he was up to.

"But the egg he was looking for is a Wolf Dragon egg. So far, Kiko has shown no signs of Wolf in her." I pointed out.

"Yes but, her mother was a Dragon. It would make more sense since she is a girl for her to resemble a Dragon more so than a Wolf." He cleared his throat. "If I may continue; The King then declared war because of this "terrible" event."

"How are we supposed to stop the war!" I protested but Red cut me off.

"He's on to something. Sit still for one more minute" She said.

"I believe the only way is to reunite the Wolf Dragons and Dragons. If everyone was at peace then, the Dragons would have a choice between simply laying dragon eggs or having Wolf Dragon children."

"I don't like that idea." I said. "How would we even be able to convince him to back off!" I shook my head. "We must retaliate. W'ell show them that we're strong too! him and his kingdom will never ever underestimate the Wolf Dragons again!" I cried. "er.. And the SwiftWings!"

"That's not always the solution." Red said. "fighting your way out may seem heroic but-

"Its not logic" She and Quinn chanted in unison.

I gave them a look of disgust. "No one lets me have any fun around here." I grumbled.

Snap! There was a big sound in the forest outside of the cave. 

"What was that?" Quinn whispered, frightened.

"I don't know. Stay here." I whispered back, creeping towards the entrance

"I'm coming with you!" 

I tried to protest but Red put her paw over my snout. I transformed into Dragon form. As we creeped out of the cave, I noticed a green shape blending into the bushes. I pointed in that direction. Red nodded. I slowly crawled behind the dragon. Suddenly it jumped at Red. I roared. I breathed fire at. His wings. He shrieked in pain.  But then, a creature flipped mid air and pounced on the dragon and put something in his mouth. I stared in disbelief. Standing before me was a leopard. with wings. It was a CheetahHawk. thought to have been banned by the dragons of the entire Lunae Silvam. But yet, here right in front of me was one.

"Why it looks like you guys need some help. At least you do." she said frowning in Reds direction. "Because there's thousands of us. And we are not exactly the best of friends right now with the Dragons. What do you say?" she said, holding out her paw.

Dawn of the Wolf Dragons: Book one; A Dark Beginning (unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now