Chapter 12

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"Mother!" Cymry meowed. "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"You can't go with these creatures!" her mother hissed.

"They are my friends! And besides, if you don't come too, you could be captured again." Cymry growled.

"I can take care of myself!" She scoffed. "And I will not follow you to wherever you are going!"

I leapt down the tree. "Then I guess we'll consider you a prisoner. Make one wrong move and I'll slit your throat." I growled.

Cymry looked at me shocked but I winked and she calmed down.

"I appreciate your custody but i'll kill you first." She purred.

"We are trying to get the dragons to back off. I guess since you don't want to come.... No fight?" I said, inspecting my claws.

She hissed. "Fine, but no clingy Wolf Dragons demanding me for protection!" there was a faint grin on her face.

"We'll see about that!" I said.

"Now Cymry." her mother said. "How did you come to meet these- these friends?" She asked.

"I met them on the way to find winged creature to set you free." She said glancing at us.

"I see." Her mother purred. "and then, you betrayed them and sold them to the Admiral for me?" She smiled. "How kind- for your friends

"We still trust her!" I said. 

"ya!" Quinn said, speaking for the first time.

"where's Red?" I said, realizing she was missing.

"Up here!" She called from the trees.

"Try flying down! No- glide!" I called back.

"Can she not fly?" Hissed Cymry's mother.

"Listen mrs.- What should I call you?" I said.

"Saber. That is my name." She said.

"Her feathers were cut and she's not allowed in her tribe to fly until she's two. Which is, in three days." I answered.

"What if I fall?" Red called, nervously.

"Just do it!" Quinn said.

Red leaped and spread her wings. she was a bit clumsy coming down at first but then she realized how to catch the currents and then she got the hang of it- more or less.

"I- I'm d-doing it!" She said with pride, spiralling down.

I flew up and glided beside her the rest of the way down the tall jungle tree.

"I need lessons!" She cried with excitement. 

"If we go back to where Skye and Kiko are, then we can give you a solid hour of lessons." I said.

"Wait, Who are Skye and Kiko?" Saber hissed.

"Skye is a miniature pegasus and Kiko is a dragonet." I said glaring at her. "And we need to care for them!"

"And Kiko happens to be what caused this whole mess." Red said. "She was the daughter of the wolf and the dragon."

"The dragon that broke the law." She hissed.

"Yes. That is her mother. So please try not to kill her because, she is our best hope." Quinn said.

Saber snorted but said nothing.

There was yet again another rustling in the bushes. Simba popped out and glanced surprisingly at Cymry and Saber. He pointed and looked at me for clarification. I nodded.

"Hey, you're the barber. Simba right?" Cymry asked.

"That's right. I'm helping these fellas with their journey." He said.

"Then I suppose you're helping us too!" Cymry purred.

"Cymry!" Saber exclaimed. "Don't encourage him!"

We all laughed. 

"We are going to head back to Skye and Kiko and then we will go to the lumifrost lake, retrieve Lumist, and ask him all sorts of questions." Quinn explained.

"Lumist?"  Saber snorted. "That little fox? What can we learn from him?" 

"He is wise beyond his years. He knows magic and all sorts of tricks you wouldn't know. Besides, we can't do magic!" Simba said.

"But we can!" I exclaimed. "Well, Quinn and I anyways!" I said giving Red a sympathetic glance.

"It's all right. We can develop the ability to speak to all creatures. We can also control plants with physic abilities." She said. "I want to do that when I grow up. Maybe it will take a hundred years or so, but in the end I'll do it!" 

"I like your spirit, young one." Saber said. 

"but if we could magic the end of the war....?" Quinn said. 

""Magic the end of the war" Use your grammar!" I said, punching his shoulder playfully.

"No, seriously!" He said.

"Well, let's try a spell." I challenged him.

"What spell?" He asked, intrigued.

"I though you weren't allowed to do spells yet!" Red exclaimed, confused.

"You know the spell!" I said to Quinn. Then to Red I said, "I did a spell twice before. Remember those enchanted recording stones?"

"But how could you do it so good?" She asked.

I just grinned. We went over to Saber. "Stay still. This won't hurt."

She was about to protest but Simba silenced her, captivated.

"Focus meis. turn rosea!" We said in unison.

Her paw fur turned pink. "HEY!" She yowled.

"Hmmm. Not as vibrant as when my mother did it." I said, disappointed.

"Change it back right now!" Saber hissed.

We chanted the reverse enchantment.

"What else can you do?" Red said, excited. 

"Nothing else at the moment. If we got a spell book...." I started wondering where we could find one.

"I'm sure Lumist will have one!" Simba said.

"I'm excited to learn more!" Quinn said. I nodded in agreement.

"I guess we feel the same. Spells and flying!"

"Okay, okay." Saber hissed. "Enough with the chatting. Let's go before someone finds us!"

"She's right. If we don't move before sundown, the patrol will come out and you guys could get caught again and we could be arrested." Cymry said.

I nodded. We set off towards the vast jungle.

Dawn of the Wolf Dragons: Book one; A Dark Beginning (unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now