Chapter 5

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We reached the meeting spot. Quinn flickered into view. Red was nowhere to be seen.

"Red? Red" I called. We waited for a minute. That's when I got an idea. I pulled out the mirror and whispered "Red" her face appeared. She must be visible then.

"Nova?" She asked, shocked.

"Red! What happened? Where are you?"

"I am under the table. I was seen. It's super chaotic in here!"

"I have to go get you. Be right there." her face disappeared.

"Quinn, stay here. Do not come looking for me. If I don't get back in two hours, go back to Kiko an Skye. I will transform into a plain wolf when I get there so that the king thinks that it's the one I saw." I instructed.

"But-" he protested.

"Listen, I have to save Red." I told him.

I snuck past the guards with a drop of invisibility. It lasted 10 seconds. When I was inside, Dragon saw me and started screaming if they weren't already.

"We are being attacked!"

"Prepare to die!"

I snarled and growled. I ran into the council room, grabbed Red, and ran for it. The guards started chasing us. It was okay for them to see Red's wings for they had already attacked her kind but if they saw a Wolf Dragon in their palace, I would be killed. We burst out the doors and jumped off the cliff. Bad idea. I forgot about not having my wings. Red, on the other paw can't fly at all. Suddenly, I was swooped away by.... Nothing?

"Hang on tight!" this was Quinn!

"OH ya Quinn!" I yelled. He used one of my invisibility potions to rescue us!

"Good thinking!" Red called through the sound of the wind.

Once we were at the edge of the kingdom, and we had lost the patrol, I thanked Quinn.

"Thanks you cowardly idiot." Red said.

"I told you to stay here!" I told him.

"Ya well, I saw you falling 100 feet in the air so, I figured I should drop by." Quinn joked, laughing hysterically.

"What's so funny? We could have died!" Red exclaimed.

"Correction- You could have died" I told her. "Why didn't you come?"

"I was under the table you see. Then I tried to leave the room but, someone dropped a steak on me. They saw it floating then started smacking me with their plate. So I had to go back under the table. Everyone was looking around. Then, I reappeared and my tail stuck out from underneath the table and the Dragons were screaming "Rat, Rat! IT'S A RAT!". I felt very.... Special." Red said sarcastically.

"Ok well, be careful next time.

"Anyway's why is it so funny?" Red demanded.

"I'm sorry it's just-" Quinn burst out laughing again.

"Quinn, tell us please." I said growing impatient.

"Okay, okay, so While I was waiting for you I got bored, you see. What? Don't give me that look! You were in there for like, 20 minutes! 2! No that can't be! Anyways, I got bored and looked through your stuff. Sorry! I couldn't help myself. I wanted to check that shiny mirror out!" He said. "So I took the mirror and said, RockFur and you see-" He was laughing again. "And he was there with the council, your mom playing the recording and him being charged with improper use of spells, illegal magic, cheating, Dark magic, violence, not confessing and...this is the funny part, so you know how your face appears in front of the person? Ya so RockFur screamed and was running around and, he couldn't get rid of me. "The council decided he needed to see the healer but he refused and was charged for 'Trying to distract council with a potential environmental and/or harmful disaster involving spirits'-" More laughter. "-Sorry."

I couldn't help but grin. We've been trying to get back at him for months after he shoved Quinn in a pile of mud 'Accidentally'.

"Was he the one who was fighting you at the ceremony thing?" Red asked.

I nodded. "He thinks he's so good at everything. But, he fails."

Red nodded in agreement. "I hear you. JetTail in our pack is just so...."

"Well, not to be rude or anything but, I think we should go." Quinn said, pointing at a dragon patrol that was coming a little too close for my liking.

"K, let's fl-" Oops. I gave Red an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry, i'm really holding you guys up. Maybe I shouldn't be here." Red said.

"No! That's not it. We can walk. Right Quinn?" I asked. Although Red was right.

"Er... Ya!" He exclaimed, shooting me a glare behind her back.

What? I mouthed.

He shook his head. He pulled me to the side when Red wasn't looking. "She is already feeling guilty about the table scenario. Don't push it." This coming from someone like Quinn was strange. Usually I was the one saying stuff like that to Quinn. He seemed to have changed after we left home.

"How do you suddenly know all about people's feelings?" I demanded.

"I- just- well.... Never mind" he said quickly.

Red came through the bushes into the clearing. She looked at us, staring at each other, glaring. "Um, maybe I should go..." She started to say but, I cut her off.

"No, What did you catch" I said, noting the corpse dangling from her jaws.

"Rabbit." She said cheerfully. "I thought before you go, you would need the energy."

"That was nice of you!" Quinn said, throwing me a fake smile.

"Dig in!" Red exclaimed, plopping the kill on the ground.

Once we were satisfied, we set back towards the mountains where Kiko and Skye were hiding. I thought about maybe teaching Red to fly but I was worried what would happen if she couldn't. It's her flight feathers. I thought. If they were longer she would have no problem! I didn't want her to be upset but, things were really going slower with her around. If only she could fly... Thats it!

"Red!" I called, stopping. I turned around. "How would you like a flight lesson?"

"Oh I couldn't!" She said. "I don't want to risk it. I'm in enough trouble already." 

"But Red, we aren't going anywhere at this pace!" I exclaimed.

"I guess but..." She paused. "How would you teach me? Your wings are different"

"Skye's wings are exactly like yours! if she could show you how to angle your feathers or whatever you guys are supposed to do, it would help you a lot faster!"

She hesitated. "Ok but I'll only try. If I can't then we'll wait for another time."

"Great!" I said.

As we approached the cave,  I wondered if this whole journey was a very stupid idea. We could get killed! what am I thinking! But then again, no one else knows as much as we do. 

I was still deep in though when I heard Red shout; "Nova look!" 

I squinted. Inside the cave was a dead body.

Dawn of the Wolf Dragons: Book one; A Dark Beginning (unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now