Chapter 16

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I felt my heart stop. I could die!

"Wh-WHat do you mean? How!" I exclaimed.

 Through the dark, I could make out a figure striding towards us. 

"Lumist!" Simba cried. The two ran over and hugged one another.

"I see you've brought company." Lumist said. He had scarlet fur and green eyes.

Simba nodded. "They wanted your help."

"Wait! What did you mean about teleporting!" I yelled.

He turned to me. "He teleported out of the universe and died."

"What if that happens to me!" I cried.

"I can teach you. I am skilled in many areas of magic." With that, he disappeared. We all gasped. Then, He was behind me with a rabbit in his paws. "Fancy anything to eat?" He was gone again. Then his voice magically floated into the cavern.  "Follow the tunnel and take a right."

We obeyed the instructions and went down the passage. Skye whinnied in delight as we turned the corner to a passage to a large cavern with an abundance of prey, berries, fish and grains. We eyed the feast in desperation, drool hanging out of our snouts. The long journey's walk had left us with an emptiness in our stomachs that never ceased to get better. 

Lumist gave a hearty laugh and invited us to eat. "Oh go on!"

I stayed back, however. "Lumist?"

"What is it, young one?" He asked.

"How did you get all of this stuff and- do all of that magic back there?"

"Aha! A young sorcerer. Now don't be upset with yourself, magic is learned through experience." He said.

"But I need  magic to end the wrath of the dragons!" I protested.

"If that reveals itself to be true, I could teach you." He said.

"Really!" I asked eagerly. I hesitated. "What about Quinn? It's only fair that he gets taught as well."

He shook his head. "You will be easier to teach. You already have enough magic in you."

"But Quinn and I both did a spell together before!"

"That would have come mostly out of your power. I could also help you teleport." He narrowed his eyes. "You have a strong feeling of just. I can sense that in you. Fierce but loyal." He paused. "No go on and eat too! I don't want you to starve!"

I left for the feast. It was very good but, I couldn't help but wonder what we were going to do about all of this. We're just a helpless bunch of pups, really. We were led to a small cluster of caves were we could rest for the night. I curled up into the moss bed and drifted off to sleep.

I was not being killed in the torture room. I think the king wanted a quick, private death. The execution was scheduled for tomorrow but, The King had received news from some River TalonWhite or something. The King wanted it to be done while he could. 

The Kings strode into the room and slammed the boulder over the entrance as hard as he could. He marched right up to me. "River WhiteTalon told me where your egg is. It's by the forest edge and your husband is going to the enchanted lake. I told her you were dead of course, because if she knew she could free you."  

None of this was true. Jamar left for the Village Pacis (Village of peace.) To try and see if they would take in the three of us. The egg was hidden very deep in the forest. Closer to Wolf Dragon Territory. If they found her, they would surely take her in. As a member of their own species, it is a natural instinct. 

The King paused. "i'm- Sorry. But you are going to ruin the dragon pureness. We will find and kill your baby. Waa." He fake-whimpered. With that, He stabbed his isosceles shaped arrow on the tip of his tail through my heart. I shuddered as the last breath escaped my lungs. Blood poured all over the cavern. And the last thing I saw was the gleaming sneer on the king's face.

Or so I thought. My eyes abruptly opened up to reveal a dense forest. I felt very different. I Looked over at my..... Talons- no, Hands? I scrambled over to the nearby pond. I Looked at my reflection. The face of a monkey with no hair except on the head stared back at me. I gave a high- pitched wail that was very contradictory to the fearless roar that my throat once made. I felt my face. I was no longer Sasha anymore. But while in the shock of the sudden change, I noticed the pond ripple. misty faces appeared in it. Two young WolfDragonets , a SwiftSkye and a CheetahHawk. But wait! There was a young dragoness also. She looked to be wolfish. My daughter? 5I must find them. If they have my daughter I will get to them. Somehow.

I awoke to be roused by Lumist. "Your first lesson now!" 

I blinked, adjusting to the light. "Now?"

"Yes! While no one else is awake." He led me through the winding corridors to a smaller, room filled with books and ancient looking items. "Here is where you will be taught. Now, Show me what you can do." He grabbed a basket with some stones and twigs. "Use these if you must."

I hesitated. I thought I was here to be taught, not watched.

He seemed to have read my mind. "I need to see your experience level."

I grabbed a stone and raised my claws to start but, he interrupted me.

"Do you feel more comfortable in dragon, wolf or a mix of the two forms?" 

I shrugged. "Like this I guess."

He nodded. "Go ahead."

I concentrated. "Focus meis. turn rosea!" I muttered. The stone turned a light shade of pink slowly. I frowned. "Focus meis. turn rosea!" I yelled now. It shifted to a vibrant shade of pink now. That satisfied me.  I rolled the stone over in my claws. "Recordarentur bis in habitaculo percussoque. cum percussoque ludere semel." The stone flashed. I tapped it twice. "If anyone finds this, Don't trust the dragon King's mirrors. He can spy on you." I said. I triple tapped it. It played back what I just said.

Lumist frowned. "That's not a real spell!" 

I nodded. "I know. I made it up."

"But how did you figure out the ancient language's words?" 

I shrugged. "They just came to me."

He shook his head. "This is incredible."

"what?" I asked.

"all the spells were made up by ancient wizards."

Dawn of the Wolf Dragons: Book one; A Dark Beginning (unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now