thirty three

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SEOLMIN massaged her throbbing temples as she glanced at the clocking above the board once again. the words in front of her on the paper seemed to blur together. seolmin blinked rapidly and pressed her forehead onto the paper, as if that could imprint it in her memory. she leaned back in her chair and glanced at the ceiling before forcing her gaze back down to the table.

jaemin seemed to notice how stressed out the girl sitting in front him was, he gazed over at jeno, his head hanging low, resting against the table. jaemin assumed he had already finished his test. he bites the blue cap of his pen, chin resting on his hands as he looks down at the chemistry paper he's satisfied with.

"times up! i don't want to see anyone writing." mr. kim announces as everyone walks down the pathway created between all the uncomfortable wooden chairs. "kang seolmin, i also have an announcement to make, submit it quickly." a soft voice of seolmin replied, "can i just get two more minutes, i just need to balan-" mr. kim's clamorous voice yells, "submit it, right now!"

jaemin's heart breaks at the sight of her flinching and shaking while walking to the table to submit her incomplete test sheet. "i need you guys to do a project, on anything you want, make sure it isn't incoherent. the person sitting behind you is your partner, no complains." seolmin looks back and quickly looks away when she saw jaemin.

"i never felt so bad for you in my whole life, not even when you fell down the stairs in fifth grade." donghyuck whispers in jaemin's ears from the back. "why does it always happe-" jaemin suddenly feels a slight tap on his shoulder. "i'm going to your house for the project, i have some issues at home. i hope that's okay." seolmin says monotonously and struts out of the class even before jaemin could reply. donghyuck's mouth agape, "she's so scary.." jaemin rests his head on the table. "i'm scared." donghyuck bursts out in laughter and pats his shoulder dramatically. "you're gonna be fine, she doesn't look like the serial killer type anyways."


the sun sank lower as seolmin walked down the street following the address jaemin had texted her. she sighs in frustration, jaemin's description of his house matched with all the houses in the neighbourhood. "na jaemin which one's your house they all look the sa-" she looked back at the slight feeling of a tap on her shoulder. "my house is on that side." jaemin pointed at the other side of the road. "how did you find me?" seolmin asked clutching the straps of her bags tighter. jaemin slowed down her pace and looked back, "you literally walked past my house."

jaemin's house was welcoming from the open door to the wide hallway. upon the walls were the photographs of what seolmin assumes to be a five year old jaemin with his brother, so obviously so loved. the floor was an old-fashioned parquet with a blend of deep homely browns and the walls were the white and blue of winter gardens meeting a bold white baseboard. "my room's upstairs." jaemin gains seolmin's attention back, standing halfway up the stairs.

"where's your samoyed?" seolmin asks shoving jaemin's chemistry flashcards and notebooks out of the way and taking out her own books. jaemin's face tenses up as he looks around the room frantically. "wait- how do you know about mongshil?" seolmin sits on his study table and chuckles. "you literally fawned over your dog, also mongshil's a cute name." she remarks. "thanks my mom named her that, i have no idea where she is. i'll go check downstairs, wait."

seolmin observed his room, his room was like a wonderland for comic driven recluses. the walls were a blue that pulsed in the light, sprinkled with various posters, mostly of strange japanese anime and manga posters. she doubted if he could even read whatever was written on the poster. the comforter was pulled over his bed, even though he probably hadn't cleaned it. the result was lumps of varying sizes and shapes and the comforter was weighed down by his black laptop. a few shelves were pushed against the walls and filled with books. some pictures of jaemin along with renjun, jeno and donghyuck showing off their medals from the sports day of ninth grade sat on the bedside table along with a fashionable modern lamp.

jaemin entered the room again with a sheepish smile and seolmin followed his gaze, and saw, a sluggish current, a dog. it was one of the quietest and peacefullest dogs she had ever seen. she never met a dog who seemed more contented-more easy in its mind. it was floating dreamily on its back, with its four legs stuck up straight into the air. seolmin quickly squatted on the floor and cooed with delight motioning for mongshil to come to her. "she's so fluffy and cute!" seolmin exclaimed the hugged the fluffy being tighter.

jaemin swears he was going to melt at the sight of his dog being hugged. "i'm gonna steal your dog!" seolmin chuckles playing with mongshil's paws. jaemin noticed how mongshil got along with her, maybe it's her lovable personality? he thought and smiled to himself. "is your job being cute?" seolmin cooed and kissed the dog again.

"well she nibbles my sleeve and jeans, drinks from the toilet sometimes, follows me around the house, adores cheese, lies under the table at dinner time, put's her paw on my lap when she wants to go out into the yard, pulls on the leash every single walk, desperate to chas- why are you looking at me like that?" jaemin looked at the girl laughing while cuddling with mongshil. "you really do love her alot huh?" she ran her dainty fingers along her fur. "i got her when i was twelve, i was lonely as fuck at home so she kinda means alot to me." jaemin now sat on the floor, his legs crossed, patting it on the head.

"anyways mongshil baby, go outside, i'm gonna study now!" jaemin commanded the fluffly being. "wait no..let her stay, she's so cute." seolmin pouted. no way jaemin was going to say no to her, but his dog certainly didn't know how to behave either. "she's really clingy, are you sure you can do chemistry shit like that?" jaemin reasoned. "you're not gonna disturb us right?" seolmin cooed at the dog again.

seolmin finally decided to let mongshil get off her lap and started writing down chemical equations on jaemin's blank chart. "do you wanna eat something?" jaemin nervously asks her, looking away from his laptop screen. "it's fine, i'm not hungry." she weakly smiles at him. jaemin feels like a creep, a creep for not being able to take his eyes off the girl sitting on the floor in front his bed. he notices little details which he had never seen before; her nose scrunches, her dainty fingers running through her silky hair every few minutes, the way she smiles to herself and looks at her drawing proudly. jaemin feels at bliss looking at her being adorable right in front him but his heart aches at the same time knowing that he'll never have the courage to spill his guts.

"how much did you write?" seolmin asks him, still looking at the chart. "h-huh oh- i wrote upto e-electrolysis." jaemin stutters looking at her. "i know you're awkward about all the things that has happened over the last two months, just forget it like i did. it didn't mean anything to any of us anyways. right?" she narrowed her eyes at him with a small smile plastered on her face. jaemin's not gonna, his heart broke a little after hearing those words. " didn't." he lied.

anyways filler chapter bc i
love writing and i wanted to write
some lowkey fluff and angst so :D

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