thirty five

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JAEMIN UNLOCKS his locker using only his right hand while the other hand is occupied, tucking his geometry box and books to his side. the irritated look on his face immediately softens upon hearing seolmin's laughter tinkling like sunshine sparkling on a bright sunny day. he glances over his shoulder to spot her on her usual place; on the stairs laughing at something jaemin assumes hana has said.

"i don't know man, i can't look at you the same way anymore." jaemin flinches at the sudden outburst of someone's voice behind him. "wait- sorry, you got scared?" renjun laughs proceeding to open his own locker. "what do you mean by you can't look at me anymore?" jaemin closes his locker and leans against it.

renjun bursts into laughter and looks straight into jaemin's eyes, "knowing the fact that you made out with someone on your bed where we were sitting like two days ago." jaemin felt his cheeks heat up remembering the events from the weekends. "anyways!" he dramatically waves his hands and walks past renjun into the classroom.

"dude when am i gonna ask-" jaemin quickly glances at renjun and covers his mouth with his hands making renjun's word incoherent. "speak quietly! she's literally two rows away from us." jaemin threatens renjun. "okay but when?" he leans his head forwards and whispers. "do it today, i saw a few people here and there asking each other out. prom is like three weeks away anyways." jaemin informs his best friend. "so after school then?" jaemin nods in reply.

jaemin feels guilty. part of him wants seolmin to say yes to renjun's proposal, so that he could watch her be happy, enjoy prom like every other girl with his best friend, including plus points of no skinships. another part of him wants her to reject his best friend's proposal. he knows it's going to hurt him inside seeing her dance with renjun, holding hands and most importantly being labelled as 'renjun's date for the night.'


"i haven't been rejected by anyone since eighth grade. if i get rejected by her because of you, i'll actually stab you." renjun threatens jaemin in a whisper while standing behind the lockers following seolmin.

"i'll take you to the seafood buffet and pay for the entire grilled crab." jaemin bribes renjun and he looks at dead in the eye. "if i get rejected and don't get crab, i'll murder you." jaemin chuckles, "why do you have to say violent shit all the time?"

"dumbass she's leaving, just go!" jaemin pushes renjun into the sight. seolmin's eyes immediately notices renjun and waves at him. jaemin's heart melts at her smile which is like spring flowers that could be a scene from any art gallery, in any city or fireplace mantle.

"oh hi renjun, what's up?" seolmin greets renjun with her million dollar smile. "h-hi are you going home now?" renjun hesitantly looks back at jaemin who's hiding himself behind the lockers.

"the weather's cool today, right?" renjun blurts out and jaemin swears only if he could just walk into the scene, he would go and punch renjun. "what? yeah, it is." jaemin noticed her forced smile. "i'll go then? or do you wanna-"
renjun jabbered out, "go to prom with me!" seolmin looks at him, shocked and confused. "what?" renjun looks at her - his face now serious, but inside he just wants to go and punch jaemin.

"yeah sure! thanks for asking me, i didn't think anyone was gonna me honestly." she explains. "i thought your friend was gonna ask me" seolmin added. jaemin's ears suddenly perk up at the mention of his name. "oh well, i did it first, right?" renjun winks and jaemin is literally this close to losing his patience. "see you tomorrow then!"

renjun's smile immediately disappears and he takes a long deep breath infront of jaemin. "the way she looked at me i thought she was going to say no, and i was so ready for the grilled crab." jaemin sighs, feeling kinda heartbroken and regretting his own decisions immediately. "yeah have fun with her i guess."

someone stop me from staying
up all night and writing shit it's
literally 3am. also im thinking
about a text based jaemin fanfic
based on method to hate you
is anyone interested?

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