Chapter 1. The Beginning [Edited]

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A/N - Authors Notes

Y/N- Your Name

E/C- Eye Color

H/C- Hair color (your hair is gonna be long)

Powers- Speed, The elements, Teleportation, and Darkness

Words- 1648


Your pov

You do your usual morning retinue, you brush your teeth and shower. After you finish you look towards the kitchen to see your parents fighting again. So you choose to quickly walk past them before they notice you and you head to the nearby coffee shop, Jitters. (forgot the name for the coffee shop/how to spell it)

10 minutes later

You walk into the coffee shop only to be greeted with a long line. You walk up and whisper to the cashier "I need to talk to you when are you off?" You whispered to the female worker and she said "in 2 hours for my lunch break" you nod your head then leave the coffee place. You pull out your phone and look at the news and notice that the Particle Accelerator is getting shown off tomorrow night! You squeal loudly in your mind that you cause yourself to get a small headache. You chuckle at how you made yourself get a headache than you walk towards the public park.

15 minutes later

You finally arrive at the park and you find a nearby bench and you sit down on it. You look around the park and take in the surroundings and everything happening. Starting at all the birds flying around, towards the people taking strolls around the park. You turn your head a bit and notice some kids playing and running around. You giggle softly to yourself seeing everyone so happy. You see other people walking their pets and you notice a few families walking and talking. You looking down at your hands in your lap and you sigh sadly. You remember what's happening with your family at home and before your thoughts can take over a guy says something to you that makes your eyes widen. "Are you okay ma'am?" You look up at the guy and say " u-uh y-yes I'm o-okay" you realize you're stuttering and talk to yourself for a quick second.

  'Why were you stuttering?' 'You never stutter!' 'Just play it coooooool...' You quickly try and look at him the eyes to show him you're fine. "If you're okay then why are you crying?" He said it in a worried yet caring tone and he looked sincere. You quickly take your hand and wipe away the tears and you feel how wet your cheeks are realizing there were a lot of tears. "How rude of me I'm Barry Allen," he says and puts out his hand for you to shake it. You slowly take it using your left (non-dominate) hand and shake his hand. "I-I'm y/n." The words he says next makes your heart drop! 

"Well y/n that is a very beautiful name" you quickly feel your cheeks start to heat up slightly. "T-Thanks" you manage to say while trying not to hide but he notices and sits next to you and puts an arm around you instantly. You wonder 'I'm a complete stranger to him but yet it feels like we've known each other for years...' You almost instantly put your head on his chest and start to sob but not so loud that anybody else could hear. You just didn't care anymore if you were alone or not but all you knew is that. You wanted to be his friend and didn't want to be alone anymore...

a few minutes past of you crying and him comforting you

You take your hand and wipe away the tears and when you look up you see him looking at you with such worry in his eyes. "I-I'm so sorry!" You quickly turn your body away embarrassed but you feel a hand land on your shoulder and it makes you turn towards him. "It's fine, I'm happy that you let it out. It's better to let it out than to hold inside forever." You nod slightly then feel your cheeks slightly heat up again.

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