Chapter 2. The Story [Edited]

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A/N- Hello ppl 

How are y'all today~ and before you ask no I don't have an accent I'm just used to saying y' all.

Also, I noticed how long the paragraphs were so I'm gonna try and shorten them so expect a bit more time skips because of it.

I'm also adding ->

N/N- nickname

Words- 1710


You get up and you're in full-on shock as you look around you quickly to see what happened. You notice somebody on the ground in a pool of blood and you rush over to them. You start to cry as you notice it's the lady you were meeting up with. You start to use your high school first aid knowledge and start to patch up the wound (actually you tried to cuz you weren't paying attention in class during that subject). Once you got the bleeding to slow down you pull out your phone and call the police and send an S.O.S message to Barry.

5 minutes later

You're sitting next to the lady talking to her thinking it might help her stay alive. At the same time, you're trying to stay calm. "It's okay the ambulance is coming," you said as you rock back and forth with your knees to your chest. You softly crying as you talk to her, "come on mom you have to wake up" (yup mom)(dats her mom right there.) You keep talking to her as from time to time you move her a bit and check her pulse.

5 minutes more

The ambulance finally shows up and right as you get up you fall down to the ground from the amount of weakness in your body. But right before you hit the ground you feel something firm grab you around the waist. You hear a voice say softly to you, "it's okay n/n I have you" you felt yourself get pulled away a bit from your mom and you get put down on the ground a few feet away. You look up at the person a bit scared but quickly relax when you see it's Barry. He moves so he's kneeling in front of you. You grab him and hug him quickly and start crying into his shoulder. He hugs you back and rubs small, comforting circles on your back. 

A few minutes past

You get so tired from being in shock and watching the ambulance truck drive away you look at Barry and you start to see black dots. 

          (A/N- Ohhhhhhh is Barry gonna rape you?!)

You finally wake up and you look around and you notice you're in an unfamiliar room. You feel softness under you and you move your hands a bit and as you sit up you groan from the pain. "Easy there n/n!" You look towards who said it and saw Barry sitting in a chair and you finally realize you're in his room meaning you're probably in his house. He gets up and sits down near the end of the bed but puts a hand on your leg with a lot of worry and concern in his eyes/face. You put your hand over his and smile softly at him.  "Why did you bring me into your home?" 

Barry POV

"Why did you bring me into your home?" she said within a soft tone. "I brought you here because I didn't want to leave you in that alleyway," I said while looking at her in the eyes. I notice her cheeks slightly turn pink but then she turned her head a bit trying to hide it I assume. 
"Mind telling me what were you doing in an alleyway?" I noticed she looked down a bit then she spoke: "I was meeting up with somebody..." "Who is this somebody if you don't mind me asking" she nodded slightly "I don't mind, I was meeting up with my mother.." "The girl with my dad at Jitters was my step-mom, it's a really long story." She chuckled and I took my other hand and lifted her chin so she could look at me. "We have time also the Particle Accelerator is opening at 8:30 do you wanna go with me?" I asked her and she looked at me with such a happy expression and said: " I would love to!" I smiled and chuckled at her childish response.

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