Chapter 15. The aftermath

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a/n- sorry you guys had to wait for so long. I just wanted to give you guys a lot of time to absorb what I last wrote in the previous chapter...Well, this chapter I hope you enjoy I'm not gonna be having a lot of stuff so it's gonna be shorter than normal...bye 

This is what was in my drafts.

words- 625


The vision I was playing in my head as I told my story faded away. When I came into reality everyone had mixed emotions and tears on their cheeks. I haven't even noticed that I was crying until my hearing went back to normal. I wiped my tears away as I sniffed softly then I got off of Barry's lab and walked slowly around the couch. They all started to say how sorry they were and how they told me it isn't my fault. I held up my hand as I shook my head "it's fine he's long gone by now." I told them even though this only happened 2 months before I went into a coma. I turned to see Barry he had a lot of anger in his eyes but also a lot of sadness. I hugged him and he slowly hugged me back as I said: "I will take care of him so don't do anything you will regret baby." I let go and held his hands as I looked into his eyes he said okay but his eyes said otherwise. "I'm gonna take a run around the city" after I said that I ran into my suit than out of the cortex. I made my way around the city and the city is pretty big so I assume it's gonna take a bit but instead, it was only a minute so I kept going over and over.

After 1.5 hours

I just did over 500 laps going around the entire city now for barry for 500 laps that would take 11 hours maybe more. So how did I do 500 laps around the city in an hour and a half? I shrugged it off and decided to do a few patrol loops around the city to see for any bad guys. I saw random pieces of ice on buildings and I instantly knew who it was so I followed them and ended up in an abandoned factory. I mumble "what's with bad guys and abandoned places?" So I walked in but being quiet and sneaky so I went behind a machine to see tables and two people. They both had guns and had tools and equipment on the tables as they were talking. I decided to record this as they talked so I decided to go closer. Once I was close enough I listened in on their conversation. "So when will I be able to use my new gun Snart?" The other guy asked Snart with a little attitude in his tone. "Soon, just be patient, I noticed the other guy had a gun with orange and red coloring. I took a picture of the gun and what was around them as they continued to talk about their plans.

When they finish (15 minutes)

I saw them starting to pack up and I already have so much information recorded on my camera. I watched as they packed up their things then they went separate ways in two different cars. I squatted down as I sighed deeply then got up and ran to S.T.A.R Labs arriving there in a matter of seconds. I stick my tongue out as I sat on the couch in my normal clothes. I noticed Barry was out probably patrolling with Cisco and Caitlin at the desks. I layed down and tucked a pillow under my head as I dozed off to sleep. 

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