Chapter 11. Ollie!

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A/n- Let's just move into the chapter!

(also it's morning- I changed the timestamp)

words- 2455


Once I arrived at my desired destination I looked around making sure I was there. I got up getting out of the snow as I stood there breathing in the cold air. "I'm back Antarctica!~," I said in a sing-song tone as I walked in the 5 feet tall snow. After about an hour or so I was finally at a normal temperature. Though while I was waiting a snowstorm happened making me get covered in snow. I lay down on the ground and used my powers to teleport me back home to S.T.A.R Labs. I opened my eyes and saw me laying on the hospital bed then saw Barry pacing while the two worked on the computers. I sat up slightly and made a snowball out of the snow on my shoulders. 

I threw it at Barry hitting him on his back right below his neck making him yelp from the impact and the coldness. I started giggling seeing his reaction as he turned around to see what threw it. Once he saw me he rushed over to me and engulfed me in a hug but ignored the coldness from the snow and ice on me. I coughed from the coldness then my body started to heat up again. Not enough to burn anybody from touch but just to melt the snow and ice. Barry let go then cupped my face and gave me a few pecks on my lips. I blushed as I placed my hand on my mouth to stop him from continuing. "Relax baby," I commented making his eyes soften at me. 

A few minutes past

I lay my head back onto the pillow as I sigh letting my body turn to normal temperature. I sat back up and got up slowly making sure not to get ahead rush. I walked over to the two and gave them a weak hug. I let go and turn to Barry seeing him in a plaid shirt and khakis. I heard a phone ring and knew it was Barry's right away so I reached my hand into his front pocket and grabbed his phone. I answered it with a "hello, Barry's phone~ If you hit on him I will find you and kill chu!~" I saw their jaws drop at my words making me muffle a giggle as I heard the person on the other line clear their throat. 

"Uh, y/n?" I stare at the ground as I answer "how do you know my name? Are you stalking me? I shall find you and kill you before you kidnap me." I said with a straight face as I slowly start to walk away from the group. "Uh, Shrimpy? It's me..your bff.." I gasped loudly when he replied and started squealing loudly. 

I heard him groan then saw Barry rush to my side thinking I was hurt. I calmed myself then said, "why are you calling my Bear's phone?" I heard Barry muffle a laugh as he replied. "I am coming to visit and was gonna surprise you but you answered the phone instead. I'm coming today so I should be there later today maybe an hour?" I squealed again at his statements then stopped hearing him groan. "See you then! Bye BFF!" I yelled the last word then ended the call and put the phone into my pocket. 

After thinking

"I need to change! Oh! My! God! CAITLYN! CISCO!" I sped over to them and blew a bunch of papers all over the place earning groans and 'whats' from them. I then commented "Barry and I are gonna be gone for an hour! Bye!" I then grabbed Barry's arm and vanished. We appeared in the living room but I instantly sped into the bedroom straight into the closet. I heard Barry walking over to where I was. 

I looked through all the clothes at a very fast speed.  "My BFF is coming over! I haven't seen him in two years! I need to dress to impress!" I said with a devoted face I then felt Barry wrap his arms around my waist. I blushed and stopped moving as he rested his chin on my shoulder. "Who's your BFF?" He asked me making me giggle and reply, "you'll have to find out Bear." I heard him groan softly making me chuckle but I looked through my clothes and decided on an outfit and walked out and laid it on the table. "We still have an hour till we meet him..."

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