Chapter 14. b-baby you're hurting me

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a/n- this story will be like a flashback so everything that happens in here including talking or action you're really saying to your group of friends. I'm not sure how long or short that'll be so I hope you enjoy...your old past with your ex...

words- 1240



It was an early Friday and it was the last day of college for me and my boyfriend. I was just leaving class when he pulled me aside and kissed me. I kissed back happily as he grabbed my waist and gripped slightly. He pulled away making me pout as he said: "let's go to my place instead." I smiled and pecked his lips one last time before we made our way to his car and drove to his place.

()15 minutes later()

We got out and entered his apartment he shut the door behind me then locked it. I was confused because usually, he doesn't lock the door or at least not both the locks. I pushed the feeling aside because maybe he just wanted alone time with no interruptions. He picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist to keep me from falling. I heard him groan softly once I did that making me blush slightly. He then walked into the bedroom and layed me down as he put on my favorite television show blue blood. He layed down next to me after he shut the door to his bedroom and turned off some of the lights.

()After watching a few episodes()

I felt the bed shift a bit then felt Axel turn me so I was facing him instead of the tv. I smiled at him but then he moved my leg over his waist making me blush. "W-What are you doing baby?" I asked him as I felt his hands grab onto my waist. He didn't answer me but just started to kiss me softly he soon kissed down my jawline down to my collarbone. I felt his hands slide under my shirt then soon I knew he took off my shirt. He was now working his way down to my jeans until I stopped him and said "baby we talked about this. I'm waiting for marriage till I do this..." After I said this he grabbed onto my waist so tight that I knew it was gonna leave bruises. I commented, "b-baby you're hurting me." He then moved to the side of the bed and pulled something out of his drawer I then noticed it was a rope...I knew that I wasn't gonna make it out of this so I did my best to struggle out of his grip but it was no use. He tied my wrists together than a rose to his bed as well as tying my legs to the ends of his bed. He then took out a dagger that looked like it was freashly sharpened. He used it took to cut off all my clothes leaving me completely naked in front of him. 

(If you are reading near your parents/older silbings I suggest you move away or grab some tissues)

He started to grab my breasts and squeezed so hard I already started to see bruises starting to form. I cried out from the pain he brought his mouth down and started to bite them. It felt like he was trying to eat them by how hard he was biting on them. After a few minutes, I soon saw a smirk on his face along with blood running down them. I saw a small pond of blood sitting on my stomach but he moved it along my body making me bloody. I cried out from how much pain I was in I soon formed words "please stop I don't wanna do it!" I kept going but he soon grabbed the dagger and ran it along my stomach and legs making me suck in my breath. I bit my bottom lip as the blade touched my skin he then stopped and cut my leg slightly. I made a whimper at the pain from the small cuts he made along my arms and legs. He then shifted himself downwards so his head was near my pussy. He moved the dagger to the side as he leaned down and bit down on me just as hard as he did to my breasts. 

()He did that for a while()

After he stopped I took a breath because he did it to a point where I moaned even though I didn't want to. He then started to remove his clothing but when he took off his boxers I noticed that it was gonna hurt getting put in. I continued to cry and say 'stop' or 'no I don't want this' or 'please no' but it was no use it was like he was a robot. It was like he had a mission and this was his mission meaning he couldn't stop no matter what. I felt his grip on my legs tighten and suddenly he thrust forward. I screamed out in pain hoping his neighbors would hear my cries of pain and come help me. He then covered my face with a pillow both muffling my cries and making it harder for me to breath. He thrust into me quickly and roughly not giving me time to adjust making it feel like he was tearing my insides. He kept going eventually going so rough it just went numb down their from how much pain he was causing me.

()1 hour later()

I finally felt feeling in my area then felt I could move slightly. He moved the pillow out of my face so I could see I noticed I had my legs free from the ropes. I scooted back away from him as I brought my legs up and close to my chest I then noticed blood. I looked down slightly and saw white and red pouring out of me like I was a waterfall. I continued to cry I then felt something hit me to see he threw my clothes at me. He took off the ropes on my wrists and since he was standing by the door holding his bloody dagger I put on my clothes slowly. I winced every time the clothes touched all the cuts on my body. I got up slowly and he grabbed my throat and stabbed me in the stomach a few times. He did it to cause me more pain but not deep enough for me to bleed to death only for it to hurt. He then threw me out of his room and downstairs I then saw empty alcohol bottles. I saw him enter his room and shut the door as I took this as my chance. I quickly got up and ran out of his apartment but made sure to be quiet so he would think I was still here. Once I got upstairs I made my way home only to be beaten by my family for an hour straight.

()After getting beat ()

They told me they were moving homes so the police don't get caught on because the police have come to our apartment often in the past month. So the next day we moved to Central City which is 5 days away from where we were living before. This was good because I was getting away from Axel but also bad meaning they can keep beating me.

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