Chapter 8. Y/N's ABOUT TO DIE

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A/N-  Wow....what a name! You're gonna have to wait and read to figure out what I mean by it.

A/N-Let's just continue before y'all leave meh ;c

words- 4711


Y/N pov still

The episode of criminal minds ended and I yawned slightly and sat up a bit. I heard a small sigh as I looked over at Barry. He looked at me and did his famous smile making me smile as well. I turned my body to get up but he pulled me back to him. "Bear I'm hungry!!!!!!!!!!" I said trying to get up again and he just chuckled at me. "Don't make me poof away from you!" I said and he gave me a confused look. "You can do that?" I thought for a second after he asked me then said "not sure..." He sat up so he was sitting next to me with his arms around my waist. "Try it, maybe you can do it. If so we'll need to train" he said and I nodded slightly, I made a yelping noise and vanished. My yelp faded away slowly as he heard a distance yell "BARRY!!!!!!!" 

Barry pov

I was waiting for something to happen when she made a high pitch yelp, then she vanished right before my eyes. I gasped loudly and got up and looked around quickly, then I heard her yell "Barry!!!!!!!" but her yell sounded far away. I used my speed and got to the roof of the apartment, I looked around quickly then I saw her and gasped loudly as my eyes widened. She was hanging off of a FLYING plane wing! I took out my phone and called Cisco, he picked up on my second time calling.


Barry- Italics

Cisco- Bold

Phone call starts

Cisco I need help like right now!

What's wrong? 

It's Y/N

What's wrong with her?

Y/N's ABOUT TO DIE! I can't get to her and I need your help!

Okay I'll try and pin her phone!

*typing noises*

Okay she's going 500 knots, meaning 575 mph, yet she's over water and should would be under the water if that was the case...

Yeah because while I was holding her she was trying to see if she could po-

wait you were holding her?!*Cisco squealed like a baby pig*

Yeah I was but she was trying to poof as in disappear, and she yelped than vanished so when I sped onto my apartment roof I saw her...

And where was she..?

She's hanging off of a mid-flying plane wing...


oh my damn? really?

you're gonna have to wait till the plane lands! There is NO way for you to reach her unless she looses her grip on the plane wing. Just make sure to follow under the plane where ever it goes.

I was already planning on doing that but thanks! I'll keep you updated Cisco, call me if anything changes.

Phone call ends

I use my speed and go to S.T.A.R labs to change into my uniform in case I stop and somebody sees me using my speed. I go back to where I was and look to try and see the plane and I finally spot it flying South-East. I use my speed and run to the plane and I run under it but I start to walk because it's flying pretty slow. "Y/N PLEASE DON'T LET GO!!" I yelled to her and I vibrated my vocal cords making the sound a lot louder. Then I heard the faintest yell back "WASN'T PLANNING TO!" I chuckled at her response than I called Iris as I followed the plane.

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