Chapter 12. Baby please?

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a/n- short authors note

words- 2600


When you wake up

I woke up to see a bright light in my face making me wince and move my arm up to block it. I then heard shuffling then saw people next to me in a second. I felt somebody grab my hands making me turn my head to see Ollie on my left side and Barry on my right. I smiled as I shut my eyes taking in a breath then sat up. I reached into Barry's front pocket and pulled out his phone. I turned it on to see the time was 3 in the morning. I turned it off and saw in the reflection an embarrassed Barry. I giggled as I put the phone back into his pocket as I turned my body to the side so my feet are hanging off the edge of the bed. 

I pushed myself off the bed letting my feet touch the ground but I stumbled a bit. I felt Barry's arms wrap around my waist keeping me steady. I blushed as he helped me over to the computers he let go slightly as I sat in the chair. "Why are you still here Ollie?" I asked as I turned to face him slightly as he replied: "I don't have a place to stay so I was hoping to stay at your place." I looked to Barry and he nodded slightly as I said, "sure just hold onto me." I got up and walked over to Ollie as I held Barry's hand. Ollie wrapped his arm around my waist making Barry glare at him. 

After teleporting

I heard a thud making me look at Ollie to see him on the ground with his eyes widened. I rolled my eyes as I walked into the bedroom to grab some sheets. I walked back out and went over to a wall and pressed my hand against it. I closed my eyes as I breathed in I pushed on it then grabbed the wall and pulled it. I heard gasps as I backed up and opened my eyes to see a bed on the ground from where I pulled on the wall. I lay down the sheets and pillows using my speed making it get done in a few seconds. 

"You'll be sleeping here for a few days until you leave to go back home," I told Ollie as I gestured to the bed next to me. I just saw him slightly nod at me as he walked to it and placed his bag onto it. "Let's get some rest before I burn all of you for keeping me up," I said as my hands turned into flames. I heard both of them gulp making me giggle as my hands go normal. "Kidding!" I said as I went over to the bedroom followed by Barry as the two chuckled. Before I walked into the room I commented quietly "or am I?" I shut the door after Barry walked into the room. 

After getting ready for bed

I closed the closet door as I walked over to the bed. I saw Barry was closing the bathroom door as he turned off the lights to the bedroom. I felt the bed move slightly making me turn to face Barry. I wrapped my arms around his torso as I cuddled into him. He did the same to me but brought me closer to him as my eyelids got heavy. I soon fell asleep in my Bear's arms.

8:40 am

Barry's Pov

I woke up and took a glance at the clock to see it was my usual time to wake up. I have work at 9:05 am so I have a bit of time to get ready. I turn my body over to be facing y/n, I look at her as she is cuddled close to me. I smile as I give her a soft kiss on her forehead but as I was about to get up I felt her arm wrap around my torso. I tried to move my legs but I felt her legs wrapped around mine as she cuddled my body. I chuckled softly as I blushed lightly at her adorableness. I sat up a bit bringing her body with me, I was able to move her legs and arms off of me as I get off the bed. I use my speed to get everything together as I start the shower and go into it. 

Your pov

 I woke up to the sound of a shower getting turned on, I turned my body a bit so I could see what time it is. I noticed it read 8:42 am then I remembered that Barry leaves for work at 9:05 am. I sat up and teleported into the closet and set up the clothing I was gonna wear for the day. Once that was set up I teleported into the kitchen and started cooking for everyone. 

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