Chapter 3. The Pop [Edited]

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A/N- welcome back fam! So how you like the cliffhanger?

You didn't...?

Yeah.. Figured...

Welp let's move on also I changed your powers so go back to Chapter 1 to see!!!~

Let's move onto de chapterz!

Words- 1317 


What he said- "We went to go set up the room and came back and she was gone" 

I moved my hand getting up and saying, "why didn't you just start with that?!" I felt my anger rise as I looked at the doctor. "Actually I did I said we lost her," he said in a matter-of-factly tone. I sighed and asked, "was the surgery a success at least?" He nodded his head and left to go look for y/n. I did the same thing but only in the areas, I was allowed in.

5 minutes later 

I finally found her in the cafeteria just sitting at a table with no food in front of her. I sighed deeply as I went over to her and I noticed she was in deep thought. I waved my hand in front of her face and snapped my fingers. She looked up and I could see the tears in her eyes and I then noticed her clutching her stomach. "Let's go tell the doctors I found you," I commented and helped her up. I snaked your arm around her waist and saw her cheeks go-to a light pink shade. I then helped her back to her assigned room. 

Your pov

We enter my room but while we were walking I was thinking about what happened at Jitters. I went over to the bed slowly, 'is bar thinking about what my "family" did...' while thinking you accidentally ran into the bed and yelped from the sharp pain. "Easy there y/n!" Barry said while pulling you closer to him, by his action you could feel your cheeks heat up. You got into the bed and went under the very thin sheets. Barry held your hand as he waited for the doctor to come back.

Doctor finally comes back after 7 minutes 

Doctor's pov

(a/n- wow what a turn!)

I walked into the room hoping to find the lost patient and to my surprise she was in there with her boyfriend holding her hand. I silently chuckled at the hand holding but when straight back to work. "Okay Mr.s Wolf (a/n- yes I choose your last name! bc I can! dats why!) since we finished the surgery I will give you a prescription and then you can leave in an hour or so." "Make sure to get plenty of rest though!" They both nodded their heads and with that, I gave the man a piece of paper and left the room.

Your pov

I looked over at Barry as he was reading the piece of paper as he was nodding his head to himself. I giggled at his actions and he looked over at me and smiled softly. You thought to yourself 'that smile of his could heal me in a heartbeat if that was possible.' You couldn't help but smile back. 

Time skip till you are at the West's house

Barry was carrying me bridal style and I was blushing the whole way. He sat me down onto his bed gently than he looked over to his bathroom and went over and shut the door. He looked back at me and smiled softly and sat down next to me being careful not to hurt me. "We're gonna go to the Particle Accelerator no matter how much pain it causes me!" I said with a strict yet playful tone. I saw Barry's eyes widen at my tone but then he smiled. "As long as you're extremely careful!" I nodded and giggled at him he smiled at my giggle. While we waited till 8 we were talking and enjoying each other's presence the whole time. 

Time skippity skipp brought to you by a hopping burger!

Barry and I were both dressed very nicely but comfortable looking. He wore a white t-shirt, with a jean jacket over it. With Black jeans and white converse.

While I wore a gray hoodie over a black t-shirt, with black jeans, white converse, and a light gray beanie

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While I wore a gray hoodie over a black t-shirt, with black jeans, white converse, and a light gray beanie.

While I wore a gray hoodie over a black t-shirt, with black jeans, white converse, and a light gray beanie

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I arrived at the area where everything was happening. Since it was really cold out I grabbed onto his arm a bit. He looked down at me and smiled and he then moved his arm and put it around the middle of my back to hold me closer. I could feel my cheeks heat up at the sudden action. 

(Time skippy till y'all are at his office alone! ;D) (I'm so weird xD) (Comment if you agree!)

Bary's pov

I brought y/n back to where I work in the CIS (I think that's right) and up to my lab. I walked over to my desk I saw her walk around with amazement in her eyes. I chuckled at her and she turned to look at me. Then I turned back to the cases on my desk and started to finish up some of them

Your pov

I blushed out of embarrassment but I continued to walk around and check out the whole place. I fell right behind where Barry is and he turned to see what the noise was and saw me. Then I said, "so how's the weather up there?" I heard Barry chuckle at what I said. He grabbed my arms and pulled me up so I was standing, he pulled me more on accident making him fall into his chair and for me to land on his lap. I felt my cheeks heat up a lot more and I noticed his cheeks are almost just as red. 

*SHFUNKZESH*  key- (sh-fun-key-sh)

We both turned to see what happened and I got off of his lap and he followed behind me. I looked out the window and saw a huge red and orange wall going across the city. I commented "STAR labs..." I glanced at Barry with fear spread across my face and he had the same reaction. We looked back at the wall suddenly moving closer and closer to both of us. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back. I felt this sharp pain and I screamed like I was being stabbed then I felt myself get ripped away from Barry's arms. Last thing I heard Barry say was "Y/n no!" I felt tears stream down my face as I got launched into one of his chemical cabinets. I tried to respond but couldn't from all the pain and I could see the red, and orange wall around us as it moves then everything went pitch black.

Barry's pov

After I felt us get ripped away from each other I started to panic and tears quickly fell from my eyes. I looked at y/n's body as it crashed into a bunch of chemicals. I looked around me gently and saw the same thing happened to me and I was in so much pain. I yelled to her hoping she didn't die "Y/n no!" I saw as the wall kept moving past us as some of it stayed with us then all of a sudden everything went pitch black.


A/N- Make sure to comment below how you like the story so far and what you wish to happen and maybe I might put it into the story! 

+=+ BM

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