Chapter 4. The Effect [Edited]

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a/n- this might be a little shorter than normal only because I'm super tired.

I hope y'all enjoy it!

Words- 1555


9 months have passed

Nobody's pov

Both Barry Allen and Y/N Wolf are in a coma, they've been in a coma for 9 months exactly. They both have been experiencing the same things. Such as heart attacks, heart failures, blood vesicles popping out of no-where, and they have both died many times but then came back. Or so the doctors thought they died... little did they know that's not what was happening.

Barry's pov

I woke up to see a huge, bright light in front of my face and I groaned from the pain in my eyes. I take my arm and move it to block out the light as I blink to try and get my eyes watered and used to the new light. I look around me and see very high tech-looking devices and I notice a lot of wires and cords plugged into the wall along with things connecting to me. My first thought is 'where is y/n?'

 I look around and see threw the very weird glass into the other room and see her laying on a bed. I notice that this isn't a very normal hospital and all of a sudden I heard quick footsteps. I see a Latino man who's around 5'6 ish, with long black hair, and he's wearing a goofy shirt. Next to him, I see a 5'7 maybe 5'8 tall red-head girl. She's wearing a lab coat and looks more serious than the Latino man. I heard a female type of groan and instantly yelled "Y/N?!"

Your pov 

(same thing that happened to Barry at the beginning)

I look over and see a girl go over to me and check the high tech machines than she turns to me and checks my pulse and everything but I get scared and curl away from her. Her eyes widen a bit from my reaction but then steps out of the room and bring over the male as she talks to somebody else. I recognize the voice a bit but not that much. The man talks to me then hands me an outfit for me to put on than leaves and shuts the door.

a few minutes past 

You walked out of the room wearing a long-sleeve shirt that says S.T.A.R Labs on the front with sweatpants on too. I look to the side to see Bear wearing the same thing as me and I look around the room a bit more. Bear walks over to me and hugs me and I decided to play a little trick on him. I play my best poker face I then say "who are you?" Barry looks at me and let's go and his eyes start to water and tears fall down his face. 

"D-Don't you remember me...?" He said with his voice breaking in the middle of it. I shake my head at him and he turns away from me. After he puts his hands to his face trying to wipe away the tears I jump onto his back. (like a piggy-back ride) He almost loses his balance but quickly gains it and grabs my legs as they wrap around his sides. I giggle at him and he sighs.

Barry's pov

I asked if she remembered me and when she shook her head no I felt like crying. My heart started to ache and hurt. I felt my body feel so much pain from the rush of sadness washing over my body. Then all of a sudden I get this thud on my back and almost fall forward but stable myself. I grab her legs to keep her from falling off, then I hear her start to giggle then I realized. She acted like she forgot her memory when really she didn't so I sighed deeply. "My Irene Y/N I was about to start crying because you have forgotten who I was!"

 I heard her giggle more and I just moved my head down as I glare at the ground out of annoyance. I felt her rest her chin on my head and whisper an "I'm sowwy." She said it in a baby voice and it made my cheeks heat up at her adorable-ness. Then I heard somebody clear their throat very loudly and I turn to see the 2 people standing next to a white, long, curved table.

Y/N pov

I looked towards the two people standing there and felt very embarrassed. As Bear sat me down I leaned on him a bit. "I see you guys have awoken from your coma," the Latino man said. I looked so confused "how long were we out for?" The man said "you guys were both out for 9 months.  

After 15 minutes of explaining what happened and why they're here

Y/N pov still

"So you're saying that we have superpowers?!" I practically yelled at them and my voice is filled with both shock, fear, and happiness. I looked at Barry and saw his hand was shaking so fast it was a blur. I looked at my hand and saw the same thing was happening. "Barry let's try and high five" I moved so I was in front of him. I did the action and I went so fast I crashed into the wall. I slid down the wall and groaned in pain. Barry saw and ran over to me but also ended up crashing into the wall. "

You both have super speed by the looks of it" the girl said. We both got up and I walked very slowly back over to them. "First we are gonna check your vitals then we're gonna do some training." "Don't worry we are going to take it easy so you guys don't get too pressured or stressed out." The guy said while nodding to us using hand motions to make sure we understood. We both nodded our heads in response. "By the way I'm Cisco and this is Caitlin," Cisco said. "I'm Y/N and this is Barry" I moved my hand to point to him.

15 minutes later

Barry's pov

We walked into this medium-sized room and there was this weird but big looking treadmill in the middle of it. It was hooked up to a big machine with a huge cord. I was up first since Y/N was still really nervous. They already explained to both of us what to do and how to do it. I stepped up to the treadmill and started to run. Everything is running well and I slowly start to pick up my pace.

10 minutes past

Barry's pov still

I finally finished running and I was covered in a lot of sweat. I sat down on the treadmill and Caitlyn walked over to me and gave me a weird looking bar. "It's supposed to help give you energy," she said. "Also you're going to have to eat at least 3 large pizzas every time you run since you have super speed everything else is fast." She started listing some of the things to me and Y/N. 

"Your heartbeat, you can read faster, you can vibrate your whole body, especially your metabolism is so much fast meaning you have to eat at least" she trailed off while Cisco did the math. "21000 calories a day" Cisco said while he did a tiny fist bump in the air. Next, it was time to switch and I could tell y/n was very nervous, "how fast did I run?" I asked Cisco and he said "740 mph" I was shocked and I gasped slightly. "Damn! I didn't know I was sonic up in here!" I said and I heard y/n giggle at my words. I thought 'good I hope I relaxed her a bit more..'

Y/N pov

I went into the same room and Barry was about to hug me when I stepped back and held the bridge of my nose. "You stink Bear!" I said in a playful tone and he used his speed and hugged me tightly. "You're so gonna die when I'm done with training," I said with a scary glare and he instantly let go and rose his hands surrendering. "Don't hurt me y/n I didn't mean to!" I giggled at his response and he left with a chuckle. I started to do the same thing Bear did.

15 minutes later

Cisco pov
While she was running I went checking her vitals to make sure she was doing fine. 'She was but while running she hit 950 mph easy!' I thought to myself I looked and she started to slow down so I grabbed one of the energy bars and gave it to Barry for him to give it to her. As he walked into the room I whispered to Caitlyn "I think she has more than just speed..." She nodded to me like she agreed and we noticed the two started talking while y/n ate the bar.


a/n- hope you guys like this chapter even more! I decided to not leave you guys on too big of a cliffhanger this time. I will update again maybe tomorrow or in a few days still not sure.

 Have a nice night fam

+=+ BM

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