Chapter 13. Oh...

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a/n- we left off at the lunch break so let's jump right into it shall we?

words- 1746


Your pov

We arrived at Dukes Donuts. The place is a 10-minute walk away from CCPD but with our speed, we got there in a matter of seconds. We walked in and my nose instantly got filled with batter and frosting scents. I walked to the counter seeing nobody was in line as I leaned on it a bit. I look at Barry as if reading his mind when I turn back to the person. "We want 20 chocolate frosting, vanilla frosting, 15 jellies filled, and 1 pink frosting donuts," I said to the person as their expression went from casual to shocked. I then added, "a coffee and water as well, thank you." I added a sweet smile, in the end, making him almost fall in his place. My eyes widened slightly as I placed the exact change. I backed into Barry a bit and we walked over to a table to wait till they were done. 

A few minutes later

All 56 donuts arrived at our table along with Barry's coffee and my water. We started talking as we ate the donuts slowly, though since we have a 35-minute long lunch we have time. "I feel bad for you Bears..." I said to him as I finished my second donut making his eyebrows furrow together. "Why?" He asked me making me lean back in my chair as I take a small sip of my water. "I feel bad because you have to go to work every day and I only go into work when he calls me in," I commented as I grabbed a Jelly filled donut. "Oh," he muttered slightly as we continued talking as we ate.

After eating

We got up and threw away our trash and empty cups as we made our way out. I heard somebody call my name making me turn around swiftly to see who it was. I recognized who it was so I stop in my tracks as I stare at the person. I walk a bit closer to the person as Barry follows close behind me I stop a few feet away from their table. I mumbled but said it loud enough for the person to hear "hello dad..." I instantly felt Barry wrap his arm around my waist protectively after I said that. I saw him sit up as he chuckled and responded in a low tone "hello mistake." I flinched slightly at the name making him laugh more as he took a bite of his donut. "How's the bitch and the faggot?" I asked him referring to my stepmom and my brother making him growl at my tone and choice of words. "They are your family you better watch your mouth slut." He said to me as he abruptly got up making me flinch at his words and sudden action. I felt Barry's arm tighten around my waist bringing him closer to him till I was against him. "Well..." I gagged out loud then continued "dad." I snickered softly earning a glare from him as I continued "we must be getting back to work so we will be leaving now. Have fun eating your donuts and being the fat-ass that you are." With that, I turned and left with Barry following close behind me.

After arriving at the CCPD

"Baby are you okay?" I heard Barry ask me after what just happened at the Donut place. I roll my eyes still annoyed and angered by what happened as well as trying not to take it out on him. "Yes Barry Bartholomew Allen, I'm perfectly okay." He stopped mid-step when I said his full name now noticing I'm not okay. He gave me a kiss on my head as he walked into his lab but I just went over to the chief to ask if there was anything I needed to do.

After finishing work

I decided that I was gonna head to S.T.A.R Labs to let my frustration out there instead of here in public. I grabbed my things and slung my bag over my shoulder as I walked out I heard Barry call my name but I ignored him. I sighed as I went into an alleyway about to run when I felt somebody push me against the wall I was thinking it was Barry until I saw who it was. "Axel?!" I looked into his blue eyes as his black hair was curved upwards slightly like a wave. I growled lowly as I shoved him off of me. "Baby what's wrong?" He asked me as I started walking towards the road into the public as I responded "I"m not your baby!" I decided to run human speed to S.T.A.R Labs because he was following me and I didn't want to give away who I was. 

After 10 minutes

I finally saw the Labs coming into view so I decided to stop making Axel stop as well as I turn to him. "Why the fuck are you following me?" Before he could respond I added on "are you my new personal stalker now because if so that's just great!" I glared at him as I waited for him to respond but he didn't so I threw my hands into the air frustrated. "Well, you need to stop following me so go back to your home in the sewers," I said as I turned and quickly ran to S.T.A.R Labs and ran into the door but I went into the elevator and it shut right as he came to it. I let out a loud frustrated yell as I said a cuss word in the mix of it. Once the elevator landed on the ground floor I shot Ice out of my hands freezing the elevator in place as well as creating an unbreakable wall of ice right against the doors. I scoffed as I turned and walked into the cortex and sat on the couch as I glared daggers into the ground. 

After teleporting Barry here

I heard him shuffle a bit trying to regain his balance but once he did I felt warm, strong hands on my shoulders giving me a soft massage. "I swear I am going to kill this dude" I mumbled but realized Barry tensed making me get up and hug him. "Not you Baby I'm talking about my new stalker." I rolled my eyes as I did small jazz hands and mumbled a "yay!" His eyebrows furred together as Cisco and Caitlin got up from their seats and walked over to me. I rolled my eyes and mumbled a "come on." I walked out of the cortex and to the elevator and showed the ice wall and the ice on the ground keeping it from working. "Now think of puppies," I said as Cisco asked "why think of pu-" I cut him off mid-sentence as I teleported us onto the next level right in front of the main doors. "Why hello stalker," I said in a high pitch tone making Axel jump and slip on the ice making him fall to the ground. He grunted and groaned as he tried to get up but I just watched him as I explained to them who he is but didn't go into detail.

After he finally got up 

I leaned against Barry slightly as I felt him tense but by my touch, he soon slowly relaxed slightly. "Baby come on let's get out of here," he said to me as he attempted to walk over to me but I just held out my hand. "Take another step closer and I will kick you in the dick," I said with my eyes shut but if they were open then I'd be glaring at him. I heard Cisco muffle a chuckle from my response to Axel but Axel just growled softly in response. "Babe don't be like that," he said as he continued to walk closer to me but I just rose my leg up slightly as a warning. He starred at my leg but a smirk followed it's way onto his lips as I rose my leg fast-hitting him hard. He groaned but grabbed my leg and was about to throw me but I grabbed onto his shoulders. I did a complex move as I swung my legs around then wrapped them around his neck. I twirled my body around his and pulled slamming his body into the ground. I got off of him as he layed passed out on the ground as he had a cut on his head from how hard I slammed him. I used my powers to teleport him to the farthest away hospital. I wiped the dirt off of my pants and hands as I teleported us back to the bottom floor. I flung my hand at the elevator door making the ice melt away into a puddle of water but soon turned into the air in a matter of seconds. 

(wow what a karate move)

I turned and walked past them and towards the cortex then sat on the couch. "I teleported him 50,000 miles away from here but into a hospital. I slammed him onto the ground pretty hard I cracked his head open and gave him a concussion." I giggled at the end of that "not to sound insane or anything but he had it coming for what he did to me..." I growled softly as my eyes and hands lightly formed into flames. I felt something grab my face to make me look at them but I see it was Barry. I closed my eyes as the flames went out and they sat in front of me but Barry sat next to me and pulled me onto his lap. "I assume you wanna know who this guy is and what happened between us?" I ask them and they nod at me as I sigh and take a breath before starting.


a/n- sorry guys for the cliffhanger but the next chapter is just gonna be what happened between Axel and y/n. So if it's a few minutes long or 20 minutes long then so be it because it's some of her backstories. That's all, for now, hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for not posting for awhile. I was at my cousins' for 4 days and had no access to a laptop.

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