Chapter 7. The accident [Edited]

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Hello, mah pack! Yes that's what I'm calling you now. Make sure to follow me, vote, and comment! I forgot when I actually first published this chapter. Lemme just say as I am editing it. Oh my god I have made a lot of mistakes! It is currently 5/23/2020 at 9: 12 pm. That is all, have a nice day/night/evening/morning/afternoon.

Adiós (goodbye)

words- 2203


Normal pov

"Oh come on!" Barry yelled. I stared in shock with fear and sadness. (so many emotions ;c) We saw an old lady getting murdered by birth mom. I straightened my posture and I breathed in deeply trying to calm myself. My mother looked up at me and dropped the screwdriver. (Weird weapon..) Her eyes are pure brown but they started to change to light grey. Her hands started to turn the same color and then I realized. I whispered so the mic and Barry could hear. "My mother has water powers.." I heard Cisco scream "That's your mother?!"  I winced in pain from the yell.

I stepped forward slowly. "Mo- J, I can help you just put away your powers." I said in a calming voice, I saw her powers started to fade away than she screamed: "y/n where are you!?!" Her voice was filled with sadness. I stepped forward and she looked back down at me and shot at me with water and I got slammed into the wall hard as she kept shooting at me. I looked over at Barry and he was trapped in a Water like prison. I look back at my mom and she had this angry glare in her eyes. "P-Please J, just c-calm down" I said as I struggled to breathe and move. "Shy up you brat!" She yelled at me and the words she said hurt me.

10 minutes past

(Still your POV btw)

I am 35 feet off the ground getting soaked and chocked by my OWN mother. I try again "put me down J or I will make you!" My voice was laced with both anger and sadness. I thought to myself 'I have to do this...' "DROP DOWN DARKSTAR!!" Joe shouted at my mom. "I-I got this D-Detective Jo-" she shot water into my throat and it was boiling hot water making me scream in agony" I turned my body forcing it against the pressure of the water so I'm facing the wall. I used my strength and pushed myself off making me bend backward and I flip and lands behind her grabbing her and pushing her hard.

 (It's a backbend  but more straight and angelic and in mid-air) I used my speed and handcuffed her and pinned her down on the ground. Once she was down Barry ran over to me. I got her up and brought her to the cops who were now surrounded by reporters. "She is a meta-human with water powers so we will be taking her in," I said with my different voice. I sped to S.T.A.R labs and put her into the pipe-line before coming back. I went to the old lady who laid dead on the ground. 

Barry's POV

I went to the old lady as the cops and reporters came too. I sighed a little annoyed but saw y/n already there. "Y/- I meant DarkStar, we should let the cops do their jobs" she nodded and got up but fell to the ground after taking a few steps. "S-She shot me with b-boiling hot w-water..," she said and coughed up blood. I picked her up and sped her to S.T.A.R labs and set her down and as Caitlin started to hook her up. 

I changed out into my work clothes and rushed back to the crime scene because I still have a job to do. "Hey what do we have Barry?" Joe said I went over and 'examined' the body. "She was stabbed by a screwdriver" I said as I picked up the bloody tool. "har-har" he said with a slight chuckle. "She was killed by the meta-human for an unknown reason." He nodded at my response and I got up with my box and went over to my lab at CCPD. 

30 minutes later

I finally finished with the lab and went downstairs and put my report onto Joe's desk. I went back to S.T.A.R labs to check on Y/n. I was so fucking worried I almost ran into a wall five times! I got there and I saw y/n asleep on the bed. "Is she okay?" I asked with worry in my voice "she's fine, she just needs to sleep so she can heal" Caitlin said and I nodded. "I'll be back in an hour or so" I ran out after saying that.

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