Chapter 6. What's her answer? [Edited]

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Sorry for such a long wait! I got caught up in homework -_- yay. Then spring break ended yesterday (Sunday) and during spring break I was busy with family and friends so. Hate me all you want but I have half a life to live other than this amazing book! xD  Also, I'm gonna delete a few things that happened in the actual "Flash" show but it won't happen soon. On with the story before y'all leave me alone... again...

words- 1656


*"*The next morning*"*

Y/N pov 

I woke up and yawned, I realized I'm in my Pikachu Onesie! I remembered that I didn't change into it myself because I fell asleep on the walk home. Meaning he changed my clothing. As much as I wanna kiss him I'm gonna go smack him. I got up and I almost slip but I caught myself. I remember the footsies part is slippery on the hardwood. I carefully make my way over to his room. I get there and I see him shirtless asleep in his bed so I feel guilty almost instantly but I make my way over to him. He starts to wake up slowly so I smack him really hard and with my speed it makes it feel like getting smacked with a burning, frying pan.

 He starts to wake up slowly so I smack him really hard and with my speed it makes it feel like getting smacked with a burning, frying pan

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Barry pov

I heard steps coming near me and I saw a figure wearing a neon yellow article of clothing next to me as I slowly start to open my eyes I feel a sudden pain on my cheek so I sit up and explain "ow!" I looked over at the person with a mad face and I see y/n standing there giggling and blushing lightly. "Why did you smack me?!" I saw guilt on her face "because you changed me and saw my parts" she said with a grumpy face while pouting. "First off I didn't look, and second I used my speed so it was fast," I said and her face started to blush even more. I grabbed her waist with my left hand pulling her down catching her back with my right arm. (He's holding you bridal style basically while he's sitting down.) "Okay y/n I know this is blunt but will you be my girlfriend...?" Right before she could answer our phones started to ring.

Y/n pov

I was about to say 'fuck yes Bear!' but our phones started to ring so I got out of his arms and ran to my bedroom to get my phone I answered it and it was from Cisco. (weird... ikr?) "You and Barry need to get down here there is a robbery at the bank near GrassPinkFluff street." (I literally looked around my room and picked out 3 random things I saw xD) "Okay, we'll be there in a few seconds! Literally" A few seconds later both me and Barry ran to the bank, in our suits and we stood in the middle of the bank. It took us at least 2 seconds to change and everything except eat my precious breakfast..

We see the robbers turn around with confusion on their faces and hold up their machine guns. I sigh and say "wow boys! Bringing guns to a race? How weird, am I right?" Barry nodded, they looked at each other confused and while they weren't looking I did a 'sweet' ninja move and knocked the legs out from under them while flipping them and giving the cops outside the guns. "Here you go, officer." I went back in and grabbed one of them and Barry grabbed the other one that was already in handcuffs. "That's two robbers,  35 safe civilians, and no stolen money." I smile at them.

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