Chapter 10. Are you a puppy now?

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Hey, guys, I'm back from the dead, oh well bye

let's begin shall we?~

words- 2284


When you finished eating

I sat on the stool with my arms at my stomach as I stare at the empty bags. "Full?" Barry asked making me nod at his question. I felt the stool below disappear making me look around until I noticed Barry carrying me back to the bedroom. Once we entered the bedroom he set me down and shut the door then turned on the tv. I smiled at how caring and sweet he was being by taking care of me. I walked over to the bathroom and shut the door behind me when I looked at myself in the mirror. I hesitated but grabbed the bottom of my shirt and lifted it to see the scars. I grabbed a hair tie and tied the extra hoody into a knot to hold it up. I moved my hands to the scars and once they got into contact I winced from the pain. I set my hands on the counter right next to the sink and started to breathe heavy. I looked back up to see my eyes glowing pure white making me gasp softly. I saw a scar glowing on my side making me turn to see it easier. I gasped again as I felt the same pain I felt when I got it making everything go black turning into a flashback.


I just woke up and yawned while getting out of bed to go meet my 'parents.' I walked over to the old dresser and pulled out some torn and dirty clothes. I changed into them then left the room and walked upstairs out of the basement. I shut the door slightly and quickly hurried to the kitchen to start cooking before I got yelled at. I started cooking Pancakes and Eggs. I made my 'mom' three stacked pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries on top. For my 'dad,' I made an omelet with cheese and ham mixed with it along with a cup of Black Coffee. Once I finished setting out the plates at the table I heard them coming down so I turned off the stove and started putting away the dishes. I turned to face them as they walked over to me. I stood straight hoping I did okay this time. My 'mom' said: "nice job runt" then she went over to the table and sat down then started to eat. My dad took the place where my mom was and started to speak. "Next time wait for us to tell you what we want to eat instead of being an idiot and just assuming what we want." He looked to the oven and grab the pan I used to cook then grabbed my shirt and lifted it a bit. I slammed the pan onto my hip making me scream in pain but I bite my lip holding it in. He then grabbed the other pan and put it on my arm. He held it there for a few minutes until he tossed them and walked over to the table to eat his food. I turned to pick the pans off the ground as I whimpered softly from the pain. I walked over to the sink and began washing the dishes but I caught glimpses at the burns. 

End of Flashback

I blinked again and my eyes were normal as I gasped for air. I saw the glowing stopped and everything slowly went back to normal. I then heard banging get louder and louder until I realized it was Barry. I quickly grabbed the hair tie and pulled it out and put it in my hair making a bun. I moved my hoodie down covering myself then I turned to the door and opened it. "Are you okay?!" Barry asked as he came in making me think, 'how long was I gone for?' I looked at him and nodded slightly. I walked past him and over to the window next to a desk. I opened it and looked out the window starring below. I heard Barry come over to me then I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist pulling me closer to him. "What's wrong?" He asked and I just shook my head slightly then looked over to the bed. I grabbed him and sped over to the bed and pinned him. He chuckled as his hands rested on my hips making me blush. "I was remembering something.." I told him as I slowly looked away from him. I got off of him and vanished making him sit up and groan. I pushed him forward making me stand but fall forward but he caught himself. "Really?" He asked me making me giggle and nod as I sit on the edge of the bed. He rolled his eyes and came back over then sat behind me against the wall of the bed. I took off my hoodie and leaned against him having my headrest on his chest. I was the controller of the tv so we watched a bunch of random shows though mainly Criminal Minds. 

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