Chapter 5. The Save [Edited]

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a/n- I hope y'all liked the last chapter also I forgot to add that they got hit by lightning so just pretend I put it in there...

Also, I just couldn't wait to do a new chapter and this might be a little longer than the others but bear with me!  get it...? cuz your nickname... for Barry... is bear...? no..? I tried...

Let's move onto de storyz!~

Words- 2380


Y/N pov

Barry and I are talking about our speeds and what else we might have. I get excited and squeal out of happiness. Barry covers his ears with a small yelp and I stop. "I think you have sonic squealing," he said with a chuckle. I giggled at his words and took another bite of the bar. "This tastes so weird.." After I said that Bear grabbed my bar and took a bite out of it. I opened my bite out of surprise and he tore off a small piece and put it into my mouth. "There you go n/n," he said with a chuckle and I just chewed the bar and grabbed it back. "Hmph!" I turned away acting like a child. "Awwe do you want a hug widdle child?" He said in a teasing tone and I turned to face him and I looked at the window asking for help but they just turned away. 'Jerks' I thought then turned back to Bear. 

Barry's pov

I chuckled as she looked to Cisco and Caitlin for help. She looked back at me and rose(think that's the wrong word) her hand to my head and I gave her a confused look. She then pushed her hand into my curved hair and messed with it making it messy. "Hey!" I said in a playful tone but all she did was giggle and use her speed to run away. I chased after her as she ran but she was a little faster than me. I finally caught up to her and tackled her. I landed on top of her and had my right hand next to her head and my left hand next to her waist. I instantly started to feel my cheeks heat up.

Y/N's pov

I felt my cheeks start to heat up quickly as his face was so close to mine. I suddenly realized something...I have a crush on Barry! I notice him start to lean closer to my face and I also start to lean as well with my eyes shut. Right as our lips are about to touch Cisco yells "guys come back to the Cortex!" We both open our eyes and Barry quickly gets up and pulls me up and we go back to the Cortext. "Woah did you guys kiss or something?" Cisco said in a joking tone making Barry and I turn away with my cheeks heating up more.  Cisco told us that he made us a suit if we wanted to save people. Of course, we both said yes but I squealed and giggled at the guys clutching their hurting ears.

a few seconds later

(a/n- ofc Barry has his suit but your suit is different)

Barry's pov

I walked out of the bathroom and the suit is skin tight which, to be honest, is a little embarrassing. I hear y/n mumbling to herself and I see her come out and stand next to Caitlin. Her suit is also very skin tight, but it's purple and black mixes with a Flash and a Question mark formed into one. "Barry we are gonna call you-" Cisco says with a drum-roll, "The Flash!" I chuckle at him "I like the name, but what ab-" I get cut off by y/n saying "what about my name?" Cisco says "slow your roll n/n" I rolled my eyes (not in a bad way) and chuckled. 

"You will be named," Cisco does an even longer drum-roll. " DarkStar!" Y/N nodded in  approval almost and said: "I love that name Cisco!" I saw her super speed to him and hug him and something in me started to hurt. I realized what was hurting, my heart.. I got jealous of her hugging Cisco. I saw her let go and walk next to me. I looked her up and down a few times and I think she noticed.

Y/N pov

I looked at Barry who is looking me up and down so I turn to Cisco who's raising his eyebrows up and down with a smirk on his face. I roll my eyes than I turn back to Barry and smack his shoulder. He grabbed his shoulder and said "Y/n! that hurt!" I giggled and said, "don't stare at my figure next time!" I walked to Cisco and I gave Barry a little, evil smirk. I whispered something to Cisco and Barry's eyes widen at the facial expressions Cisco was making when I was telling him something. I walked back to Barry but sat down on the Modern Couch against the wall and went onto my phone. I started texting somebody.

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