Chapter 9. So you are a pervert?

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a/n- hello fam! Hope you liked the previous chapter~ 

Now let's move onto the next chapter *cough cough* this one..

words- 3707


As I pouted I walked over to the living room until I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I crossed my arms as I stood still pouting. I saw Barry move in front of me as he looked down at me slightly making me turn away. "Baby don't be like that," he said as he moved his fingers under my chin to lift it to look at him. "Hmph," I said as I looked to the side then I heard him sigh, "you leave me no choice then." He said making me get confused at his wording. I felt his arms wrap around my waist then I felt the wind brush past me then something soft against my back. I looked up to see him pinning me against the bed I moved my arms down to my side a bit. I moved my leg up a bit having it rest on the side of him as I looked into his eyes. We both smiled at each other as blush rose to our cheeks. I moved my chin up as he leaned down towards my face. Our lips connected as we kissed. I moved my arm around his neck wanting to deepen it. Then the phone started to ring and I heard him groan with annoyance in his tone. I grabbed my phone and answered it. The only thing Barry could hear was me say "yes" "okay" "mhm" "sure." I ended the call and set it down on the nightstand next to his phone. "Who was that?" Barry asked making me roll my eyes playfully. I leaned my head up pecking his lips but softly biting his lower lip as I sat up. "Somebody," I said as I walked to the end of the bed. I looked up to see a shocked expression on Barry's face making me giggle. I saw his pants near where his button and zipper was a bit higher, kind of a lump there instead of being flat. I felt my cheeks heat up quickly as I grabbed the bags and walked into the walk-in closet. I placed the bags down and walked over to my phone and grabbed both of them putting them into my back pockets. I put my shoes back on and walked to the doorway. "Cisco called and said he wants to talk to us so I'm gonna go. Have fun dealing with your thing." I motioned to his place as he looked down. He moved his hands to cover his area with a pillow. I giggled and heard him groan than yell "I'm gonna get you!" I giggled and moved to the window in the living room. I opened it and put my hands on the sides of the window. "Race you, babe!" I said as I turned to face him. I bit my bottom lip as I jumped out the window I heard him scream "no!" I giggled as I dove down. I saw people crowd around and right before I hit the ground I turned into nothing. 

At S.T.A.R. Labs

I was talking to Cisco about what I did to Barry with the window. I heard footsteps then saw Barry facing away as he yelled, "Y/N just killed herself by jumping out the window!" I put a hand to my mouth muffling a giggle I got off of the couch and walked behind him. I moved my hands under his shirt touching his back. He yelled and turned around to see what touched his back making me giggle at his reaction. " you killed me!" I yelled in between giggles as I fell to the ground but before I hit the ground I vanished. "The hell..." Cisco said while I moved to the t.v on the wall and climbed up it sitting on top as it hung on the wall. I turned visible and heard Cisco gasp really loudly after seeing me. Barry turned around and saw me and groaned as he walked over to me. He grabbed me by the waist and picked me up moving closer to him, I wrapped my legs around his waist. "You might be small enough to be my child," Barry said and I gasped at his insult then said "I am 5'8! That is not that short Barry!" He chuckled at my reaction I shook my head at him then decided to make his clothing wet. (Not that way you dirty minded creatures!) I smirked and turned into water making his shirt and pants all wet on the front. I morphed into a tiger made out of water. I walked around the lab as Cisco starred wide-eyed. I made a laughing sound at Barry's shocked expression. I walked into the training room with the treadmill. I got onto it and formed into a cheetah without making the water get onto it. Cisco moved his chair over to the computers along with Caitlin I started to run slowly picking up speed as I go. I formed into a blue blur as I ran. 

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