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"Good afternoon. I'm doctor Fields and I'll be standing in for doctor Stubble today" a beautiful woman in a crisp white coat entered the room and introduced herself.

She took a seat on the adjustable chair by the table side and squeezed some cold jelly-like substance on my belly. She then took a wand and started to run it over my stomach, spreading the jell.

"It looks like you'll be having twins"

"Twins?" I asked in worry and the she smiled nodding.

"Yeah see, right here we have baby number one which is a girl" she pointed to the left of the screen "baby number two seems to be a girl also"

"Th...that's our baby?" Maliky stuttered out, teary eyes fixed solely on the screen

"Yes it is" the doctor replied as she continued to run the wand over my slightly swollen tummy.

"can I hear the heartbeat" I said shyly and she smiled at me.

I saw her do something on the machine and a rapid pounding sound filled the room. I felt a pair of eyes staring at me and when I looked up from the monitor, I met Maliky's hazel coloured eyes.

When we were finished, the doctor left to go and print a pic of my fetus while I cleaned up and emptied my bladder

"Alright, so the pictures have been printed" the doctor came in,  handing us a picture each.

"Thank you" I said and she gave me a huge bright smile

"Just doing my job. But it is refreshing to have someone say thanks" she looked me in the eyes and at that moment, her smile faded "you're gonna be a great mom"


"I see your insecurity and I want you to know that you are a good person who has a lot of love to give. What better way than to give it to your child?"

"Uh...thank you"

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