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Izuku sat in his chair. His small 4-year-old-self was looking at the screen, completely taken by the scenes on the screen. On the screen was his favorite hero, All Might. Izuku was watching a video which showed All Might saving dozens of people from the wreck that was the fight place where he and another villain had just fought it out. This was a video Izuku had seen several hundred times. He had already memorized everything that happens in the video. It was his favorite video, and favorite thing to do, watching that video. 

"Izuku! We have to leave now." It was his mother, Inko. (Inko Midoriya: She used to have strong telekinesis before the incident, but after the death of Izuku's father she became a wreck and tried to end herself. Luckily someone saved her, but as a result to her attempted suicide, her powers are weakened heavily. Quirk: weak Telekinesis.) Izuku was supposed to go to the doctor today to see what quirk he would get. "I am here!" he shouted to his mother as he came out of his room. "Good. Now let's go." She replied. They took the train to the doctor. "I hope I get a cool quirk like kachan," he said to his mother with excitement in his eyes. She just looked at him with a smile. 

When they came to the doctor they checked in and went to were they were told to go. "Izuku will get a quirk." the doctor said as Izuku lightened even more. "However it will not be any of his parents' quirks." Izuku didn't really care, but his mother seemed a little down after the doctor said that. "Izuku will get one of the strongest quirks this world has yet to see. This quirk is a completely new quirk, yet to be written down. You know how we categorize quirks after how powerful they are alone, well Izuku you have a friend right? Named Katsuki Bakugou." The doctor said. Izuku nodded. "His quirk is in the legendary category. However, you have a quirk in the heavenly category. A quirk of a god. Your quirk is that you have the ability to control all the elements on earth. That means Izuku can control wind, earth, fire, water, ice, lightning, light and darkness, and with training, he could definitely control it to his benefits." And with that last sentence, their visit was over. (Izuku Midoriya: He can control all the primary elements: wind, earth, fire, water, ice, lightning, light and darkness. Quirk: Elemental master.) 

When they came home, Izuku went to his friend, Bakugou, who lived across the street to tell him about his quirk. He rang the doorbell with excitement. Bakugou opened the door. "Kachan! I just found out what my quirk is!" Izuku shouted at Bakugou. "Really? Deku, what is it?" Bakugou asked. "Let's go to the park. I'll show you." Izuku replied. 

When they got to the park Izuku asked Bakugou to step away from him. Izuku closed his eyes and started to feel the power and energy of the weather flow through him. He raised his arms to the sky and focused all his energy to shoot out of his hands. The power beam shot up in the sky, and suddenly dispersed in a small explosion of dust. Suddenly it started raining. Bakugou looked at Izuku in awe. "Deku, that's so cool!" he shouted from where he was standing. Izuku just looked at him. He started running towards Bakugou and hugged him. "I can't believe that actually worked!" he said as he was hugging Bakugou. "Hey, do you think you can make it stop raining where we're standing?" Bakugou suddenly asked. Izuku just looked at him and nodded. He did the same thing again, but instead of making it stop raining just where they stood, he stopped it raining everywhere. "Weird, I didn't mean to do that," Izuku said. "It doesn't matter. Now let's go home before our parents get scared." Bakugou replied. (Katsuki Bakugou: He can make explosions out of his sweat. If he uses his quirk too much, he'll damage his arms. Quirk: Nitroglycerin sweat.) 

And on their walk back, Izuku and Bakugou just used their quirks in a fun way. Bakugou aiming at trash and stuff, and blowing it up. Izuku however just made small tornados in his hands, trying to control it as much as possible. When they came back it was already 18.00 and they both had to go to sleep (because they're 4). 

-Time skip: 10 years- 

Izuku and Bakugou were on their way to school. They had a race every morning to see who came first. Izuku using his weather quirk to make the wind lift him up, and make him fly, while Bakugou used his explosions to make him fly. Not today though. Izuku would win most of the time, but it was always a really close race. It was a special day for them as they were going to pick a hero school to go to, and they had both agreed to try and get into UA. 

They went on to get through school to where the part they wanted to pick a school. They both wrote their name and which school they would go to. After that, the teacher got up and read out who wanted to go to which school. Bakugou and Izuku didn't really care about the others, as they knew they would be the only once to attend UA. "Izuku Midoriya: Ua, Bakugou Katsuki: UA." the teacher announced. Everyone looked at them in awe. People whispering "Wish I was strong enough for UA." and, "They think they are sooo cool." and "I'm so jealous." 

-Time skip: 10 months- 

Izuku and Bakugou had been training constantly, every day after school, and now it was the day of the entrance exam. Bakugou and Izuku both feeling confident, as they walked through the UA gates. Present mic was telling the students the rules of how to get into the exam when a guy with blue hair and glasses stood up and said "Not to be rude, but how long will this exam last? And another thing, you there with the green and black hair. All you have been doing is look in that book the whole time we've been here". "I'm sorry for doing what I'm allowed to do," Izuku answered in a sarcastic way. "And also. If you had just looked in the book, you would have known that the exam will last 15 minutes". Iida was dumbfounded. No one had ever talked back to him in that way. "I'm deeply sorry," he said before bowing and then sitting down. (Tenya Iida: He has a quirk that can boost his speed. His legs have engines on the back, so he can also kick really hard. Quirk: Engines.) (Hisashi Yamada aka Present Mic: He can make his voice really loud. He has a device around his neck, so he doesn't kill anyone when he speaks. Quirk: Voice.) 

After the walkthrough they each got a card where it stood which city they would go to. Izuku would go to city A, and Bakugou to city B. "Looks like they don't want us to team up with our friends." Izuku said. "Well then, good luck on beating my score!" Bakugou said before he left to city B. "Oh, I'll show you." Izuku whispered to himself, as present mic screamed that the exam had started.


K finished editing this chapter and be ware this is not my story but I'm going to continue this story and some of u Guys will say to me why u didn't ask him will I'm kinda sad that he left wattpad  and also he  specifically   Said that don't even  ask him  and I don't want to bother him and still I don't know why
He left or he is still here  but this story was his I'm just going to continue this story

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