Vanguard action squad vs deku (Part 1)

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Izuku looked toward the mountain nearby and on a ledge, he could see a small source of light. He knew that the little boy could be in danger, so he did not waste any time on his way there. He bolted through the forest and boosted himself with wind and ice to go faster.

He got to the cliff and came just in time to see the kid, Kota, about to be crushed by a huge, muscular guy. Without thinking, Izuku jumped forward and grabbed Kota before dodging the muscular man's attack. He immediately got some distance.

"Hmm? What is this?" The man said. Izuku couldn't see his face since he was wearing a hoodie with the hood over his head. However, the tone in the man's voice was enough to terrify anyone. "Oh, look, a small roach just waiting to be squashed." The man took off his hood and a face with a huge scar covering the man's left eye was shown. "I'm Muscular, and I'm part of the vanguard action squad. Now, you are coming with us." Muscular said with a wicked grin as flesh started to cover his body. More and more, as he grew in size.

When he grew as much as possible, he swept out a walkie-talkie. He put it close to his mouth and talked into it, "Guys, I've found him. He's here." Muscular said, not leaving Izuku with his eyes. Then, a voice came through from the other side of the walkie-talkie. "Affirmative, we'll be there shortly." Izuku felt shivers go down his spine.

Meanwhile, in other locations:

Dabi sent a huge wave of blue flames at Eraser Head but he dodged by grabbing the roof with his scarf and pulling himself up. He then threw his scarf at the villain and captured him. Eraser Head jumped down and walked up to the villain. "Not so tough now, are you?" Eraser Head teased. Suddenly, a shivering sound was heard from Dabi's pocket. "Guys, I've found him. He's here." a voice said. Dabi smirked before he pressed on his pocket. "Affirmative, we'll be there soon." He replied before letting the walkie-talkie go. "Eraser Head... You have no idea." Then, Dabi turned into some grey sludge and disappeared.

Toga was silently hiding in the bushes as Uraraka and Tsuyu passed her. She then threw a knife at Uraraka, but Tsuyu acted fast enough and grabbed Uraraka before throwing her away with her tongue. Not without being cut on it though. Then she turned to where the knife came from and a knife came toward her. She ducked but her hair didn't follow as the knife caught her hair and pinned her to a tree. Out came an ecstatic Toga. "YAY! Hey, frog girl. I'm Toga. Wanna be friends?!" She asked but Tsuyu only replied with a frown. Suddenly, Toga's pocket made a shivering sound. "Guys, I've found him. He's here." a voice said. Toga looked sad. "Ugh, and we were just about to become friends! Oh well, hope this guy is worth it. Bye!" She said before she bolted away from the two very confused girls.

Shoto and Bakugo were making their way through the forest together with a 1-B student named Kosei. They had heard some ruckus nearby and some pink smoke had affected Kosei in a way that he fell asleep. Shoto was currently carrying him. Suddenly, something came out of the shadows and the thing attacked with long, sharp teeth that bent in all directions. All three students dodged. The thing was revealed to be someone strapped in black restraints inside a black suit. Suddenly, before anyone could do anything, a walkie-talkie could be heard from the thing's suit. "Guys, I've found him. He's here." The thing growled before it turned around. "Must eat... Flesh..." The thing said as it left the two extremely horrified boys.

Mustard was silently standing in his own mist with the gas mask on. 'Hmm, wonder where the others are right now. What could they be doing? How is the mission going? Ugh, I hate being the distraction!' He thought to himself as he loaded the gun. Suddenly, his walkie-talkie made a shivering sound. He grabbed it and listened closely. "Guys, I've found him. He's here." Mustard could hear that it was probably Muscular's voice. 'Well, now I at least know how the mission's going.' He chuckled.

Mr. Compress was just silently boring the shit out of himself as he waited for the moment to strike. He was currently sitting at their meet-up point when they first got there. He was tasked to wait until someone found the individual named Izuku Midoriya until he would be able to make his move. Suddenly, his walkie-talkie made a sound and he listened closely. "Guys, I've found him. He's here." Muscular said through the walkie-talkie. "Very well, looks like it's time to strike." He repositioned his hat before jumping off the vantage point and started running towards Muscular's location.

The Pussycats were just standing around the open are they started their 'Trial of Terror' when suddenly, Pixie-Bob started to float and flew toward the edge of the forest. The heroes and remaining students turned toward her and saw that she was laying on the ground with a large stone pole on her head. Two villains were standing above her as one looked like a reptile and the other looked gay. "Hello there, heroes! We're with the Vanguard Action Squad. Now, let's start the party!" The reptile guy said as he drew a large sword made up of even more swords. However, before anyone could do anything a walkie-talkie in the gay guy's pocket made a shivering sound. "Guys, I've found him. He's here." a voice said. The gay guy sighed before the reptile person whined. "Ugh, not even a swing at them? That's a bummer. Anyway, bye!" He said before the two attackers left the heroes alone and ran toward Muscular.

A mysterious creature walked through the forest without any kind of destination set. Its only command was to kill every living thing crossing its path, and that it was going to do. Suddenly, a walkie-talkie made a sound from the creature's pocket. "Guys, I've found him. He's here." Muscular's voice was heard from the other side of the walkie-talkie. The creature only growled as it turned directions and started to slowly walk toward a mountain.

Back with Izuku against Muscular:

Muscular then threw his walkie-talkie away and cracked his knuckles. "They may be coming. But I don't think it'll change anything anyway." Muscular crouched down and lept toward Izuku. He was unable to dodge and could only block the hit with his right arm as he held Kota tightly with the other. He flew back and nearly fell off the cliff.

Izuku looked at his opportunities. None were found. Izuku looked at Kota sadly and said, "Kota, I'm sorry." He then made an earth creature and told it to go back to the camp with Kota and take him to safety. Kota felt relieved that he wouldn't be in danger, but for some reason,

he felt guilt over not being able to help his hero. Izuku then turned back to Muscular and looked at him with rageful eyes. "I won't be going anywhere." He said. Muscular just scuffed before charging Izuku once more. However, this time he was prepared and dodged to the side. He threw a lightning bolt at Muscular but it literally bounced off. Muscular slowly moved his head toward Izuku. He made a crazed face before saying with a horrifying tone,

"Is that all you've got...

(End of chapter)

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