Class 1-A

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-Time skip: 3 weeks-

Izuku and Bakugo had been training nonstop for the last three weeks and Bakugo had started getting better using his quirk to Izuku's disadvantage. Izuku, however, had begun making progress on how fast he can summon a storm or a tornado. Before he needed at least 2 seconds for a tornado and 5 seconds for a lightning storm. Now he only needed 1.5 seconds for a tornado and 4 seconds for a storm. For earthquakes, he just needed to put his hands to the ground and release some of his power. And as for tsunamis he had to be close to the shore, so he wasn't really able to train that. The only thing he did to train his tsunamis was to go down to the beach that was covered in trash, and he made tsunamis take the trash further up on the beach, and some of the trash even ended up on the pavement.

On the last day of his training with Bakugo, he got home and his mom was already at the door waiting for him. "Izuku, have you been training with Bakugo again?!" she asked, as she looked at him with a worried look on her face. Izuku saw this and looked down on his clothes and his body. His clothes had holes in them and were coal black. He had scratches as from the times Bakugo actually hit him, but the most noticeable thing was his leg that had a huge cut. "I guess we went a little overboard. I'm sorry we worried you." Izuku said scratching his neck, as he suddenly remembered Bakugo had exploded a tree and a part of the tree had pierced his leg. "Damn Bakugo," he said so only he could hear it. "Anyways your letter from UA is here," Inko said. Then she gave it to him. Izuku took it and ran into his room, shutting the door.

He sat on his chair staring at the envelope. He tore it open. Out came a chip. The chip suddenly made a hologram. "Hello, Izuku Midoriya! At the entrance exam, you scored an impressive 357 points. You scored 307 villain points, but there was a second way to get points too. By being a true hero and helping others. And you scored 50 hero points, by helping someone in need. Therefore you scored 357 points, with only me beating you when I got 500 points in the school records. So with nothing else to say... Welcome to UA, Izuku Midoriya!" All Might said to him from the hologram. Tears running down Izuku's face, as he smiled. "Finally, my biggest step to becoming the next number 1 hero." he celebrated.

The next day Izuku woke up and got ready to go to UA. On the way to UA, he met Bakugo. "Hey, Bakugo, I figured you would pass. Shall we walk together?" Izuku said. "Yeah, I guess," he answered. When they came to the class, the people that were there already flocked around Izuku. "You're the guy that defeated that 0 pointer, and got the most points in UA's history, only behind All Might," they said. "I just did what a normal hero would do. I'm guessing most of you would also have tried to save someone if you knew they were in trouble." Izuku said. 'So MANLY!' the two students that could harden thought. After answering some questions Izuku walked to his seat and sat quietly down. Izuku could feel someone staring at him from behind. Izuku looked behind him and saw one of the most beautiful girls he's ever seen, Momo Yaoyorozu.


One day, when Izuku was on his way home from training, he heard a call for help. And being the true hero he is, he quickly rushed to their aid. He ran into an alleyway and saw a girl being beaten by four thugs. The girl had black hair tied up in a ponytail. She looked like she was around the same age as Izuku. The thugs were beating her senseless. She summoned a small shield for protection, but it didn't help much. That's when Izuku used his element quirk to make a small earthquake where the thugs were standing. The thugs lost their balance and fell. Izuku used this opportunity to lift the girl with his wind and send her to him. He caught her right before she passed out from blood loss. He put her down. "You guys are going to pay for this," Izuku told the thugs that were getting up. "You brat. I'll kill you!" One of the thugs answered before he used his quirk to send Izuku flying up in the air with his wind quirk. Izuku regained his strength and slowly floated down. He used his fire to send two of the thugs flying into a wall, knocking them both unconscious. The two thugs that were left looked at Izuku with anger in their eyes. The first villain used his telekinesis to throw a trash can at Izuku. But Izuku swiftly burnt it to ash. Then he used his ice power to trap the villain. And the last villain looked at Izuku, now fear in his eyes. "I suggest you leave before I do that to you too," Izuku said with an irritated tone to his voice. The last villain quickly turned around and picked up the two other guys that were knocked out by Izuku. "You'll pay for this." The villain answered, before he quickly made his escape, leaving one of the villains left. Izuku retracted his ice, and the villain trapped in it fell to the ground unconscious. Izuku looked back at the girl. She had an extremely pretty face, with a fine body as well. 'Wow, she's really pretty.' he thought before he saw the bruise marks, and cuts she had gotten from the villains. He used his quirk to seal up her cuts, and partially healed her, closing all her visible cuts. 'I have to get her home, so she can rest somewhere comfy.' he thought. He picked her up bridal style and flew back to his apartment. He saw that the door was locked, so he opened it without dropping her down.

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