Christmas day

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Izuku was sitting in front of the fire with a coffee mug in his left hand. Tomorrow was Christmas. Momo was leaning against his shoulder feeling tired. She also had a coffee mug, but it was in her right hand. They both sat on the sofa just looking into the raging flames. Izuku had been staying in Momo's house for the last couple of days, and he had gotten even closer to her and her family. Momo's father had even teased them by leaving a condom in their room. They had both agreed to wait until they were both ready. Today had been the most tiring day for them, as they had gone around town giving presents to the kids at different parks. Izuku felt really good after doing so because the kids reminded him of himself. He had always been that one ray of sunshine in the daycare when he was little.  

Now they were only waiting for their parents to get home. Their parents had been on a double date since Inko had found herself a suitable mn. His name was Toshinori Yagi. Izuku had questioned it at first but surely gave up after he saw his mom being truly happy. But he had told Toshinori one thing before they started dating. 


Izuku was outside his house and Toshinori was standing in front of him. He was in his skeleton form. "I know you're dating my mom," Izuku said, and Toshinori stiffened. "And honestly, I approve. I have seen you around my mom, and when she is with you she seems happy. I haven't seen her this happy in a long time, and I'm glad you have come into not only my life but hers as well." Izuku continued, and Toshinori let out a sigh. "Thank you, Midori-" "Let me finish. Like I said. I'm glad you're in our lives, but... If you ever, and I mean EVER hurt her, you'll regret you gave me your power! Because if that happens, I will hunt you down and beat the shit out of you! The headlines will read "All Might retires early after a fight with a 15-year-old." You'll become a laughing stock, and I'll cut you out of my life! Do you get that?!" Izuku calmed down after his little rage fest. Toshinori looked scared as hell. He had never felt this much anger and rage come from a child ever before, and definitely not towards him. "O-O-O-Okay. I promise I'll protect her with All my Might (pun intended)," he said, scared that Izuku would beat him. "You better!" Izuku said before he walked inside. 

                   End of flashback

  "He better keep his promise..." Izuku said to himself. "What is it, babe?" Momo asked. Izuku looked at Momo and saw that she was glaring him down with worry and confusion. "It's nothing you have to worry your cute little head about," Izuku said petting her head. Momo lit up and went back to look at the flames. "Thanks, babe. You really know how to make me comfortable." Momo said. "Yeah..." Izuku replied, drifting off into space. The two soon fell asleep on the couch, with Izuku sitting up, and Momo leaning on his shoulder.  

Soon their parents came home. "Hello." *no answer* "They must have already gone to bed." Toshinori said. He was the first to walk inside the living room and noticed someone laying on the couch. He walked over there and saw that Momo was laying on Izuku's chest and they were both asleep. "Hey, guys! Come and check this out," he whispered loud enough for the others to come to him. The three other adults walked over to Toshinori and looked at the two kids in love. The all "aawwwwwww"ed and just looked at their kids. "We should arrange a marriage for them." Yorri burst out. The Midoriyas began panicking, but Nejire agreed. Toshinori then spoke, "Wouldn't it be better to let them choose instead of us forcing them." The Yayorozus thought about it for a while and actually agreed. They then left their kids on the couch and went to bed themselves. 

The Next Day:

Izuku woke up and felt someone laying on him. He opened his eyes and saw Momo laying there. She looked so cute on top of him. He slowly moved his hand through her hair and thought about how they first met. 'Man I'm happy I saved her.' he thought. After a while of Izuku just relaxing and blushing every once in a while Momo woke up. She lifted her head an looked straight into Izuku's eyes. "Good morning," Izuku said and flashed a bright smile at Momo. She then noticed she was laying on top of him. She blushed and struggled to say something back. "G-G-Good morning, b-babe," she replied. "Did you sleep well?" Izuku asked. "Y-Yes." Momo stuttered. She got off him, and walked up to their room, took a shower and got dressed comfortably. It was Christmas after all.         

Izuku was dumbfounded how a woman could be so beautiful

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Izuku was dumbfounded how a woman could be so beautiful. Momo just kept on giving pleasant surprises. "Are you going to get dressed?" she asked. "Oh! Yeah. I'll be back soon." Izuku replied before he went to their room too, and took a shower and got dressed. When he got down, Momo was blown away by the cuteness.         

It was like another sun suddenly appeared

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It was like another sun suddenly appeared. Momo blushed madly and tried her best to stay calm, but to be honest, it was the hardest thing to do. She just wanted to walk over to him and snuggle with him. "So... how do I look?" Izuku broke the silence. "Uhhhh... Y-You look g-g-great," Momo replied looking away. Izuku walked over to her and gave her a big hug. The sat down in front of the fireplace once more and waited for their parents to wake up. 

After an hour Inko walked down. "Good morning, mom!" Izuku said and gave her a bright smile. "Yes, good morning Mrs. Midoriya," Momo said. "Good morning to you two, too. And Momo, just call me mom. I mean, you're going to become my daughter-in-law soon anyways." Inko teased the two teens. They both blushed madly and just looked away. "Changing the subject... how was last night?" Izuku asked. "Oh, it was wonderful. Toshinori was so nice and acted like a real man. Your parents were so nice Momo. They invited us and at first, I didn't think much about it, but as it got closer I kept getting more and more nervous, and..." Inko kept rambling on about the date, but the teens didn't care anymore. They just looked at each other and smiled.

(End of chapter)

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