Entrance exam

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Present mic screamed that the exam had started, and everybody started running, except Izuku who just stood at the front gates. "What is with that kid?" one of the teachers in the control room asked. "Maybe he froze?" one replied. "I don't know, I feel like this kid has a plan." the principal, Nedzu, said. (Nezu: He has a quirk that makes him a really smart animal. He was first a human but was turned into a mouse-like creature when he was being experimented on by scientists. He is 110 cm. Quirk: IQ)They looked at him as he raised his hand. Izuku just stood there with his hand in the air. It suddenly became cloudy as you could hear the thunder in the clouds. Suddenly, the whole city flashed, and all the robots were laying on the ground, in ashes. Everybody stopped, wondering what to do. "WHAT!!??" the teachers and judges yelled in their room. "How did all the robots get destroyed so easily?!?" they just couldn't believe it. Izuku now lowered his hand as he looked at his card, which showed 307 points. He smiled, and looked at one of the cameras in the city and waved. The teachers did send in more robots immediately after Izuku had destroyed them all, but they were only 1 pointers so the students in city A didn't get very many points. Izuku decided to scope who would make it into UA. 

However, after a while, everybody heard a loud crash and felt the ground rumble. Izuku Headed to the source immediately, only to see examinees running away, and the biggest robot Izuku had ever seen. He was about to turn around and don't care about it when he heard a cry for help. He looked back and saw a girl that was trapped under some rubble. 'Of course, I have to save the day' Izuku thought. He looked at the robot and set his hands on the ground. He made an earthquake and made sure not to hit the girl. The robot couldn't hold its balance and quickly fell down, causing it to leave a giant crater in the process. He quickly ran over to the girl and helped her get away from the robot before it got up. "Thank you!" she shouted, before Izuku went back to the robot, now standing. Izuku knew what he was going to do. He did the same as last time and made the robot fall over. Then with all his power, he made the biggest tornado he could, and to everyone's surprise, he managed to lift the robot over the fake skyscrapers. Then with the rest of his power, he turned the tornado upside so the air would go down. And the robot fell to the ground with the speed of a lightning strike. The robot was completely flat. Izuku had managed to lift the robot with just wind and then smashed it into the ground with a super powerful force. 

Everyone was dumbfounded by Izuku's show of power. Even the judges in the control room were surprised as to what this 15-year-old boy could do. "He shouldn't be able to do that!" one of the judges broke the silence. "I mean... that robot is weighing almost 300 tons. He shouldn't be able to lift it with just air and wind." 'Izuku Midoriya huh. I really hope he doesn't disappoint Aizawa.' Nedzu thought. "Thank you for saving me!" the girl ran over to Izuku. "I'm Ochaco Uraraka, it's a pleasure to meet you. I have one question though. HOW WERE YOU ABLE TO LIFT THAT GIGANTIC ROBOT?" Izuku smiled. "I just did what a hero would have done." he calmly said, before passing out. (Ochaco Uraraka: She can nullify the gravitational pull of anything she touches. And when she puts her hands together and say "release" the gravity comes back to the object/person she touched. Quirk: Zero Gravity.) 

Izuku woke up on a sofa and saw a small, old lady sit next to him. "Ah, you're awake." She said. "I'm recovery girl, nice to meet you, Izuku Midoriya." (Recovery girl: When she kisses someone they get healed from all their wounds. But the more she has the use her quirk, the more stamina she takes from the injured person. Quirk: Healing Kisses.) "Nice to meet you to recovery girl. But I want to know, where am I, and what happened?" Izuku asked. "You are in UA's resting area. You passed out of exhaustion when you defeated that giant robot. I honestly think they should get rid of that robot. So many students are either hurt or exhausted. It's not good for UA's reputation if this goes on." she said, but the last part she whispered to herself. "Well then, am I allowed to leave?" asked Izuku "Yes you are." recovery girl answered back. 

When Izuku came out, he saw Bakugou waiting for him. "You didn't need to go all out, stupid Izuku." Bakugou said. But deep down Izuku knew that Bakugou was worried for him and that he cared about him. "It's ok Bakugou, you don't need to get all sobby for me just exhausting myself." Izuku said in a calm voice. This made Bakugou relieved, knowing that his friend wasn't hurt. "Well then, are we going home?" Bakugou asked. "Yes, we are." Izuku replied. 

They walked home in silence, and Izuku didn't like that. "Bakugou did anyone in your city stand out?" he asked. "Well, there was this guy that could harden his body so he would become indestructible, and there was this frog girl. She looked like a frog, and acted like a frog, she could make her tongue go out really far, and she could jump really high. Then the last one. He had a dark crow-like shadow coming out of his body. The shadow could go out really far, and he mostly relied on the shadow to do the job every time. That was everyone that caught my eye. Where there anyone that caught your eye?" Bakugou finished. "I didn't really see many people that stood out, but there were three people that caught my attention. The guy from when Present Mic was explaining the rules did okay, I guess, he had a quirk that made him super fast. There was another guy, who seemed to have a similar quirk to the guy that could harden in your city. His quirk made him able to transform his body into metal. And the last was a girl, she seemed to have the ability to make things she touches have zero gravity. and when she put her hands together gravity came back to person/thing/robot she had made zero gravity, and they/it would crush to the ground. But none of them are stronger than us though." Izuku replied. then they had a race home.

( finished  editng this chapter)

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