School Representatives and the attack USJ Part 1

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Izuku woke up, and the first thing he did was think about Momo. 'Why do I think so much about her?' he asks himself before taking a shower and getting dressed. Then he ate breakfast and brushed his teeth. 

He met Bakugou on his way to UA. "Hey, Izuku, did you recently get yourself a friend?" Bakugou asked, putting pressure in the "friend" part. Izuku knew what he was talking about and immediately blushed. "I-I don't understand what you mean." he answered blatantly. "Oh, you know. Momo Yaoyorozu." Bakugou said, whispering the last thing in his ear. Izuku blushed even more. "You should ask her out. I've been noticing that half n half bastard has been looking her way. Man up, just ask her, and if she doesn't say yes, it's her fault for losing the most amazing person in the world, after me of course." Bakugou said. "I don't know. I don't think she likes me." Izuku said, looking down. "She likes you. You two get along so well. It's like it was destiny that you met her." Bakugou said, giving Izuku an unexpected boost of confidence. 

When they came to their class, everyone was there already. Izuku sat down after he had said hi to Momo. "Okay class, shut up. Today we're going to do something that will affect your future." Aizawa said. 'Affect our future?' most of the class thought. "Today you are going to select class representatives." Aizawa said. 'Some normal school things!' the class thought. Suddenly many people raised their hand, and shouted. "Pick me! I want to be one of the representatives!" they shouted. "Everyone! Calm down!" Iida shouted loud, and got everyone's attention. "I think we should have a voting system." he said. The class agreed, and Iida felt proud that he had made an impact. "Okay... so the class rep. is Izuku and the vice rep. is Momo." Aizawa announced. Izuku stood there nervously. "Thank you for voting for me." they said proudly. When Izuku got back to his seat, Bakugo gave him a torn piece of some paper. On the paper it stood "Destiny", and Izuku became red as a tomato the moment he read it. 

"Izuku? Do you want to eat lunch together?" Momo asked in a low voice. "Sure." Izuku answered. They went outside and took out their lunch boxes. "Wow! You have a big lunch, Momo." Izuku said, as he saw the size of the box. "Yeah, I have to eat a lot because my quirk needs body fat to work properly." she answered. What they didn't know was that they had sat down where everybody in the cafeteria could see them. "The class reps. are getting along really well, don't you think?" Mina asked. (Mina Ashido: She can make acid out of her body. She has pink skin color. Quirk: Acid.) "Yeah, you would almost think they had known each other for a long time." Kirishima answered. (Kirishima Eijirou: He can harden his body, so he is almost impenetrable. He has red spiky hair. Quirk: Harden.) "Izuku saved Momo from a group of villains a few days before school started." Bakugou joined the conversation. "So MANLY." Kirishima and Tetsutetsu said. (Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu: He can make his body into metal. His quirk and Kirishima's quirk is really similar. Quirk: Metal Body.) 

After a few days, people were starting to get along really well. Izuku knew everyone, but his five closest friends were Bakugou, Momo, Tsuyu, Kirishima and Uraraka. "Okay class, today we are going to focus on your hero training. So get on your costumes and meet me outside in 5 minutes, or else you will have to walk alone to where we're headed." Aizawa said. The whole class started getting worked up, and they all started to hurry. Everyone had come out in 5 minutes. They all sat down inside the bus, and waited for about 20 minutes until the bus stopped. 

Outside, they were being welcomed by the pro hero, thirteen, to USJ (USJ = Unforeseen Simulation Joint). "Welcome to USJ, where you will be doing all your training today. I am thirteen, your teacher for today." thirteen said. (Thirteen: She/he can open black holes, and anything that comes inside the black hole will be turned to dust. Thirteen is a rescue hero, so she/he works mostly on rescue missions on earth, and in space, but if she/he has to fight, she/he can do that too. Quirk: Black Hole.) They walked inside, and saw that the USJ was humongous. There were different zones like a shipwreck zone, mountain slide zone, fire zone and so on. "Today you will work on rescue missions in different zones." thirteen continued. "Where is All Might? I thought he would be here too." thirteen whispered to Aizawa. "He couldn't come, because of his limit." Aizawa answered. "Hey! You got fake villains too? That's awesome!" Kirishima asked. Aizawa turned around, and saw dozens of villains coming out of a purple mist. "Those are not fake villains. Step back! Thirteen, get the students out of here. Now!" Aizawa said. "Come on students. Move it!" thirteen said. The students started walking towards the door, but was cut off by a purple mist. "Iida! Run and tell the teachers tha-" Izuku said right before he was teleported away. But Iida knew what he had to do, and quickly used his speed to run past the villain, and out of the

USJ.  A/N: going to focus on Izuku and Momo now. 

Izuku was teleported under water. He immediately saw a villain heading straight for him. The villain had a mutation quirk, that turned them into a shark. Izuku was used to water, so he managed to dodge, but only barely. He then used his quirk to launch him out of the water and onto the boat that was in the water. 'So this is the shipwreck zone.' he thought, when he suddenly saw Momo in the water. Without thinking he jumped in the water and swam to her. But then Momo got dragged under. He duck down and saw 8 villains under the water. He froze the water where the villain that had dragged Momo under was. The villain sank to the bottom, leaving 7 others. Without hesitation he threw himself and Momo on board the ship. Izuku landed safely, while Momo had trouble processing what just happened, so he caught her, bridal style. He held her and looked at her. Momo blushed. Izuku blushed too. "Can you stand?" he asked. Momo just shook her head. He laid her down, and took a look at her leg. It did not look good. The villain had dragged with such force, that Momo had sprained her ankle. Izuku made some flat rocks and he found a rope inside the ship. He adjusted her ankle. She whined a little when he did that. Then he placed the stones next to her ankle, and tied the rope tight around the stones, to level out her ankle. He then made a crutch out of stone and gave it to her. "You should be able to stand now." Izuku said. "Thank you. You saved me again." Momo said. She was happy she got teleported to Izuku. 

Izuku was walking around the ship, talking to himself, on how they could get back to the shore. He thought of one thing after another, but he always found flaws in his plans. Then he thought of something. "Momo? Are you able to make paralyzing bombs? The kind that neutralizes the enemy?" he asked. "Yes, but it'll take some time, as i'm already hurt." she answered. 

After a few minutes, she had made one three neutralizing bombs. Momo had a control to when the bombs would set off, so Izuku threw all the bombs in the water. Izuku then picked up Momo again, and then he started concentrating his powers to make a whirlpool, and suck the villains in. This worked, and the moment they were all close to each other, Momo pressed the trigger, and neutralized all the villains, with the bombs. Izuku then scoped the water to see that everything was clear, then he made an ice bridge and carried Momo over the water, and to the shore. It was quite slippery on the ice, so he fell on his ass, but still caught Momo. She chuckled a bit before Izuku stood up again, and carried her safely to the shore.

( end of chapter 5 )

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