The Attack On The USJ Part 2

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When Izuku and Momo came to the shore, they saw that Aizawa was holding off the weaker villains. "I hate when heroes live up to their hype." a villain with hands all over his body said. "Nomu, take him out." Aizawa tried to erase the Nomu's quirk, but nothing seemed to happen. Suddenly Aizawa was on the ground with several broken bones, and a giant bird like creature was on top of him. The bird like creature had giant muscles, and a beak instead of a mouth. The brain was popping out, and the eyes were placed on the brain. Izuku and Momo quickly hid behind a huge boulder. "What are we going to do now?" Momo asked, while whispering. Izuku looked at the scene in front of him, and he couldn't take it anymore. He quickly stepped forward, and used his ice to freeze the creature, that was beating Aizawa senseless. "Well, hello there little guy. I'm Tomura Shigaraki, and I'm here to kill All Might. However, it doesn't seem like he's here. Maybe if I kill some if his students he'll come." Tomura said, with a sadistic smile. (Tomura Shigaraki: His quirk is that anything he touches with five fingers crumbles to dust. He has hands covering most of his body, and has messy hair like Izuku. Quirk: Decay.) "Nomu, kill him." The Nomu broke free and charged Izuku with blinding speed. Izuku mad a wall of earth and ice, but the Nomu broke through, and hit Izuku in the stomach, sending him flying into the stairs, that led up to the exit. He was barely conscious, but then he saw the Nomu walking towards the boulder that Momo was hiding behind. Izuku got up and was ready. He figured he could take two more hits from the Nomu. Izuku threw a lightning bolt straight through Nomu's chest, only for it to regenerate and heal itself. "It's useless. Nomu has shock absorption and regeneration. It can even regenerate limbs. It was made to kill All Might." Tomura said.

Izuku was then punched in the air and then back to the ground. He felt that several of his muscles were torn. His left shoulder was dislocated, and he had broken five of his ribs, with one of the broken ribs rubbing against his left lung. It was hard to breath, and he couldn't see or hear properly. That's when he saw the Nomu, again heading for the boulder Momo was behind. The Nomu lifted the boulder, and noticed Momo. It threw away the boulder and picked her up. "No! Let me go!" she screamed. "Kill her, Nomu." Tomura commanded. That's when Izuku snapped. He felt his body getting a boost. He started to sparkle electricity around himself, and with one jump he had taken Momo to the top of the stairs. Izuku simply put her down, and turned back to the villains. He felt his power flow through his body, and summoned a lightning bolt made of lightning, ice, fire, earth, darkness, light and water and it had electricity running through the bolt. The air around the bolt shaped around it to give it more power. It was the most powerful attack Izuku had. He aimed at the Nomu, as the lightning bolt became bigger and bigger. It became so big that it didn't fit in Izuku's hand, and he had to hover it over his hand. The bolt became 10 meters long, and 2.5 meters wide. He then threw it at the Nomu with all his strength, piercing the Nomu's chest. "I already told you. That won't work, the Nomu can regenerate." Tomura said. But then something weird happened. The Nomu screamed in agony, and fell on the floor, evaporating. "What did you do?!" Tomura screamed at Izuku. "You said it can regenerate cells. I just killed the cells completely, and then altering them to do the opposite, and kill other cells, instead of recreating them. I made the lightning bolt pierce the nomu, so it could send fire and lightning through the veins of the Nomu, and completely evaporate it. Because you can't regenerate cells if there are no cells to begin with." Izuku answered, as his sparkling stopped. "Kurogiri let's go. There's nothing to do hear now, and the pros will be here soon too." Tomura said. "Okay, master." Kurogiri answered before teleporting himself and Tomura back to the secret base.

Moments later, All Might arrived, in his muscular form. He noticed that thirteen, Aizawa and a lot of the students were injured, but luckily no one was dead. He then saw Izuku resting on Momo's lap, with his eyes closed. "What happened here?" he asked her. "Villains attacked us and they were here to kill you, but Izuku managed to fend them off. He's such a great hero." she answered. She looked down at his face, and lifted up his hair. 'I'm glad he was here. If he hadn't been here, then maybe I would have... No! Don't think about that.' She told herself. "Anyway, he has severe injuries, All Might. His left shoulder is dislocated, and he has broken five ribs. He even ruptured his lung, and he has troubling breathing." Momo said. All Might didn't wait a second, as he picked up Izuku and jumped to the nearest hospital. He did so with the rest of the injured people as well. Later the police arrived. They captured the remaining villains, and arrested them. The rest of the students, that weren't injured were sent home.

(chapter 6 done)

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