UA Sports Featival (part 1)

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Izuku got home from the festival at 22.00. He walked inside his house and heard his mom talking with someone. "Mom, who are you talking to?" Izuku asked as he walked into the living room. He did not expect to see All Might sitting in his sofa. "All Might? What are you doing here?" Izuku asked. "I have something to tell you, young Midoriya." All Might replied. All Might then led Izuku outside. All Might checked that no one was around. Then smoke started to emit from All Might's body. The tall and muscular figure of All Might then turned into a small skeleton looking figure. "All Might!? What happened?" Izuku asked. "My real name is Toshinori Yagi, and 5 years ago I got injured in a battle. A third of my stomach was destroyed, in the battle. This limits my quirk. What you see now is my true form. I can only stay in my hero form for 3 hours a day." All Might replied. "And my powers are slowly draining away. I want you to inherit my quirk. My quirk is called One For All, and it is a stockpiling quirk." All Might continued. "If you want my quirk, you first have to prepare your body for it, or else you'll die. And the most important thing about this is you can't tell anyone about One For All." "Okay, but how do I prepare my body for this quirk of yours?" Izuku asked. "You are going to clean up all the trash on Dagobah beach, without your quirk." All Might replied. "Meet me at the beach tomorrow at 8 o'clock." "Okay. I won't disappoint you, All Might." Izuku said.(Toshinori Yagi aka. All Might: His quirk enhances his strength, speed, and stamina. 5 years ago he lost a third of his stomach, so he can only stay in his hero form for 3 hours a day. Quirk: One For All/OFA.) 

~Time Skip:

2 weeks-  In the time he had to clean the beach, he had cleaned the whole beach in just 4 days, due to him already being really muscular, and well built. It turned out that Izuku had to digest All Might's DNA, so he had to eat one of his hairs. The rest of the days, he had improved his element quirk, and he could use OFA's power by 20% without damaging his body. He had also been on 5 dates with Momo, and they had just come closer and closer for each one. 

Izuku walked comfortably into the giant arena of the UA sports festival. He was waiting in the waiting room with the rest of 1A. Momo was sitting next to him, they were talking. Izuku had his arm around Momo, and they looked so lovely. That's when Todoroki walked up to him and said "Izuku, I challenge you this tournament. If I win, you have to do what I say, for a whole day." "Okay, I accept. But if I win, you have to tell me why you're so cold, and never show your true emotions." Izuku replied. 'This is going to be easy' the boys thought. 

"1A, Walk to the entrance of the stadium." the speakers told them. 1A walked up to the entrance of the stadium. They could hear Present Mic announce "...and here we have class 1A!!!" Then class 1A walked out, being lead by Izuku. The whole stadium cheered. Then Present Mic announced the other classes too. "And today's judge is... the +18 hero Midnight!" Then Midnight stepped up on the judging platform. "Hello viewers, and welcome to this year's Sports Festival!" Midnight said. (Nemuri Kayama aka. Midnight: She can let free an aroma from her body, that affects its victims by making them fall in a deep sleep. Quirk: Somnambulist.) "And representing 1A, Izuku Midoriya, the kid that defeated a villain that was assumably able to kill even All Might!" Izuku walked up to the platform and turned to the other students. "I know some of you may think I am egoistic, or spoiled, but that is so far from right. I have gotten this far due to my willpower, and determination to become the next number 1 hero. I'm not saying I'm undefeatable, but I am saying that this is not going to be easy." Izuku said, before walking down to the other students. "Well said, Izuku," Momo said. "Well then. After those inspirational words from Izuku Midoriya, we are now going to start this year's sports festival!" Midnight said. "And the first activity is... an obstacle race! Every participant, move to the start line." Everyone was at the start, and many people tried to get as far forward as possible, however, Izuku and Momo were at the back. "Do you want me to help you past all the others?" Izuku asked. "How?" Momo asked. "Todoroki is most likely to try and stall the other participants, so I thought to fly over them," Izuku said. Momo was surprised at Izuku's understanding of the situation. She simply nodded, as they got ready for the race to start. "Ready? Set. GOOOO!" they could hear Present Mic shout. Izuku was right about Todoroki because when the race started, Todoroki immediately froze the floor and made a wall of ice to block the others. Izuku simply flew over all of them with Momo on his back. As he flew, he used his fire to melt the ice wall. When the two was out of the tunnel, Izuku flew up to Todoroki and waved, before flying past him, with Momo still on his back. "You're on your own now," he said as he let Momo of at the first obstacle, entrance exam robots. Izuku stepped down and beat up a few small robots before he saw 0 pointers heading their way. "Pathetic," he said, before he threw his arm against one of the 0 pointers, completely freezing the whole robot. He then ran through the legs of the robot, and onto the next obstacle. The other students had just come to them as well. They saw that Izuku had just immobilized one 0 pointer, so they quickly followed him under the robot. Izuku smirked "I wouldn't do that if I was you. I froze the robot when it wasn't balanced!" Izuku shouted back at the other students, that immediately froze.

Todoroki was the only student to keep up with Izuku, as they got to the next obstacle. Giant pillars were stuck in a hole so big and deep, you couldn't see the bottom. It was narrow ropes stuck from one pillar to another, all the way over the giant hole. Izuku used his wind to push him from one pillar to the next. Todoroki had to slowly balance over the ropes, which gave Izuku a huge head start to the last obstacle. 

The last obstacle was a minefield. 'So the last obstacles is supposed to give the students at the back a chance.' Izuku thought. 'Pff, they didn't think this properly through'. Izuku simply made a road of ice over the minefield. When he ran past one part off the field, he melted the ice after him. He flawlessly made it over the minefield without setting of a single bomb. 

"And the first man back, It's that guy, Izuku Midoriya!" Present Mic shouted out, as the crowd started cheering for Izuku. Izuku sat down and tried to calm himself down, and meditate a little before the next activity. Izuku: 1st, Todoroki: 2nd, Bakugou: 3rd, Momo: 4, Iida: 5. That was the top 5. The top 42 made it through to the next activity.

(End of another chapter)

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