Vanguard action squad vs deku (part 2)

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"Is that all you've got...

Deku looked at his enemy with scared eyes. His lightning bolt had done nothing to prevent Muscular from beating Deku, and that was disastrous. Muscular attacked Deku one more and smashed him into the side of the mountain, making Deku cough up blood.

"Honestly, why did that hand freak want you? You're nothing but weak." Muscular said in a taunting voice. It angered Deku as he looked at Muscular with rage in his eyes. "I promise you... I'm much more than I look." Deku said before he attacked, sending a wave of earth at Muscular. However, he just smashed through the wave and tried to charge Deku. He dodged and sent another wave of earth against the power-house of a man. But again, Muscular just ran through the wave and continued his onslaught.

"Ha! These weak ass attacks won't even scratch my thick skin!" Muscular announced as he thought that he would be victorious. 'Wait, those layers are flesh. Human flesh! I have an idea.' Deku thought as he smirked at the enemy. "What are you smirking at, you little piece of shit?!" Muscular asked. "Oh, nothing... Let's just say, this is over." Deku replied and took an offensive pose.

Then, he activated 10% of OFA and ran at Muscular. Muscular readied himself for the attack and threw a fist forward to try and stop the young hero in training. However, Deku turned his body into the darkness of the night and appeared behind Muscular as he placed his hands on Muscular's head.

"Ah, you little shit! Get off!" Muscular tried desperately to get Deku off of him, but it was just in vain. Izuku then activated his fire on his hands and started to slowly burn Muscular's face off. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Muscular cried out in pain. He then managed to grab Deku's foot and slammed him over his head in into the ground. Deku's body made a crater as all air inside him escaped.

Muscular made some space between them and tried to tend to his burns. Deku had successfully burned off his hair as well as given him major 3rd-degree burns. Muscular looked absolutely pissed as Deku slowly got out of the crater, trying to catch whatever air he could.

"Oh, now you've done it! You've successfully pissed me off, and you know what happens to people that piss me off? They don't live to see another day!" Muscular attacked the weakened Deku and grabbed him by the collar, before slamming him into the mountainside. Deku spewed up even more blood and got stuck in the wall, unable to get free.

"Hahahaha. This is going to be fun." Muscular said as he slowly walked toward the stuck Deku and cracked his knuckles. Deku could only look on as Muscular closed the distance between them. Then, Muscular got up in Deku's face and smiled at him. Muscular reeled his arm back and waited to punch Deku so he could be even more terrified.

Then, the punch came. It hit Deku right in the chest as Izuku could feel some bones crack. Then another, and another. Even more, punches came every second, each one hitting a fatal spot. Deku was on the verge of giving up and letting the feeling of unconsciousness overtake him, but something told him to keep trying, to keep struggling.

Suddenly, Muscular's attacks ended and Deku opened one eye to see that a man with a yellow coat, a black and white mask, and a fedora hat was seen behind Muscular. "I believe that is enough Muscular. Shigaraki wanted him alive." the man said as he walked up and examined Deku's broken body. "Hmm, quite fit, if we can get him on our side, then we may have a chance." the man said. Deku grunted at the mention of their plan. "Oh! He's still conscious! Fantastic! You really are strong, kid, you got that. And, since you're such a strong enemy, I will let you know my name. It's Mr. Compress." Mr. Compress said. "Now then, it's our time to leave isn't it?" Mr. Compress continued as he stretched out his hand toward Deku.

Deku could feel the fear build up inside him because he had no idea of what the quirk of this new participant would do to him. Deku looked at the hand as it came closer to his chest and quickly did a last ditch effort to keep himself in the game. He activated OFA and grabbed Compress' hand with his left before switching place with him in the wall. "I don't have any plans to leave just yet, Mister," He said before he enclosed Compress in the wall with earth.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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