Heros vs villans

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Izuku woke up and did his normal morning routine. He met Bakugo on the way. "Good morning Bakugo." he said. "Oh, hi Izuku. What do you think we'll do today?" Bakugo replied. "I don't know, but I hope it's something fun." Izuku said, while smirking. "Me too." Bakugo said.

The day went normal for the young heroes in training, until their hero class. "I am coming through the door, like a normal person!" It was All Might. But Izuku wouldn't really agree that smashing the door is a normal way to go through the door. "It's All Might!" most of the class shouted. Suddenly 19 metal containers came out of the wall. "Everybody put on you hero costumes and meet me in city C." All Might told them. (All Might: Nothing is publicly known about All Might's quirk. The only thing you can say, is that it enhances his strength, speed and stamina. Quirk: *Unknown*)

Izuku's suit was black (Darkness) with lines of yellow (lightning), red (fire), dark blue (water), light blue (ice), grey (wind), white (light) and brown (earth). And in the middle, all the good elements were in a hexagon, with darkness above them. All of his primary elements in one suit. The suit was skin tight, so it really showed off Izuku's muscles. The suit was made out of thin metal strings, and his boots had a boost under them, that allowed him to run faster. His gloves had a strong composure and spikes on the tip of his fingers, for better grip. Everyone looked in awe as Izuku walked out. "That's such a cool suit Izuku." Momo said. Her suit was a suit that showed much skin. She had red clothing over her *cough* mountains *cough*, and a very short skirt. It was good that Izuku was wearing a mask, so no one saw his nosebleed. "Thank you, Momo. Your outfit isn't bad either." Izuku answered. Momo blushed. "T-Thank y-you." she said.

"Okay! Now that everyone is here I'm going to announce the rules!" All Might said. "We are going to draw lots! One team of heroes will try and either capture the villains, or touch the bomb that the villains are going to try and protect! Team A: Momo and Izuku! Team B: Tetsutetsu and Tokoyami! Team C: Mina and Aoyama! Team D: Sato and Ibara! Team F: Bakugo and Ochaco! Team G: Shoji and Kendo! Team H: Tsuyu and Iida! Team I: Kaminari and Jiro! Team J: Kirishima and Sero! And last but not least, Todoroki on team K! I'm sorry you are alone, but the numbers don't add up! And now for the people that will meet each other! The ones I say first are heroes and the ones I say afterwards are villains! Team A vs team F! Team B vs team C! Team D vs team J! Team H vs team K! And team I vs team G! That is all the teams! The villains have five minutes to get ready! The first fight is team A vs team F, so the rest of you, follow me!" that was the last thing All Might said before leaving with everyone, except Izuku, Momo, Uraraka and Bakugo.

"Do you have a plan Izuku?" Momo asked. "Yes, I do. Bakugo will probably chase after me at the start, so when he finds us, you quickly run into one of the sideways. I'll hold him back a little, and when you get back, you surprise him with a blinding grenade to blind him. When he's blinded, I'll use my ice to trap him, and then we tape him up. When he's done, Uraraka will think you're alone, so you go out and show yourself. She will think it's only you, and lower her guard. You get her as close to the door as possible. Then I will come out of the shadows and tape her up capturing her. Then you'll touch the bomb." Izuku said. Momo was surprised how well Izuku had descripted the whole match.

After a minute or two they heard All Might "Hero team go!". They quickly ran inside. Then suddenly Bakugo came out one of the sideways. "I've got you now." he said. Bakugo attacked with an explosion, but Izuku barely dodged. "Momo, go! You now the plan." Izuku said. "Do you really think you're going to beat me alone?" Bakugo asked. "No, but I believe Momo can beat Uraraka." Izuku replied. Then Bakugo attacked with his right arm raised. He tried to punch Izuku, but Izuku dodged and caught his hand, and threw him into the ground as hard as he could, making Bakugou spit out blood. Right as that happened, Momo came back, and when Bakugo got up she threw her grenades at him. This blinded Bakugo, and Izuku used the opportunity to capture Bakugo in thick layers of ice, not covering his head. Izuku then walked over to Bakugo. "Looks like I outsmarted you, again." He said before putting the tape on Bakugo, and capturing him. They then ran up the floors and to the room where Uraraka was trying to be more like a villain. Izuku looked at Momo and said. "You know what to do Momo, I'll wait here." Momo then showed herself, and Uraraka was ready. They talked a little before Uraraka threw a chair at Momo, that easily dodged. Momo was walking to the right and Uraraka to the left. However, Uraraka didn't dare walk too far away from the decoy bomb. While Uraraka was focusing on Momo and the bomb, Izuku turned himself into a shadow and went to the nearest pillar, that was next to Uraraka. He suddenly stepped out and trapped Uraraka in his ice. She looked confused as to where this ice came from. Izuku then walked to her and captured her with the tape too. Momo touched the bomb, and All Might announced "Hero team... WINS!".Izuku then took away his ice freeing Bakugo and Uraraka. On the way down the building, the three students met Bakugo and he did something extraordinary. He shook both their hands and congratulated them on their win.

The rest of the battles went by as you thought they would. Team B winning over team C, team D winning over team J, team K winning over team H and team G winning over team I. After the battles Izuku said goodbye to Momo and the others and went back home with Bakugo.

(end of chapter)
// hope u guys enjoy I'm trying to do all the chapters fast  and I will do my best because I also have green robin to do and the other one I'm currently working on but  ya I hope u guys get ready for. The other chapters to come)

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