Attack on training camp

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Izuku and Momo made their back rather quickly. As soon as they got back they saw everyone eating breakfast. Izuku just carried Momo to her room and placed her on her bed before walking out of the room. "Wait. Izuku, can you tell Aizawa that I probably won't participate in today's training," Momo asked with a quiet and sweet voice. "O-Ok," he replied before leaving to change and find Aizawa. On his way, he thought, 'Man, next time I have to slow down once in a while.'

He changed into his PE clothes and made his way over to the dining area where most of the students were already finished eating and waiting for their friends to finish too. He got himself some food and sat down with his gang. His gang being Bakugo, Kirishima, Jiro, Uraraka, Todoroki, Iida, Mina, and Kaminari. They had saved a seat for him.

"Hey, Brodoriya. Why were you not in your room when we woke up, and why were you carrying Yaoyorozu like that?" I'm guessing you know who would say that. "Well, I guess Bakugo could maybe answer that question for you. Isn't that right Bakugo?" Izuku simply answered before digging into his food. Kirishima and most of the others turned to Bakugo as he just looked back at everyone a little uneasy. "Alright, alright, you caught me. But I promise though, it was just a small prank." He scratched his head and gave a small smile.

"But it wasn't just me. Mina helped." Bakugo pointed at Mina and just looked back at them with a huge grin. "Hey, I could never leave you out there alone, so I thought Momo was the right one to keep you company. If ya know what I mean." Mina nudged Izuku's shoulder as she said the last part but it had no reaction from Izuku.

"Midoriya, did you not understand what Mina meant with that?" Iida waved his arms around. "Oh, I understood it. It's just that I don't care." Everyone looked at him surprised as he was the one to freak out a little when they were mentioning stuff like that. "What?" Izuku asked with food in his mouth. "Why are you suddenly so calm?" Uraraka asked. "Oh, do you mean my reaction to what Mina said? If so, then I don't care because I shouldn't have to stress over stuff like that when you've already done it." Izuku then realized what he said and mentally chopped his head.

"You what?!" Kaminari half shouted, half asked. "Nothing!" Izuku proceeded to åick up his breakfast and run to the teachers' room. "Are we just going to ignore the fact that Midoriya smashed?" Kaminari asked the others. They all began to talk between themselves with Iida saying how wrong it was to do it at a training camp. Bakugo and Mina just put on their black sunglasses that seemingly came out of nowhere and fist-bumped.

Izuku bolted his way to the teachers' room and went inside calmly. "Midoriya, what are you doing here?" Aizawa asked with a sleepy voice, face, eyes, body, while in his sleeping bag. Izuku just sweatdropped before replying, "Well, I just wanted to get away from the others and there was also something I had to tell you." Izuku put his food at a table and began eating beside Ragdoll.

"So, Midoriya, what was it that you wanted to tell me?" Aizawa asked, turning towards him and taking a sip of his juice. "Well, it's just that Momo isn't feeling very well, so she'll stay in bed for today." Aizawa just sighed and got out of his sleeping bag. "At least you're ready to train. When you're finished, just come outside and start training." Aizawa proceeded to walk towards the door, but just before he went outside, he turned to Izuku and gave him a death glare. "And don't do it again in the campus," he said before walking out of the room. Izuku was completely silent and felt the shivers traveling down his spine. "What did he mean by that, Midoriya?" Ragdoll asked and put her finger on her chin and getting in his point of view. "Nothing!" Izuku replied and quickly finished his food before sprinting away.

When everyone got outside, they all started training either on their own or with other pros like the pussycats. Izuku was so lucky because he got to work with Tiger, the only male member of the Pussycats. They worked on many things like body strength, quirk manipulation. One of Izuku's tests was to try and switch between his elements as fast as possible, or try and turn some parts of his body into one element and other parts into another element at the same time. What they did most was stamina training, where Izuku would try and uses his quirk for as long as possible or several elements for as long as possible. Another thing he worked very much on was his combos. Being able to use several elements at the same time was too exhausting for him to rely on it so he had to extend his timer with several elements on at the same time.

The training may have been hard and maybe even impossible for some but it was quickly worth it as almost everyone had already seen improvement after just three days. Even Momo, who skipped the first day, was already improving in the quirk part of herself.

Izuku was now able to use at least two elements at the same time for other things than special attacks.

His body had also improved surprisingly well and he had figured out a way to use One For All to boost his own quirk or body. The easiest way was to serge OFA throughout his entire body and then use it to a small extent.

Another way was to try and use OFA at the same time as his quirk, granting him a more powerful outcome with his quirk. For example, he would pile up as much as he could in his arms and then use his element quirk to send off an attack that was more powerful than if he didn't use OFA with it.

Although he didn't have any grand scale, he felt like he could already take almost 10% of OFA, but if he used his quirk at the same time that percentage doubled due to him not having to move much.

He had still not found a way to really use his light or darkness, but the obvious was that he would either take all light away from a certain area or take all darkness away from that area.

He had also taken inspiration from Tokoyami and found a way to manipulate the darkness around him to make shadowy figures that had small particles of anything solid, like earth, and control it into one specific area and make the shadowy figure unimplementable but also able to punch back if needed.

Now it was the third day and they were just finished with their dinner. Both classes had agreed to participate in a "Game of bravery", as class 1-B would try and scare class 1-A while they went in groups of two through the forest and back.

They drew the lottery just as when they had 2v2 battles back at UA, but unfortunately for Izuku, with Mineta back and going there was one person that would have to go alone, and for this story's plot, that had to be Izuku.

Most of the others had already gone inside the forest and screams could be heard every now and then by probably his class members. It was finally his turn but he hadn't gotten far before a weird mist could be seen in the distance.

Someone came towards him running with the emotion of fear in their eyes. "RUN!" the person said before they zoomed past Izuku. After that, the mist stopped just before it reached him and inside of it, he could see bodies just at the edge of it.

He was about to inspect further before another thing came towards him. It was Momo with a gas mask on her face. She recognized Izuku and ran to him. "Izuku... villains... here..." Although she didnæ't say much, Izuku realized what she meant and helped her breathe. "Go back to the others and warn them," he said before he looked at a mountain clearing not far from there. "I'll join you after I check on him..."

(Done with this chapter hope u enjoy)

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