Shopping center scene

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A week later, Aizawa was telling them about something important. "As some of you may know, we're going to a summer training camp, to improve your quirks." The class cheered, except for six people. Aizawa saw this, and "The ones that failed will also come to the summer camp." Tetsutetsu, Mina, Sato, Sero, Kirishima, and Kaminari all became much happier. "However, those that failed have to take even harder lessons." The six became sad again. "Now go pack your stuff. We're leaving on Monday." Aizawa finished.

When everybody was packing, Mina suddenly burst out "Everyone! We should go shopping together! That way, we can have fun while getting what we need!" "That's a great idea, Mina!" Momo complimented. The class seemed to agree, so they all agreed to meet at the mall at 10.00 tomorrow.


Izuku was running to the mall. He couldn't believe that he was late, even though he had everything planned too. Momo was running with him. They had coddled too much in the morning. They just seemed to be unable to separate. "Wait up, Izuku!" Momo called after him so he stopped as the good boyfriend he is. "Geez. You're too fast," she said, catching her breath. "Not in bed though." Momo blushed after Izuku's comment. "Anyways, want me to carry you?" Izuku asked. "N-No... I'm okay," she replied. "Don't worry, we'll get there faster that way." Izuku crouched down and signaled that she could get on his back. She got on, still red. Izuku then activated 40% of OFA into his legs and burst forward.

They ended up getting to the mall in 20 seconds due to the speed. "Sorry, we're late," Izuku said before putting down Momo. She seemed quite dizzy. Everyone just smirked at them. Izuku looked confused. "What is it?" Izuku asked. "Did you two have some alone time?" Toru asked. They both seemed stumbled and unable to make a sound. They both felt their cheeks warm up, and they could see the class smirk even more.

"I-I don't know w-what you're talking a-about." Izuku managed to say, scratching his neck. "It's okay. You're a couple after all." Ochaco saved them from further embarrassment. She went over and hugged them both. "Thank you Ochaco," Izuku whispered to her and sighed. Ochaco then whispered back to him "But tell me about it afterward." Izuku immediately blushed. "Just kidding!" Ochaco exclaimed, waving her hands in front of her.

After everyone had calmed down, they started to split up, so they could buy what they needed. Most people needed some hiking gear or some training supplies. "What do you need, Momo?" Izuku asked. "I only need some clothes and some regular stuff to have on a training camp," Momo replied. "Okay, I'll come with, because I only need some heavier weights," Izuku said and smiled. Momo smiled back. "That would be great." And with that, they left out on a journey through the gigantic shopping mall.


"I can't believe how long you can keep this up." a tired Izuku said as he sat down on a bench. Momo sat down beside him. "Yeah... My family is often on shopping sprees that even last longer than this," she replied. Izuku looked at her amazed, then he put his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes. Momo blushed, and people around them were looking at them and snickering to each other. Momo was really uncomfortable in these kinds of situations. She shrugged him off, still blushing. "I-I just remembered... I s-still h-have one thing t-to get," she said before she walked off rather quickly. Izuku looked at her confused. 'What was that about?' he thought to himself. 'Probably nothing.' Izuku thought and then leaned back and relaxed.

A few moments later, he felt a grip on his neck. The grip was weird because Izuku only felt four fingers on his neck. Izuku suddenly froze. 'Is it him?' he thought, being careful not to move. "I found you..." a raspy voice said behind Izuku. The guy then put his head over Izuku's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. Izuku suddenly felt the grip tighten. 'IT IS HIM!' Izuku screamed in his mind.

Beside him, the guy with his hand on his neck was Tomura Shigaraki. "If you scream or even move, I'll place the fifth finger, and kill you," Tomura said. Tomura was wearing black shoes, black pants and a hoodie that covered most of his face. Izuku looked at him in horror. "W-What do you w-want?" Izuku asked. "I just want to warn you," Tomura said. "We'll attack you soon, and I want you to warn the heroes." There was a small moment of silence.

"Why do you want me to warn them. I mean... aren't you the bad guy. Wouldn't it be better to surprise attack us?" Izuku replied. "No, I want them to be ready. It would just be a much bigger humiliation of the heroes, and that's just what I want. I want the people to know what heroes really are. I want the hero love to crumble, from the inside." Tomura said. Izuku was left astonished, by how intimidating a real villain can be.

Momo was on her way back to Izuku when she saw someone sit behind him. She walked over to them and noticed that the guy sitting next to Izuku was holding his hand on Izuku's neck, leaving one finger. Momo stopped, as she noticed the pale, dry skin on the hand. "I-Izuku?" she said, starting to feel pain in her heart. "M-Momo... D-Don't come closer." Izuku said. "Turn around and leave." Izuku looked at her with a look that told her Run away.

Tomura lifted his head, slightly, to see a girl looking at them. "Ah... Momo Yaoyorozu, right? Now tell me a thing, how much do you love Izuku here?" Tomura asked. Momo looked at Tomura, as he gave her a death glare. "W-With all my h-heart," she answered. "And I'm guessing Izuku loves you too?" Tomura said, turning to Izuku. "Y-Yes." Izuku stuttered. "Well then..." Tomura then looked back at Momo. And when he let go of Izuku, Izuku knew something was wrong. Tomura immediately leaped for Momo. Izuku knew he wasn't fast enough to get to her before him. Izuku felt something flowing through his veins. He could also hear thunder in the sky above the shopping center.

Without warning, a lightning strike hit Izuku. At least that was what it looked like. Izuku had actually turned his whole body into lightning and traveled up to the sky, before going down again hitting Tomura with a lightning strike, before landing in front of Momo. Tomura had been burnt alive, but he was still alive. Izuku was again seen with a red glow on his body. The white in his eyes was black again, and his pupils had a red-green color.

When Izuku was about to finish Tomura, a portal appeared under Tomura and teleported him back to the secret hideout, where eight other people were chilling. Kurogiri ran over to Tomura with the first aid kit and started treating his wounds. "Damn... Who did this to you?" Dabi asked. Dabi was wearing a skin-tight white jumper, and a grey jacket over. He also had very tight, black pants, and grey shoes on. He seemed to have a lot of stitches and most of his skin was purple.

(Dabi: Dabi is a villain that can emit blue flames of his body. He had burned himself a lot when he was a child, due to his abusive father. Quirk: Cremation.)

"It was that kid, again." Tomura managed to say. "He always ruins my plans." "Ooo... I so want to meet this guy!" Toga exclaimed. Toga was wearing a typical school uniform.

(Himiko Toga: She is a sadistic person, that wants nothing but blood. She can transform into a person if she consumes their blood. She has the wrong idea of love, as she thinks it's right to kill and become the person you love. Quirk: Transform.)

The others looked at her weirdly. "Oh come on! Don't you want to meet the kid that beat up Stain, and has stopped our fearful leader twice?" Toga said as she noticed their looks. Everyone looked at her. "How do you know he beat Stain?" Kurogiri asked. "I saw him do it. I had transformed into a civilian and was just walking down a street as Hosu city was attacked. I just walked past the alleyway, Stain looked to be fighting three other guys. It was the first time I saw Stain actually scared. A guy was holding him by the throat and looked to be pissed off. I quickly bailed, as I knew I wasn't any match for people that can beat up hero killers that easily." Toga said. "If that is true... I'll kill him myself." Spinner said.

(Shuichi Iguchi aka. villain Spinner: He has a quirk that makes him a lizard-like human. When in his quirk-form, his speed and technique enhances. He has green scales on his skin and pink hair. He admires Stain, for his hard work in getting rid of all the fake heroes. Quirk: Lizard.)

"Who knows. I mean you'll most likely meet him on the mission." Dabi said with a bored tone. "Yes, and I will be the first one he sees." Spinner said, licking his mouth. "Guys don't count on anything. After all, we'll all meet him real soon." Tomura said and gave a menacing smile to his co-workers.

(Finished editing another chapter hope u guys enjoy)

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