UA Sport Festival (Part 3)

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"The cavalry battle is over, and I suggest all players still here to-" Midnight said before she was interrupted by Ojiro. "I withdraw." He said. (Mashirao Ojiro: He has a tail. He is a martial arts expert and uses his tail to increase his balance, strength, and speed. He is looking down on himself for being too normal. Quirk: Tail.) "What?!" was the stadium's reaction. "I withdraw too." They could hear Shoda, also withdrawing. (Nirengeki Shoda: Quirk: Twin Impact.) "Why do you want to withdraw?" Midnight asked, as she also was a bit surprised. "I can't remember much from the cavalry battle. I remember answering one of Shinsou's questions and suddenly my body moved to all his commands. I only got out of it, after I bumped into Kirishima." Ojiro answered. "That's what happened to me too," Shoda said. "Okay then, since two students withdrew, Tetsutetsu and Kendo will join the last activity." Midnight said as Tetsutetsu and Kendo celebrated. "The final activity is going to a 1v1 tournament to determine the strongest!" Midnight said as the stadium cheered. The 16 students that were fighting looked up at the giant screen.

Izuku vs Shinso

Todoroki vs Sero

Kaminari vs Momo

Mei vs Iida

Mina vs Kendo

Kirishima vs Tetsutetsu

Tokoyami vs Ibara

Uraraka vs Bakugou

Izuku was in the waiting room, with Ojiro. "I think Shinsou's quirk works so that when you answer him you immediately do as he commands," Ojiro said. "Whatever you do, don't talk to him." "Okay, I get it," Izuku answered. He then walked out of the waiting room when he heard Present Mic start to talk.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen. The first fight of the tournament. On my left side, the guy who has seemingly done nothing, but has still gotten this far: Hitoshi Shinso. And on my right, the guy everybody has been talking about, and the guy that have aced the two other activities, Izuku Midoriya!" The crowd started cheering once Present Mic had introduced the two fighters. Izuku and Shinso walked up to the arena. "Okay, boys. I want a fair fight. You win by either knocking your opponent out of bounds, hitting them unconscious, immobilize your opponent, or one of you forfeit the match." Midnight said. "But now... Let the fight... Begin!" And without hesitating Izuku attacked with a wave of ice, trapping Shinso in it before he could even say something. "Hitoshi Shinso is immobilized. Izuku is victorious and will move on to the next round." Midnight announced as the whole stadium was astonished of how fast Izuku won the battle. Izuku walked over to Shinso and melted the ice. "I'm sorry, I think I went a little overboard," Izuku said. "A little?" Shinso asked sarcastically. "What is your quirk anyways?" Izuku asked. "It's mind manipulating. I don't like it though, everyone avoids me because of it." Shinso answered. Izuku smirked. "Really? They avoid you? They judge you, based on your quirk. That's stupid. I think you have a really cool quirk." Izuku said, and then he smiled at Shinso. "You're the first one to have said that to me. Thank you." Shinso said. "I'm looking forward to our next fight." "Me too. After all, you just need some physical training and you're going to be a great hero." Izuku said as he stretched out his arm. Shinso gladly took it. 'Youth!' Midnight thought. 'So manly!' Kirishima and Tetsutetsu thought. (Hitoshi Shinso: He can mind control people if they give him a verbal response. Verbal response is everything from whisåering to screaming, simply just making noise with their mouth towards him. People avoid him because of his quirk. Quirk: Brainwashing.)

The rest of the fights went as expected:

Todoroki vs Sero - Todoroki moving on after he too trapped his opponent in ice.

Kaminari vs Momo - Momo moving on after making rubber clothing to counter Kaminari's lightning. After a while of struggling, Kaminari became stupid and walked out of bounds on accident.

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