Training camp

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Izuku woke up, still exhausted after the shopping center incident. He had used very much of his powers and nearly fell unconscious after he had made his whole body lightning. He needed to train more. Izuku got out of bed and got dressed. He noticed a suitcase in the corner of his room and suddenly realized this was the day they were going to the training camp.

He quickly went to the bathroom and got ready for the trip. He walked down the stairs to the living room. Most of the students were already there. "Hey, guys!" Izuku said. "Good morning, Izuku~" Momo replied, "Are you ready to go?" "Yeah, we'll be leaving soon, right?" Izuku asked. "Yes, that's right. Actually, we were just waiting for everyone to come down, then we'll take our leave right away." Mina replied.

After a while, everyone had come down. Aizawa went to their dorm and got them to follow him. He told them to go on the bus, and that Mineta had come back to the school. He had taken a test, and in that test, he proved that he was a worthy hero. The students welcomed Mineta back and wished him good luck in becoming a hero.

The students were all seated. Izuku was sitting in the back with Momo. She had just fallen asleep on his shoulder. "Oh, Momo... I love you." Izuku said, and leaned over to her and kissed her forehead. "Pfft." both Mina and Toru burst in laughter. Izuku looked confused at first, but then it hit him. "Wait... I said that out loud?" he asked. "Yeah, you did! You two look so cute. It's like you're already married!" Toru squealed. Momo woke up from all the commotion. She noticed she was laying on Izuku's shoulder, and immediately blushed. She then noticed Mina and Toru laughing loudly. "What are you laughing at?" she asked. "Oh, just something Izuku said," Mina replied. "What did he say?" Momo asked. "Oh, nothing... Just that he loves you." Mina and Toru smirked. Momo blushed and looked at Izuku. He was redder than his flames. The rest of the trip went in an uncomfortable silence.

After a while, they stopped at an outpost. "Everybody get off the bus! We're taking a break." Aizawa announced. Everybody got off and noticed they were at some sort of viewing area. In all directions, they could see a sea of trees, the same color as Izuku's hair. Suddenly two pro heroes came towards them. "Hello, 1A! I am Mandalay." "And I am Pixie-Bob!" "And we are part of the hero crew, The Wild Wild Pussy Cats." Mandalay and Pixie-Bob said in unison. Most of the students had stars in their eyes, because of the two rescue heroes in front of them. "Now... The camp is 13 miles straightforward from here." Aizawa said in a bored tone. Momo and Izuku immediately knew what he meant with that, and tried to run back to the bus. They were unfortunately stopped by Pixie-Bob that stopped them and threw all the students of the cliff they were standing on using her quirk. Now all the students had to walk to camp.

(Ryuko Tsuchikawa aka. Pixie-Bob: Her quirk allows her to control the earth, and make giant earth beasts. She is wearing a blue cat costume as her hero costume. Quirk: Earth Flow.) (Shino Sosaki aka. Mandalay: Her quirk allows her to send mental transmissions to people. The people she talks to through mental transmissions cannot talk back to her. She is wearing a red cat costume as her hero costume. Quirk: Telepath.)

"Man, this was a bummer." Izuku pouted after he had caught his classmates. "Oh well, let's just go," Momo said, equally sad. They all started walking when suddenly a giant earth creature stood before them. "Shoot! Of course, it wouldn't be that easy." Izuku said and dodged a punch from the giant creature. Suddenly, more of the giants started appearing from all directions. The class started to fight against the creatures but was quickly struggling due to their immense strength.

Izuku then thought of a way to get to the camp quick and without having to fight much. He quickly made some creatures of his own. His creatures collided with the other creatures, but his were stronger. The class then rode an earth creature as they made their way through the forest.

It didn't take long until they made it to the camp. All the teachers were surprised to see all of 1A travel 13 miles in less than an hour while fending off quite many earth creatures. "How? How did you do this?" Aizawa asked as he was surprised. Even pro heroes would have trouble with this task. "I just made my own creatures, sensei," Izuku replied. "Oh well. Get your stuff and pack out. You won't be doing any training today so just relax." Aizawa said, and the students celebrated.

After Izuku had packed out his stuff he was exhausted. It did really drain him when he escorted the whole class safely to the lodge. He quickly ate dinner and went to the baths. He was so exhausted he didn't even care which bath he went into. There were three baths, Men, Women, and Unisex. He took off his clothes and wrapped a towel around his waist. His muscles were showing, and they were ripped. You could probably grind metal on them.

When he walked out there was no one there. He sat down in the warm water, and he felt his muscles loosening up, and he sat there in the warm soothing water. It felt like he laid in bed with Momo... Shoot, not yet. Ehh, onwards. It felt really nice and relaxing. Suddenly the door into the bath was opened, and in came Momo, Uraraka and Mina, each with a towel around their body. They noticed Izuku in the pool and blushed due to his ripped body. "I don't even know if this is the right bath," Izuku said without a care in the world. "You're not exactly at the wrong place. This is the Unisex bath." Mina said. Izuku just went back to relaxing after Mina had told him. He then felt someone walking in the water. He opened his eyes and saw that Momo had come out and sat down in the water. He looked around and saw that Mina and Uraraka had left them alone. He closed his eyes again and leaned backward.

He then thought of something. He stood up and slowly made his way over to Momo. She was blushing more and more the closer he got. He finally got to her side of the pool and sat down beside her. She was completely red. Izuku looked as he didn't care. He fake yawned and put his arm around her. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" Izuku asked. "Y-Y-Yes." Momo stuttered. "W-What do y-y-you think w-we'll be d-d-doing?" "I think we'll just train and study. This isn't a vacation. It's a training camp. I have an idea for where we could go after the training though." Izuku said. Momo forced herself to look at Izuku and noticed that Izuku was already looking at her. "W-What are we going to do?" Momo asked. "It's a surprise," Izuku replied and flashed a mile in Momo's direction. Momo blushed even more if that was possible.

They ended up sitting there the whole time, relaxing and having a small-talk. Izuku noticed someone peeking over the big wall dividing the baths. He recognized the purple hair shaped in balls. He also noticed a nosebleed on his face. He was staring at Momo and this got Izuku all fired up. He got up and rushed at Mineta with full speed. He encased his right hand in flames and punched Mineta as hard as he could in the head without killing him. Mineta flew out of the open baths and landed far away from the camp. Izuku then flew down and decided to leave. He then felt Momo pulling his hand. He turned around and faced Momo. He saw her looking down. He lifted her head and said "It's okay Momo, I manipulated the light and shadows so Mineta didn't notice you for long." he said, and started to leave again. But once again Momo pulled his hand and he turned around. Right as he turned around his lips met with Momo's. They stood like that for a while. Izuku then pulled back and both of them were breathing heavily. "Oh, Momo... How I love you." Izuku said with a soothing tone. Momo blushed and replied, "I love you too."

Izuku then left, and after he was done changing Momo came out and started to change as well. He quickly walked back to the sleeping rooms and got ready for bed. He noticed the other guys coming into the room. "Oh hey, Izuku. Where were you? We all went to the bath and thought you were already there but you weren't. Also, have you seen Mineta? He was with us but suddenly vanished without any of us noticing." Bakugo said. "For your first question, I was in the Unisex bath. For the second question, Mineta was peeking at me and Momo so I punched him in the face." Izuku replied. "Oh... Well, we'll have to search for Mineta tomorrow if he isn't here by dawn. But I totally understand why you hit him." Bakugo said before he too went to bed.

(Another chapter finished editing)

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