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Izuku woke up in a hospital bed. To his left was a machine that regulated his heartbeat, and helped him breathe normally. But to his right, there was a person sleeping on his covers. It was Momo, Momo Yaoyorozu. The girl Izuku had fallen deeply in love with. He looked at her. She looked comfortable and in peace. Izuku woke her up. "Hello? Momo, wake up." he said. "Just five more minutes." she said. Then she remembers. She shot up looking at Izuku. She was redder than any red you could think of. "O-Oh, hello I-Izuku." she said. "You're a-awake." "Yes, but can you tell me what happened?" Izuku asked. "After you defeated that thing All Might arrived. I told him what happened, and he brought you here as fast as possible." Momo replied. "Okay, how long have I been gone?" Izuku asked. "One week. Everyone is talking about you, The kid that saved UA is all the news talk about nowadays." Momo said. "And what have I missed?" Izuku asked. "Nothing. We haven't had any classes since the USJ incident." Momo replied. The door suddenly opened, and the doctor came inside. "You're awake, good. We are happy to announce that you have fully recovered. Your shoulder is not dislocated anymore, and your ribs and your lung is no longer broken." the doctor said. "You are free to leave whenever you want, but be careful, there is a lot of paparazzi outside the hospital." "Thank you." Izuku said as he sat up. Momo helped him out of bed, and down to the street. They had to go out the back door, and outside there was a black limousine waiting for them. "So how about dinner at my place? If so how about 18.30?" Momo asked. "Okay, I am already looking forward to it." Izuku answered. Izuku was then driven home.

Izuku looked at the All Might clock hanging on the wall. The clock showed 13.00. 'I still have time to do some training.' He thought. Izuku then did his normal workout of 80 push ups, sit ups, and squats, before he then ran his daily run of 8 km. When he came home, he noticed that the clock was 15.30. Izuku then took a shower and got properly dressed. He wore a white shirt, with a black vest and a back jacket over. He also wore black pants and black shoes with white socks. When the clock was 18.15 the same limousine came and picked him up. They then drove to Momo's house.

When he came to Momo's house, he was blown away by the size of the house. It was the biggest house Izuku had ever seen. He saw Momo waiting for him at the door. Izuku may have been blown away by the size of the house, but he was more blown away by how beautiful Momo was. She was wearing a white dress, with white socks and black high heels. She also had a white tie in her hair, to match her outfit. "Wow... You are so... beautiful." Izuku said, before blushing. "Did I say that out loud?" "Yes... but t-thank you." Momo answered, as she also blushed. They looked at each other. Momo then turned around and opened the door. "Mom, dad, he's here". She said. Momo's parents came down to the hallway. They looked at the two children and saw that Momo was gazing at Izuku, while he took off his jacket. They smirked at each other and walked up to Izuku. "Hello, you must be the guy our daughter has been talking about. It's a pleasure to meet you, and we thank you again for saving our daughter. I'm Momo's mom, Nejire Yaoyorozu." Nejire said. (Nejire Yaoyorozu: She can manipulate any type of metal, and make anything out of metal. Quirk: Metal bending.)"And I'm Yoroi Yaoyorozu, it's a pleasure to meet you, Izuku Midoriya." Yoroi said as he held out his hand to greet izuku. (Yoroi Yaoyorozu: He can make anything, not metal based out of his own body fat. Quirk: Creation.) Izuku greeted his hand. "Yes. It is a pleasure to meet you too." Izuku said as he shook Yoroi's hand, and then Nejire's. "Thank you for having me to dinner." Izuku said before he did a slight bow. 'He has manners, that's good.' Nejire and Yoroi thought.

They then walked into the dining room. They had talked a bit before the chef came into the room. "Your food will come now, sir." he said to Yoroi before the kitchen door was opened. Out came row after row of food. Everything from fish food, to taco. Izuku was surprised at how much food that they were supposed to eat. "That's a lot of food." he said. "Yeah, maybe you knew that Momo's quirk works so that she has to eat very much, the same goes for us." Yoroi said. "Oh, that makes sense." Izuku said. They started to eat. "So Izuku, are you Momo's friend or something more than a friend?" Nejire asked. "Mom!" Momo said. "Why even ask something like that?" "Oh darling, don't think we haven't noticed. You have been talking about Izuku so much the last days. Saving you twice, and being such a strong and true hero." Nejire said. Momo blushed, and tried to think of something to say back, but couldn't find the words. Izuku was blushing too. Both of them remained silent, and Nejire and Yoroi smirked at each other. "Izuku, you must be very strong, to be able to save Momo, and possibly all your classmates, against a threat that was supposed to be able to kill All Might." Yoroi changed the topic. "I don't remember much about that. I think I had just been beaten to the ground, and I was going to give up, but then I saw the monster was about to kill Momo, and my body just moved on its own. It was like I teleported from one place to another while picking up Momo. I just couldn't let a classmate, and good friend get killed, while I just stood and watched." Izuku replied. "That must have felt very heroic, then. Being able to save Momo like that." Nejire said. "Yeah, it did." Izuku said as he looked at Momo with dreamy eyes.

After Izuku had been there for a while and was full, he said his goodbyes to Momo's parents and thanked them for having him to dinner. "I'll walk you to the gate." Momo said. Izuku agreed, but when Momo turned around, she saw her parents winking at her. She looked at them angrily, and turned to Izuku again, and walked him to the gate. "This was fun." Izuku said. "Yeah, it was. Maybe next time we can eat at your place?" Momo replied. "Sure." Izuku said, before turning around and walked to the limousine. He felt Momo drag his jacket and he turned around. He looked at her, and she looked down at the ground. He lifted her head and leaned closer to her. They both blushed before they both leaned closer. Their lips met each other, and they just stood there. Their eyes closed, but they felt like they were floating. Electricity and water started to randomly flow around Izuku, and Momo randomly made small items. They had to separate, for air, but they quickly met again. The kiss felt so hot, warm, relaxing. Momo placed her hands around Izuku's neck, and Izuku's hands went around Momo's waist. They stood like that a few minutes before Izuku went out of the kiss. "T-That was... t-that felt... good." he managed to say. Both their faces were red like tomatoes. "Y-Yeah. W-Well... I'll see y-you at school." she said, looking away from Izuku. "Y-Yeah..." Izuku said, before turning around, and walking into the limousine. He waved her goodbye, and she waved back. Then the limousine drove away. 'That was incredible!' Izuku thought. 'I didn't expect my first kiss to go to him.' Momo thought. But deep down, they were both happy, they had done it. Izuku clenched his heart and looked out the window. He was thinking about Momo.

(End of chapter)

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