The festival

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The next morning Izuku woke up and thought of him and Momo last night. He blushed, but shrugged it off, as he took a quick shower. He then got dressed and ate breakfast. On the way to school, he met Bakugou (off course). "You seem to be in a good mood," Bakugou said. "Yeah. Life really is amazing." Izuku said. "So, what happened to make you so happy?" Bakugou asked. Izuku blushed. Bakugou knew Izuku would never lie to him, so he asked that question. "I... um... I kissed someone," Izuku said. Bakugou looked surprised. "Wow, congrats bro. So who was it?" Bakugou said. "I-It... um... it was M-Momo," He whispered. "Sorry, can you repeat that? I didn't hear it," Bakugou said. "It was Momo," Izuku said. Bakugou was even more surprised. They kept walking, and the whole way Izuku was happy jumping and running around like a child.

At school, Izuku and Momo were shyer against each other. They had stuttered much more than usual. Izuku and Momo had trouble just talking to each other without blushing, and their conversations had gone much slower than usual. "Hey, Toru. The reps have been shyer towards each other today." Mina said. "Yeah, I've also noticed that," Toru replied. (Toru Hagakure: She is invisible. She can't turn of her invisibility. Quirk: Invisibility.) "I'm gonna ask Momo in our lunch break," Mina said. "Mina, Toru, stop that chitt chatt," Aizawa said. "Yes, sir," The two girls replied.

It was lunch break, and mina and Toru walked up to Momo. "Hey, Momo? Why have you and Izuku been avoiding each other lately?" The two girls asked. Momo blushed and replied, "I-I don't know w-what you're talking a-about." Momo tried to play it cool, but it was obvious that she was hiding something. Mina and Toru immediately understood the situation, and smirked at each other, before looking at Momo again. "So... what did you do?" Mina asked. "W-We didn't do a-anything," Momo replied. "Ah, come on Momo. Tell us," Toru insisted. "O-Okay," Momo responded in defeat. "After he saved me and you guys from the villains that attacked us, my parents were eager to meet him. So... when he woke up after the fight, they made me invite him to dinner. It went well, but when he was about to leave, I dragged his jacket. He looked back at me in confusion, and then he just leaned closer to me, and kissed me. And we kissed for about five minutes before he left." Mina and Toru looked at Momo in amazement. 'I can't believe Izuku made the first move.' Mina and Toru thought. "I understand. That was a first for both of you, right?" Mina asked. "Yeah... I think so." Momo said. "That explains it. You probably don't know what to do now, do you?" Toru said. "No," Momo replied. "Just wait it out. I'm sure he's going to ask you on a date," Mina said. Momo blushed like a tomato and walked away. "We have to ask the guys to help us," Mina said to Toru. "And I know just the right two to help us," Toru replied. Then they thought the same thing 'Bakugou and Kirishima.' The two girls had told Tsuyu and Jiro about the situation and were on their way to Bakugou and Kirishima.

"Bakugou, Kirishima, we have to talk to you," Jiro said. (Kyoka Jiro: She has earphone threads hanging from her ears. If she plugs them into her boots, she can end out loud sound waves in a specific direction. And if she plugs her ears into walls or other materials, she can hear what other people are talking about in another room. Quirk: Earphone Jack.) "If this is about Izuku, then I already know what you want," Bakugou replied. The girls looked surprised. "You have to make him take the next move. Momo is too shy," Toru said. "Yeah, yeah I'll talk to him," Bakugou said.

Bakugou found Izuku outside, eating alone. "Hey, Izuku!" He shouted. Izuku looked up "Oh, hey Bakugou. Why are you here?" Izuku asked. "Why do you think? I am obviously here to tell you that you have to ask Momo on a date," Bakugou said. "But... I can't. I don't have much money, and I'm definitely not a charmer," Izuku replied. This made Bakugou angry. "Izuku, listen to me. If you want Momo to be yours you have to be with her and make her want you more. The festival is coming up. I heard they are going to put up stands, and that it's going to be fireworks. It's going to be very cheap, but good, food, and it is this weekend. That's good timing," Bakugou said. Izuku thought of those words as inspiring. He stood up. "You know what? I'm going to ask Momo if she wants to come with me to the festival," Izuku said. He then started running to find Momo. "Thank you Bakugou!" He shouted back to Bakugou. Bakugou smirked. "Don't mess this up," He said to no one in particular.

Eventually Izuku found Momo under a tree. "Momo!" He shouted to her. She looked up and saw Izuku running towards her. He stopped in front of her. "Momo. Would you like to go on a date with me to the festival this weekend?" Izuku asked. She blushed. "Yes, I would gladly go to the festival with you," she said. Izuku then sat down beside her, and they started to talk for a while. Mina, Jiro, and Toru were spying on them around a corner of the school. "I don't know what Bakugou said, but he must have said something inspiring, for Izuku to actually ask her out," Mina said. "They look so happy... so cute. I'm happy they are together," Jiro said. "Let's celebrate! For them!" Toru said, jumping a normal girly jump.

~Time Skip-

They heard the school bell ring as school was over. "Okay, that's the bell. Now I have one last thing to say. The UA sports festival is in 2 weeks. You have been granted free time, to train yourselves. Fight hard in the tournament, as it will have an impact on which internship you will be going to. In the internship, you will be able to go to a pro-hero and be their assistant in fighting crime, and you will train with them... There's also a festival this weekend, and I would suggest you go to that festival. You're still young. And this time in life is to have fun. And with nothing more to say, class dismissed." Aizawa announced. After everyone had gotten their stuff, Mina gathered everyone. "We should all go to the festival, together!" She said. Everyone agreed, except Todoroki.

It was the festival, and Izuku had just seen the rest of the class. He was wearing black jeans, and a green t-shirt, with a dark green hoodie over. He went over to them but noticed that Momo wasn't there. "Where is Momo?" he asked. "She went in that direction," Toru said and pointed to her left. Izuku started running in that direction, and he heard Mina shout to him "Go claim her!" Izuku smirked, as he kept running.

After a while, he saw some older guys trying to drag Momo along with them. She obviously refused, but they were stronger so she got taken. Izuku then shot a wave of flames between the guys and Momo. They let go of her, and Momo ran to Izuku and threw herself in his arms. She was holding Izuku tight. The guys mourned in defeat. "Thank you," Momo said. "You seriously need to stop being taken," Izuku said. "I can't do anything about my good looks," Momo replied. "Fair enough," Izuku said. Then he noticed what Momo was wearing. She was wearing a red skirt and a pink top with a light red jacket over. "Wow, you're beautiful," Izuku said. Momo blushed, and so did Izuku. "Do you want to go back to the others?" Momo asked. "No, they'll understand," Izuku answered. They then started to walk around the festival. Izuku bought Momo an apple dipped in syrup, and won her a cute teddy bear toy. He then got a message from Bakugou. "The fireworks are starting soon. You should go to the top of the mountain. The best view is from there." it said. "Hey Momo, how about we go on top of the mountain, to watch the fireworks?" Izuku asked. "Sure, let's go," she replied. They ran up to the mountain, and right as they sat down, the fireworks started. They watched in amazement. Izuku looked at Momo, and Momo looked at Izuku. Izuku put his hand on hers, and Momo blushed. They both leaned closer, and as their lips met a giant firework with every color went off.

The whole of class 1A had just gotten up to the mountain too, and the first thing they saw was Momo and Izuku kissing in front of a giant firework filled with many beautiful colors. Those of the class that already had their phone in their hands immediately took a picture. The class hid behind some bushes.

After a few minutes, Momo and Izuku separated, and the class walked to them. "That was beautiful," Mina said and got the couples attention. "Wait. Did you see us?" Izuku asked. "Every bit of it." the class replied. The two immediately blushed.

They were then dragged away from each other. "Congrats Izuku. Momo's definitely the right girl for you." Kirishima said as he patted Izuku on the back. "Yeah, you really scored there," Sero said. (Hanta Sero: He can shoot tape out of his elbows, so he can never wear any long-sleeved clothing. Quirk: Tape.)

As for Momo, the girls were also congratulating her. "I knew you two would fit together," Toru said. "Ribbit. Midoriya is really sweet. You're lucky Momo. Ribbit." Tsuyu said. "Congratulations," Kendo said. (Itsuka Kendo: She can largen her fists, increasing her strength and reach. Quirk: Large Fists.)

After a while, the students calmed down. They then went back to where they started. Momo and Izuku were holding hands the whole way. When they came to where they met up, the class separated, leaving Momo and Izuku alone. "Well, this was fun. I really hope we can do this again," Momo said. "Me too," Izuku replied. They then kissed one last time.

(end of chapter)

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