Interships (Part 2)

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Last Chapter:

The last thing Izuku did before his fight with Stain was to send his location to someone else.

This Chapter:

In another place:

"Shoto, follow me!" Endeavor said. Shoto obeyed. "We have to save as many people as possible, and minimize damage!" he continued as they then ran down the street towards the biggest explosion. Shoto then felt a buzz in his pocket. He took his phone out of his pocket and looked at what the buzzing was from. He saw that he had gotten the location of a dark alleyway from 'Midoriya!' he thought. Shoto then turned around and ran in the other direction, towards the alleyway. "Shoto! Where are you going? Get back here!" he could hear Endeavor shout after him, but Shoto simply ignored his father.

Back to Izuku:

Izuku threw his phone away from him. Izuku then went into his fighting stance. Stain charged at him with a dagger in his right hand. Right as Stain was about to hit Izuku with the dagger, Izuku made a wall of ice, and since Stain struck with such force, the dagger got stuck in the ice. Izuku then went around the wall and hit Stain in the side with 20% of OFA. Stain crashed into a wall. Izuku ran over to Iida and helped him stand. Izuku put him down next to Native and made an impenetrable dome of ice and earth around them. "Izuku, do-" was the last thing you heard before the dome surrounded them completely. "Was that so smart? Do you really think you can defeat me alone?" Stain asked. "I can try," Izuku said with a smile on his face. 'Come on Shoto. Where are you?' Izuku thought. Stain attacked, and Izuku sent a wave of ice at Stain. Stain jumped over the wave, and took out his blade, before slicing through Izuku's suit on his right upper arm. Izuku had barely dodged Stain's attack. Izuku backed up. Stain charged him once more. Lowering his body and holding his blade low to the ground, Stain sliced at Izuku again. This time slicing a bit of his suit on the leg. Izuku has now barely dodged Stain two times. Izuku sent a wave of flames at Stain. Stain just ran to the side, and then on the walls. Stain then jumped at Izuku on last time, slicing Izuku's left arm. "This is over." Stain said with a crazy look on his face. Stain proceeded to lick the blood on his blade, and Izuku immediately felt an aching pain in his whole body. Izuku fell to the ground, head first. "I'm sorry it had to be like this." Stain said as he lifted his sword above Izuku's chest.

But before Stain could deal the finishing blow, he was hit with a wave of fire. "Izuku, I got your message! What's the situation?" Shoto asked. "Don't let him lick your blood, Shoto," Izuku replied. Shoto nodded, a deep determination in his eyes. "Really? Another one? I seem to be really popular today." Stain said. He then threw a surprise dagger at Shoto. Shoto barely dodged. "A quick one." Stain said before he charged at Shoto. Shoto shot out his fire, making it impossible for Stain to get past. Shoto ran to Izuku and got him out of the crossfire. Fortunately for them, the fire melted the ice dome around Iida and Native. Native was still down, nut Iida could now move. Iida jumped at Stain's back. Stain caught his kick and threw him into the flames. Shoto saw Iida in the flames and retracted them. Iida ran over to Shoto and turned to Stain. "Let me do this. I want revenge." Iida told Shoto. "Don't do this for revenge. Your brother wouldn't want this. And we have an advantage with 2v1." Shoto replied. Iida sighed and nodded. "You still don't have a chance." Stain said as he charged at the two teens. Iida counterattacked, while Shoto sent a wave of ice at Stain. Stain elegantly dodged Iida and went for Shoto instead. Shoto was about to be pierced by Stain's blade, when suddenly, Izuku broke the sword with 10% of OFA. Stain and Shoto were both surprised by the heroism shown by this teenager. Stain jumped back, but also straight into Iida, who managed to kick Stain in the back. Stain fell to the ground coughing up blood and crouching in pain. However, he quickly got up and did a backflip over Iida. "Well, it was fun while it lasted, but I got to go now." Stain said, before turning to Native that was now awake. "I just have to do one thing first!" Stain said before he charged a defenseless Native. Native covered his face with his arms and got ready for the impact. Native opened his eyes slowly, and he saw Izuku standing in front of him, with Stain's knife deep in his stomach.

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