chapter 5

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I heard a knock at the front door. I rushed out of my bathroom and slipped the tests in-between my mattress and bed spring, and jogged down the spiral staircase. Once I reached the door, I pulled it open.

"Oh, hi?" I said, Looking at Jake who stood on my front porch. "Come in." I stepped to the side giving him room to walk in. I shut the door and we walked through the living room and into the kitchen. He sat down at my kitchen table. "Can we talk?" He asked. "Well, I kinda figured that's why you're here." I sat down across from him. "Kaitlyn, im sorry." Jake repositioned in the chair. "I don't want your sympathy, I don't deserve it. Jake I cheated on you!" I slammed my fist down on the table. "Yeah, but, you had the guts to admit it." He held his head up with his hand. "Okay but you don't have a reason to apologise. I do but, that doesn't mean that I take back what I did even though I should have broken up with you first." I explained. "I-." He started. "I'm gonna go." He stood from the chair. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea." I followed him to the front door and let him out.

I let out a deep breath after closing the door behind him. "What am I gonna do?" I ran my fingers through my hair. "I'm 14!" I thought about telling Payton but, that would definitely ruin his life. And well, his career. 

My mom finally got home from work and I decided she should be the first person I tell. I slowly creeped creeped up to her doorways and leaned on the frame. I knocked on the wall to catch her attention. "Oh hey honey, how was your day?" My mom looked over at me. "Not so great." I lifted off of the door frame and walked into the room. "I have something to tell you." I sat down on her need beside her. "Is something wrong?" She asked. "yeah mom, Im... P-pregnant." I spit it out. Her reaction was not was in was expecting at all. A smile played on her face. "Really?!" She exclaimed. "Aren't you mad?" I asked. "I know I should be, but with your brother moving out, I don't get to see him anymore, or his daughter Raelynn. Your niece, my grand daughter. It would be nice to have another grandchild I could actually see, I mean yeah your 14 but your almost 15 not that it makes a difference." She explains. "Well I guess it's... I don't know." I looked down. "Does Jake know?" She asked. "N-no, and he doesn't need to. It's not his. We broke up." I said. "Well, whose is it?" She questioned. "Payton..." I said. "that tiktok boy?" She squinted her eyes. "Mhm." I admitted. "What?!" I heard a familiar voice come from the hall. I looked over to see Kendall standing in the doorway.


Kendall and I were in my room talking things out. "Kaitlyn you have to tell him!" She plopped down next to me on the bed. "I don't wanna ruin his life! I'll just avoid him." I rolled onto my back. Kendall, being the extremely smart and reasonable person she is, replies with. "You aren't the only one who ruined his life, he also ruined his own life. It takes TWO to make a baby. HE got YOU pregnant. You shouldn't be the only one who has to take care of this baby. He is just as responsible for this as to are. Now TELL him." She preaches. "Maybe you're right." I said. "Oh, I AM right." She stood up and put her hand on her hip. "I will tell him. I promise, just not yet. I'll let him be free for a little while longer." I considered. She crossed her arms. "I guess." She rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna go home. It's late, take your shower and get some sleep for school tomorrow. Let me know when you're ready to tell him. Okay?" Kendall said. "Okay Kenny, I love you." I gave her a hug. "I love you to Katie bug." She smiled and left.

I hopped in the shower for about 45 minutes then got out and went to sleep.

The next day

I woke up a few minutes before my alarm clock so I just turned it off and lifted up from my bed. "Ugh. I dont feel like going to school." I groaned.  "Then don't." I heard my mom approaching my room. "really?" I asked. "Yea, but only this once, so don't get used to it." She tightened her robe and walked away. Probably going downstairs. I leaned over and grabbed my phone from my night stand and texted Kendall.

• iMessages•

Me: I'm not going to school. Wanna stay home with me and watch scary movies, romance movies, and eat a whole bunch of snacks?

Ken-doll❤️: Definitely, I'll be there in 15

Me: thanks❤️💛❤️
End of convo

I put my phone down and got out of bed, walking over to my make up stand. I grabbed my ponytail holder from the basket on top and watched myself in the mirror as I twisted my hair into a messy bun. I walked away from the stand and slipped on a pair of house shoes and walked down stairs. "Kendall's gonna be hang out with me." I said in a croggy tone, meeting mom in the kitchen. "Okay, well I need to get ready for work. Have fun with her. " She poured water in the coffee back piece and put the grounded coffee beans into the filter turning on the machine and walking out of the kitchen and going upstairs to get changed. I grabbed a bunch of snacks and headed to the living room to start choosing a movie.

I heard the door knob wiggle then open. "Hey ke-" I paused. Kendall walked through the door but following behind her was Payton and Chase. "KENDALL!" I exclaimed. "What!?" He shrugged. "look at me, I look like the welcome mat at McDonald's." I complained. "Kaitlyn, he doesn't care. Now let's enjoy our day of skipping school." They all walked in and shut the door. We all sat down on the couch and ate tons of snacks and watched a scary movie.

"HOLY SHIT!" Payton jumped up at a pop up in the movie. Everyone chuckled. I snuggled my head underneath his arm. I'm so scared to tell him, but I'm gonna have to.

You're probably thinking. "Kaitlyn is 14 and driving." Well in some countries they let 14 year olds drive. Soo um yeah. Anyways I love you guys.
           Love, Katie.

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