chapter 8

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Re-cap~ He looked back at me then back down at the test.

"No no no no." He faceplalmed himself. His eyes widened and he stepped out of my bed. "A-are you keeping it?" He asked. "I don't know." I let out a breath. "Are you mad at me?" I sat up and leaned against my head board. "No. But, honestly I'm scared." He admitted. "Me too, I think I'm might get an abortion." I said. "What?! No!" He exclaimed. "Because that's killing a baby! Not just any baby, but our  baby."  He shook his. "Yea, but-". "But nothing. Maybe you could put it up for adoption when it's born, But, that's my kid too. And I refuse to let you kill a fetus." He explained. "Alright fine, you're right." I slightly pouted. "I think I should just go home." Payton suggested. "No, please don't leave me here. I-I need you." I looked into Payton's eyes. He seemed upset. I mean, yea I get why. He did just find out that he is about to be a dad at 15.

"Please don't make this a deal breaker." I begged. "It's not a deal breaker." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Then don't leave." I brought my self up to my knees still on my bed. "pwease?" I baby talked him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He gave in and placed his hands on my hips. He smiled then leaned in and gently pecked my lips. "Alright." He laughed. I crawled back over to my spot in bed and so did he. "Thank you." I laid my head on his chest. "You're welcome." He cradled me. And we drifted off to sleep.


I woke up next to Payton, he was so cute. The shirtless boy was sweating all over. His hair stuck to his forehead from all the sweat. I got out of bed and walked to my wall and flipped the switch for the fan. Quickly after, the fan started to spin. Then, I walked over to Paytons side and slowly pulled the cover off of him to give his body air. My eyes dragged down and gazed at his abs. I smiled to myself.

That's all mine

I quietly walked out of the room and tiptoed down the spiral staircase and walked into the kitchen. "Good morning, Kaitlyn." I heard a deep male voice. "Ah!" I jumped turning around. It was my oldest brother Trevor and his girlfriend Bri. Also, she's the mother of his child. Bri had a carseat that held my 7 month old niece inside in her grip. "Oh my God don't that you scared me." I remembered Im only wearing Payton's long shirt and nothing else. My face grew red and I ran over to the table and took a seat, so my brother could only see the top half of me.

"How did you get in anyways?" I asked. "We have an extra key. I would've called but we're in a rush and we need you to watch Raelynn for a couple days, we have to go to Chicago, Bris' aunt is in the hospital." He explained. "I'm gonna go ahead and take her to your room and put all her stuff up." Bri said as she started to walked up the stairs. "And I'm gonna go get her basinet from the car, I'll set it by the couch when I get done then I'm gonna go back to the car and wait for Bri. You can put it in your room when you get a little more woke up." He explained, then walked out of the door.

Trevor came back and sat the basinet by the couch. "Bye love you KK." He said and walked back to his car. I grabbed a glass cup from the cabinet and sat it on the counter.

"Hey Kaitlyn?" Bri walked in and stood beside me by the counter. "Uh, who's the shirtless boy asleep in your bed?" She whispered and made sure Trevor wasn't in hearing distance. "His name is Payton. He's my boyfriend." I slightly smiled and walked to the fridge and grabbed a blue Gatorade and opened the freezer and grabbed the ice tray. I met Bri back at the counter. "Is he the dad?" She asked "W-what are you t-talking about?" I nervously asked. How the hell does she know?!

"Kaitlyn, I seen the tests on your dresser beside your bed." He crossed her arms. I gave in. "Yeah, he's the dad." I slumped over. She gave me a hug. "Congratulations, but you're too young." She pulled away. "Just in case you had any thoughts of not keeping the baby, just know I'm here for you, and if you don't keep him or her then you'll feel guilty for the rest of your life. You made the kid then you take care of it. And also I promise not to tell your brothers. I'll let you decide when you want to tell them." She smiled. "I have to go now." She said and walked out.

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